Name of In Class Activity: Hidden Heart
Type of modality / Emotion Game, stress or anger management gameType of play / Parallel
Interaction pattern / Extra individual
# of participants required / 1 or more
Equipment/supplies / Paper
Pens or pencils
Thin pieces of ribbon
Small Balloons
Large balloons for each person (not inflated)
Permanent colored markers
Facilities required/environment / Room with flat surface such as table or floor
Precautions / Be cautious while the participants are using scissors. Talking about personal problems, anger issues and stressors can stir up a lot of emotions. Be sure to address any very difficult situations brought up by participant with trained professionals (such as psychologists, psychiatrists. Counselors.) Monitor conversation between participants so that no one feels the burden of having to solve the other person’s challenges.
Task Analysis
1. Pass out one small balloon, piece of ribbon, paper, scissors and a pen or pencil making sure each participant gets one of each.
2. Explain to the participants that the balloon represents their heart and all of the pain, hurt and anger that can be found inside of it.
3. Instruct the participants to carefully cut out small pieces of paper with scissors so it will fit inside the small balloon while it is not blown up.
4. Once successfully cut, tell the participants to write down their hurts and anger with the pen or pencil.
5. Place the small pieces of paper with those angers into the small balloon tying it closed. These papers do not need to be seen by anyone, but the participant writing. (To tie the balloon with ribbon place the balloon on the edge of the table and wrap the ribbon around the balloon from the bottom to top. Crisscross the ribbon and pull one side under the crisscross making a loop. Pull tight then repeat the crisscross and pull one side of the ribbon under the crisscross making a loop. Pull tight)
6. Instruct the participants to then put their "heart" (the smaller deflated balloon) into the larger deflated balloon. Then blow up the large balloon and tie it shut.
7. With the permanent marker have the participants write on the outside of the balloon how they present themselves to others so that nobody can see the things that are hidden on the inside. (e.g, humorous, confident even though on the inside they feel insecure)
8. Gather all participants into a group and discuss what is written on the outside of the balloons. Encourage participants to share at least one thing they have written down on the outside of their balloon. Then ask each person to state if it is a good thing to cover up what is on the inside or if they would like people to know more about what's going on in their life and if so to think of a way that this can happen.
9. After this small discussion, allow each participant to pop the balloon as a symbolic way of getting rid of all the walls and devices that they use to hide their pain.
10. The only thing that should remain is the hearts with the ribbons tied around them. Challenge each participant to find someone to share his or her heart (small balloon) with. They should explain to that person what the balloon represents and why they want to give it to them; they should then let that person untie the ribbon to see what is inside. (If possible have each participant in the next week share there experience sharing those items with that person.)
Activity Analysis
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Sitting/standing
Part of the body required / Upper extremity (arms, hands fingers), legs
Movement / Bending, carrying in the hands, 3-jaw chick grasp, scissor grasp, manipulating, moving around objects, picking up, pulling, putting down objects, reaching, releasing, standing, stretching, turning and twisting hands, walking short distances
Physical / Balance dynamic sitting, balance dynamic standing, bilateral integration, crossing midline, fine muscle coordination, gross muscle coordination, active range of motion: upper extremity, visual motor integration
Cognitive / Arousal/alertness, sustaining attention, divided attention, categorization, concentration, simple decision making, initiation, insight, judgment, short term memory, person orientation, place orientation, time orientation, topographical orientation, simple problem solving, reading, size recognition, shape/ form recognition, sequencing, spatial operations, spelling, time management, writing
Social / Starting sustaining and ending conversation, handling criticism, heterogeneity, homogeneity, interpersonal interactions, maintaining social space, relating with equals, relating with person in authority, relating with subordinates, regulating behavior, relationship forming, self expression, social conduct, social cues, showing respect and warmth, showing tolerance
Perception / Auditory function, tactile function, visual function
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, reception of written language, expression of spoken language, expression of written language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy (express feelings to others and those others are understanding), guilt, fear, anger, frustration (if struggle to complete the project e.g., manipulating the pieces into the balloon). As well as frustration, anger, guilt felt as personal situations are discussed and emotions are stirred.
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Have each participant think of one thing to write in the inside and out of the balloon. / Have each participant write more items to put in the balloon and on the outside of the balloon. making it more complex as well as having them write a description of the words on a separate piece of paper of how those words relate to them.
Physically / Have the participants complete the activity while sitting. / Have the participants walk around the room to find if others have (or close to) the same words written on the outside of the balloon.
Socially / Do not have the group discussion and just complete the activity with participants popping the balloons and encouraging them to share their angers/feelings with someone close to them. / Have participants in pairs of 2 or groups of 3 and have them discuss amongst each other (if comfortable) what they wrote on the balloon and why.