Topic: lesson3, Measuring to quarter inch Grade Level: 3rd
Desired Results
Established Goal(s)/Target(s)—
Students will be able to measure to the nearest quarter inch.
Students will be able to draw lines to the nearest quarter inch.
Students will be able to identify and utilize correct abbreviations when measuring.
Standard 1:
0306.4.10Use reasonable units of length (i.e. kilometer, meter, centimeter; mile, yard, foot, inch) in estimates and measures.
0306.4.11Know common equivalences for length (1 meter = 100 centimeters, 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches).
0306.4.13Use common abbreviations: km, m, cm, in, ft, yd, mi.
Assessment Objective:
To measure to the nearest quarter inch
Understanding (s):
Students will understand how to measure to the quarter inch using the “quarter inch ruler” Students will understand how to read an inch ruler.
Students will understand how to draw lines to nearest quarter inch using an inch ruler.
Students will understand that each inch is part of a whole that can be divided into equal parts (this lesson will focus on fourths, four equal parts).
Essential Question (s):
How long is an inch?
How do we use a ruler to measure?
Why is it important to know how to use a ruler?
What items do we sometimes need to measure?
What is the abbreviation for inch?
When measuring, how do we position the ruler to get an accurate measurement?
Where is ¼ inch line located on the ruler?
How many equal parts does the 1/4 inch line divide an inch into?
How many quarters equal a dollar? What is another name for ¼?
Assessment Evidence
What is your evidence of Learning:Students’ abilities to measure lines to the nearest quarter inch.
Students’ abilities to draw lines for a specific length.
Students’ abilities to answer questions during whole-group discussion.
Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Students will preview slides 1-19. Slides 1-15 will be a review. Reviewing slides 1-15 will connect the two lessons to increase comprehension. Measurement PowerPoint,The teacher will show students four quarters on the overhead. The teacher will place emphasis on each quarter being ¼ of a dollar. As a result, ¼ is the same as one quarter.
Students will be asked to measure lines to the nearest quarter inch using “quarter inch ruler” (every quarter inch is highlighted in red. It is also highlighted in yellow. The top ruler will be used for measuring).
Students will be asked to draw lines for a specific length using “quarter inch ruler”.
The teacher will observe students as they work to check for comprehension and provided needed assistance.
The teacher will close the lesson by asking “essential questions” to check for comprehension.