University Teaching Fellowship Scheme

Application Guide 2013

(Updated February 2016)

This guide aims to provide potential applicants with the necessary information to enable informed decision making on the appropriateness of this development opportunity for their needs. If having familiarised yourself with this document, you would like further information or wish to register for the Scheme please come along to the next Becoming a University Teaching Fellow Workshop – bookings can be made via: and selecting ‘My University’ then ‘DLD Workshops’.

The University Teaching Fellowship Scheme comprises two strands and is open to all members of University staff who exercise a teaching or learning support function. University Associate Teaching Fellow is a recognised award in its own right although some University Associate Teaching Fellows will go forward for the University Teaching Fellowship. See Appendix A for further details.


As a pre-requisite to application for University Associate Teaching Fellowship candidates must first achieve HEA Fellowship status.

As a pre-requisite to application for University Teaching Fellowship candidates must first achieve at least HEA Senior Fellowship status.


Candidates for this scheme must be Teesside University staff and able to demonstrate a positive contribution to enhancing the quality of student learning. Regard will be given to the extent to which the applicant demonstrates a high standard in learning and teaching support by meeting the following criteria:

University Associate Teaching Fellow (UATF): Applicants must be able to demonstrate:

a)A high standard of professional practice in learning teaching and assessment appropriate to their role.

b)A reflective and reasoned approach to teaching and assessment.

c)A familiarity with and explicit use of established and current research and publications on learning and teaching in higher education, both generic and subject-specific, in teaching, curriculum design and assessment.

d)Awareness of, and constructive response to the needs of, individual students in a way which respects their individuality, and thus makes a positive contribution to equality of educational opportunity.

e)Systematic collection and use of feedback from students and others in evaluating and developing teaching.

f)A contribution to the development with colleagues of new approaches to programme design, teaching and assessment practice.

University Teaching Fellow (UTF): The title of University Teaching Fellow is conferred on an individual who has demonstrated a high standard in their own teaching and a substantial, sustained contribution to the development and implementation of the University’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy and to leading, supporting and disseminating innovation and good practice in teaching and learning support.

Therefore in addition to meeting criteria (a) to (f) above, candidates for University Teaching Fellowship must also demonstrate:

g)The ability to lead and support learning and teaching innovation.

h)Experience of disseminating good practice in learning and teaching locally and nationally along with indicators of impact.

Overview of Responsibilities of University Associate Teaching Fellows and University Teaching Fellows

University Associate Teaching Fellow

Soon after initial conferment, University Associate Teaching Fellows will meet with the Dean/Director or Assistant Dean/Director (L&T) to agree the best ways in which he/she can contribute to the learning and teaching agenda of the School or Department and communicate the results of this discussion back to the university lead for Learning and Teaching.

This may include activities such as:

  • Role modelling excellence in learning and teaching practice
  • Acting as mentors to new staff in their School or to staff preparing for recognition as excellent teachers
  • Conducting and contributing to staff development workshops
  • Contributing to the Post-Graduate Certificate of Education in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Subsequently, University Associate Teaching Fellows are expected to meet annually with the University lead for Learning and Teaching or nominated deputy and the relevant Dean/Director or nominated deputy, to review progress and agree priorities for the coming year in line with School/Department and University priorities.

University Teaching Fellow

University Teaching Fellows will, like subject research-based Readers, contribute to the development of excellence across the University as well as in their own School/Department. Specific objectives and priorities will be negotiated annually in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Student Experience), their Director of School/Department, and the Academic Registry Representative to reflect the post holder’s, the School’s and the University’s priorities. This same group will review annually the actual achievements against agreed objectives and priorities.

A University Teaching Fellow will be expected to lead and/or support the development and dissemination of models of good practice in relation to teaching and learning with their School or Department and across the University as a whole as is consistent with the responsibilities of the Principal Lecturer status conferred. Successful applicants will receive a new job description which will involve undertaking negotiated development work, normally including:

At University level, working closely with Academic Registry and colleagues from other Schools to develop, implement and monitor the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy. This activity may include attachment to Academic Registryfor cross university work consisting 0.2 WTE except in circumstances where the Fellow occupies or succeeds to a higher level post.

At School level, contributing to the development and implementation of the School's Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy in collaboration with the School/Department senior management team and School Learning and Teaching Co-ordinators. This may involve promoting and supporting the development of soundly based and innovative approaches to programme design, teaching, learning and assessment, acting as a consultant to programme teams and identifying and helping colleagues to use research and other published data on these topics. This will constitute a further 0.2 WTE except in circumstances where the Fellow occupies or succeeds to a higher level post.

The role of the University Teaching Fellow may also include activities such as:

  • Acting as mentor to new staff in their School or to staff preparing for recognition as excellent teachers
  • Conducting and contributing to educational and staff development workshops
  • Contributing to the Post-Graduate Certificate of Education in Learning and Teaching In Higher Education
  • Developing pedagogic research and scholarly publications

Registration and applicant tracking processes

(Effective from November 2012Updated February 2016)

UTFS application process / Additional information
1 / Applicant information and guidance continuously available electronically to all staff via L&T @Tees
2 / Potential registrants attend UTFS Co-ordinator led expression of interest/UTFS briefing workshop / At least two workshops per year – Nov and May organised by Academic Registry and booked online through usual staff development process.
3 / Potential registrant discussion with relevant AD – statement of readiness and target submission date sent from AD to UTFS Co-ordinator.
4 / Formal registration for UTFS by UTFS Co-ordinator. / Pre-requisites for registration:
  1. Recorded attendance at briefing workshop
  2. Statement of readiness/target submission date from relevant AD(L&T)
  3. Email confirmation of support from relevant Dean/Director

5 / UTFS Co-ordinator completes registration on the Academic Registry UTFS database / Longer term aim is to integrate this with revised HR staff record system.
6 / UTFS Co-ordinator organises mentor: agreed with mentee and UTF mentor / Registrants are able to request a specific/in or out of School UTF as mentor depending on their needs but are made aware not all such requests can be met. In identifying mentors Academic Registry try to maintain a balance of mentorship workload and other TF responsibilities across all TFs.
7 / Annual ‘in-School/Dept.’ progress review
involving the registrant, AD(L&T) and UTFS Co-ordinator to:
  • confirm continuation on the Scheme and target submission date, or
  • withdrawal from UTFS scheme
/ Meetings will be organised and co-ordinated by Academic Registry initially but at the request of the Teaching Fellowship Conferment Committee (TFCC); the aim is to look to how this may be incorporated as part of the usual PDR process in future with the UTFS Co-ordinator notified of outcomes.
8 / UTFS database updated by UTFS Co-ordinator based on outcomes of annual reviews / This will enable a much more robust record to support more effective development and reporting on the scheme to TFCC.

Application Content

Letter of application /
  • To the Chair of the Teaching Fellowship Conferment Committee (TFCC), with your rationale for compiling the application and making the case.

A one page summary of the case being made
Letter of support /
  • This will be supplied to your nominated referees, along with the relevant criteria against which your application will be judged, by the Officer to the TFCC when requesting the reference in support your application.
  • From the Dean of School or Director of Department to the Chair of the Teaching Fellowship Conferment Committee.

Academic curriculum vitae /
  • Standard format with emphasis upon teaching-related experience and development.

Scholarly commentary and supporting evidence
Application for simultaneous HEA Individual Professional Recognition(only available for those who registered prior to November 2013 – later applicants must submit evidence that they are already Fellows of the HEA for ATF, and Senior Fellows if they are applying for TF)
Details of referees /
  • A table of contents should be included, further guidance on general presentation and structure are provided below
  • This should be a critical narrative against the relevant criteria
  • Evidence referred to in the narrative should be provided in support of the application.
  • It is normally expected that applicants will already have Fellowship of the HE Academy to apply for ATF, and Senior Fellowship of the HEA for TF, and evidence of this should be included with the submission. However, it is currently possible for applicants who registered prior to November 2013 to apply for simultaneous Professional Recognition.
  • Applicants who want to take advantage of this option must:
(1)Ensure the narrative and supporting evidence explicitly makes reference to and demonstrates achievement of the relevant UKPSF Descriptor
(2)Include a document mapping the narrative/supporting evidence to the relevant UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning (UKPSF 2011) Descriptor i.e. D1(Associate Fellow HEA) or D2 (Fellow HEA)
  • References will be requested by the Officer to the TFCC using the details supplied in the application
  • The choice of referees is important so choose carefully. The aim is to identify referees with high credibility in Learning and Teaching who are familiar with your work and achievements
  • For UTF one of these must be external to the University and of appropriate standing in Learning and Teaching.


The application will also include confidential Teaching Observation reports from a minimum of two observed teaching sessions undertaken by staff appointed by the Teaching Fellowship Conferment Committee. These will be arranged by the UTFS Co-ordinator at the appropriate point in the preparation of the application in agreement with the TF mentor and the applicant.

General Advice about Compiling Your Case for Conferment

What the Teaching Fellowship application should be /
  • A ‘living’, critically reflective and evaluative document, analysing your journey as an educator and your impact on student learning
  • A personal record of evidence to meet the Associate or University Teaching Fellowship Scheme Criteria
  • Simple and clear, structured and manageable, relevant and evidenced, selective
  • Clearly focused on a specific Learning & Teaching theme to provide coherence whilst also demonstrating broad expert practice
  • Analytical and documenting relevant aspects of teaching practice

Criteria for assessment /
  • These are defined and reviewed periodically by the Teaching Fellowship Conferment Committee.

How to apply and get support
The role of the TF mentor /
  • Attendance at the ‘Becoming a University Teaching Fellow information/preparation workshop where the necessary requirements will be clarified. Book a place via: selecting ‘My University’ then ‘DLD Workshops’
  • Registration for the Scheme will require a ‘statement to readiness’ from the relevant AD(L&T)/Assistant Director and written confirmation of support from your Dean/Director
  • A suitable mentor who will provide relevant support for the application and submission process will be identified by the Officer to the TFCC fromthe group of existing Teaching Fellows
  • It is your responsibility to engage with your mentor
  • Specific submission dates and details are available from your Teaching Fellow mentor or the UTFS Co-ordinator
  • Once registered for the scheme all applicants will undertake an annual review of progress with the relevant AD(L&T) and UTFS Co-ordinator/Officer to TFCC
Meetings with the mentor should be arranged by the ATF/TF applicant in negotiation with the mentor.
In their supporting role for applicants to the Teaching Fellowship scheme, mentors are likely to be involved in the following:
  • Liaising with the Scheme co-ordinator in Academic Registry
  • Meeting with you soon after registering with the scheme to get to know each other and providing guidance on the A/TF application; helping you to identify the focus of the submission e.g. e-learning, first year experience, cross discipline curriculum development etc
  • Negotiating an action plan, complete with targets and deadlines – encouraging you to prepare well in advance.
  • Helping you to recognise suitable existing material that could be used in the application, and to identify possible gaps and/or areas for development in relation to appropriateness and/or sufficiency of evidence.
  • Identifying opportunities for filling those gaps in (i.e. generating) the expected evidence. Facilitating opportunities for relevant L&T experiences via School contacts/processes where possible.
  • Providing ‘pastoral care’; some applicants will need more guidance and support than others in this sometimes long process.
  • Providing guidance on the general structure and quality of presentation required and giving feedback on draft submission.
  • Confirming the target submission date with you.
  • Meeting with you for ‘debriefing’ when the TFCC has officially issued its decision.
N.B. TF mentors have multiple responsibilities therefore you should expect to plan your meetings with them ahead of time and give be reasonable about timing of requests for feedback on draft work etc.
General advice about compiling your application
Structure/content of the commentary and supporting evidence:
General guidance /
  • Include your current teaching philosophy and responsibilities, teaching objectives and wider professional aspirations
  • Collecting and organising the evidence – please note that the types of evidence suggested later in this guide are indicative only. Some will not apply to your case while you will probably have other types of equally valid and relevant evidence which are not listed in the guide
  • The narrative should analyse, evaluate and ‘signpost’ to the supporting evidence.
  • Get feedback on a draft from your mentor and professional colleagues
  • Check your application: Why did you include this example/evidence? What did you actually use it for in your teaching practice? How do you know that it was effective in terms of student learning? How can you demonstrate that it was effective? How has your practice progressed? What have you learned as a result of reflection on your practice?
1)Both should be easily navigable. The following are some suggestions but are by no means an exhaustive list:
  • Include a title and contents/index pages
  • Include a matrix of evidence against the relevant A/TF criteria
  • Use clear section headings/sub-headings - possibly based upon the relevant A/TF criteria
  • Include a key to abbreviations/glossary of terms
  • Include a one page summary of the case made
  • Don’t forget the UKPSF mapping document if your application is for simultaneous recognition as an Associate Fellow/Fellow of HEA
2)The narrative should provide a reasoned case for the award. The following is a sample macro structure:
  • Opening statement – this is a key element of the commentary. It should give the reader a clear picture of your approach to L&T and development as a teacher. This section can be used to provide a brief overview of/signpost to, key examples provided in subsequent sections to illustrate your achievement of the relevant criteria. Although this is not an exhaustive list, it could include the following:
  • Introduction
  • Background/your teaching context
  • Personal learning and teaching objectives
  • Roles and responsibilities – to demonstrate your range of L&T experience/expertise/contribution – you should include a detailed Curriculum Vitae and could make reference to specific elements of this from the commentary text
  • Role progression – i.e. an overview of how you have developed as a teacher and how this will be demonstrated through the following sections/portfolio of evidence
  • Explicit communication of the focus of your application – previous TFs have included: student retention, e-learning, cross disciplinary curriculum development, student/academic mentoring, supporting academic literacy – these are examples and by no means an exhaustive list
  • How you engage with the UKPSF
  • Main part of the commentary
  • This should comprise a relevant number of central sections/chapters e.g. one for each fellowship criteria
  • Consider using sub-headings within each section/chapter where appropriate e.g. a sub-section each on 2-3 modules/programmes/activities from your practice to evidence the ‘High standard of classroom practice.....’ criteria (A/TF)
  • Ensure a scholarly approach is demonstrated by using L&T theory, policy and other relevant literature to support the commentary text, balanced with practical examples from your L&T practice
  • Concluding statement – summarising your case for the award.
  • Reference list
  • Appendices – these can include for example, referee details, CV, general testimonies that are not specific to one area of your practice etc.
A high standard of presentation effectively
demonstrates one aspectof excellence and
professionalism. The following are examples of
things to consider:
  • This would usually be single side printing and 1.5 line spacing
  • Ensure effective proofreading to eliminate typographical/spelling errors etc
  • Ensure consistency/accurate cross-referencing between the commentary and evidence file
  • There is no specific requirement for binding of the commentary/portfolio but you should ensure each is securely fastened together and labelled
Discuss your ideas for the content of the submission with your mentor. This will vary somewhat from one individual to another but should aim for an effective balance between
breadth and depth. You should aim to identify
perhaps 2-3 modules/activities in each section that can be used to effectively demonstrate your achievement of the A/TF criteria
  • Collect evidence of relevance to the submission as you go along e.g. External Examiner feedback, student evaluation reports, emails, letters etc and store in one place
  • Give yourself plenty of time for the final stages of editing, proofreading and putting the application together.

N.B.The sample structure and contents of each section given below are just examples, the portfolio should be personal in content and style. PLEASE NOTE YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO INCLUDE EXAMPLES OF ALL OF THE MATERIAL LISTED, these are just suggestions or possible examples, please identify your OWN appropriate evidence to support YOUR case.