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Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 4456A


Note: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this document.

Note: Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.

Note: Additions are indicated by underline and deletions are indicated by strikethrough.


To enable the sensor/actuator network to utilize a consistent data time-stamping format and to leverage factory time synchronization and clock parameters by proposing additions, modifications and/or deletions to the following standard:

  • SEMI E54.1-1106R, Standard for Sensor/Actuator Network Common Device Model


The proposals in this document represent a change to the following documents that may have an impact on current


  • SEMI E54.1


This section contains the lines item(s) for this ballot. The following is a summary list of line item(s) contained in

this document.

  • Line item – E54.1 – Updates for Time Synchronization

The results of this ballot will be discussed at the next I&C committee meeting on April 10, 2008 in conjunction with the NA Spring 2008 Standards Meetings in Dallas, Texas.

SEMI Draft Document 4456A


1 Line Item — E54.1 — Consistent time stamping format for time parameters

1.1 Background

The SEMI I&CC Time Synchronization working group is pursuing standardizing methods and structures for time synchronization throughout the factory. As part of this effort common data types for representation of “time” have been defined. The working group has noted inconsistencies in this representation among existing standards. This line item ballot to E54 will rectify inconsistencies between the SEMI E148 standard and the current E54, without invalidating current implementations.

What is the problem being solved?

This ballot will propose line item changes to E54:

* Addition of a time reporting attribute with the common format.

* Indication that this attribute value shall equal the value of the existing time attribute in E54 implementations.

* Minor adjustments to E54 to support the above changes.

What is the history of this issue and ballot?

 This is a new line item.

Who will this effect? How? Why?

 Device makers, suppliers and implementers will need to ensure the time stamp formats are consistent with new industry requirements.

Is this a change to an existing solution, or, is it a new activity?

 This is a new activity.

Revision Control

This revision control records activity within the task force as well as formal submit and resubmit dates and results per SEMI. Entries have been made by the task force.

Date / Version / Name / Edits
17 May 2007 / 1.0 / Ya-Shian Li, James Moyne / First Draft
04 Sep 2007 / 1.1 / Ya-Shian Li / Revised Date Format
07 Feb 2008 / 1.2 / Ya-Shian Li / Revised Date Format, Additional Attributes for Timestamping

1.2 Proposals

For E54.1 Sensor/Actuator Network for the Common Device Model, the following changes are proposed:

1.2.1 Proposal to add reference to SEMI E148 in section 4.1 for additional description of the timestamp format being added to E54.


4.1 SEMI Standards

SEMI E30 – Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E39 – Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services


4.1 SEMI Standards

SEMI E30 – Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E39 – Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services

SEMI E148 – Specification for Time Synchronization and Definition of the TS-Clock Object

1.2.2 Proposal to add the new attributes for recording timestamps to section 7.3.2 Table 4. The follow modifications are proposed:


Attribute Name / Attribute Identifier / Access Network / Required / Form
Last Calibration Date / SacA1 / RW / No / date
Next Calibration Date / SacA2 / RW / No / date
Expiration Timer / SacA3 / RW / No / signed integer
Expiration Warning Enable / SacA4 / RW / No / Boolean
Run Hours / SacA5 / R / No / unsigned integer
Reserved / SacA7-SacA64 / — / — / Reserved for future expansion.


Attribute Name / Attribute Identifier / Access Network / Required / Form
Last Calibration Date / SacA1 / RW / No / date
Next Calibration Date / SacA2 / RW / No / date
Expiration Timer / SacA3 / RW / No / signed integer
Expiration Warning Enable / SacA4 / RW / No / Boolean
Run Hours / SacA5 / R / No / unsigned integer
Last Calibration Timestamp / SacA6 / RW / No / Date and Time
Next Calibration Timestamp / SacA7 / RW / No / Date and Time
Data Timestamp / SacA8 / RW / No / Date and Time
Reserved / SacA79-SacA64 / — / — / Reserved for future expansion.

1.2.3 Proposal to add additional attribute descriptions. The attributes include Last Calibration Timestamp, Next Calibration Timestamp, and Data Timestamp in sections through The following modifications are proposed: Last Calibration Timestamp (Optional) – An attribute which identifies the date and time the device was last calibrated. The attribute is formatted as a Date and Time type defined in Section Next Calibration Timestamp (Optional) – An attribute which identifies the date and time the device is scheduled for the next calibration. The attribute is formatted as a Date and Time type defined in Section Data Timestamp (Optional) – An attribute which identifies the time at which the data value was generated. The attribute is formatted as a Date and Time type defined in Section

Change current section to

1.2.4 Proposal to add a date timestamp format consistent with the SEMI E148 timestamp format for table in section Date and Time type.


Date and
Time Type / Date and Time
Structure / Semantics
0 [default] / Struct of:
UINT / {Standard Time and Date} (6 bytes)
Number of milliseconds since midnight
Number of days since 01 January, 1972
1 / Struct of:
INT / {Standard Time and Date with Offset}(8 bytes)
Number of milliseconds since midnight
Number of days since 01 January, 1972
Number of minutes displacement from the Greenwich Meridian
2 / Struct of:
LINT / {Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)}(8 bytes)
Number of 100 nanoseconds since 15 October, 1582, 00:00:00
3 / Struct of:
INT / {Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)}(8 bytes)
Number of 100 nanoseconds since 15 October, 1582, 00:00:00
Number of minutes displacement from the Greenwich Meridian
4 - 63 / Reserved
64 – 127 / Specific device model definitions as required
128 - 255 / Manufacturer required as specified


Date and
Time Type / Date and Time
Structure / Semantics
0 [default] / Struct of:
UINT / {Standard Time and Date} (6 bytes)
Number of milliseconds since midnight
Number of days since 01 January, 1972
1 / Struct of:
INT / {Standard Time and Date with Offset}(8 bytes)
Number of milliseconds since midnight
Number of days since 01 January, 1972
Number of minutes displacement from the Greenwich Meridian
2 / Struct of:
LINT / {Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)}(8 bytes)
Number of 100 nanoseconds since 15 October, 1582, 00:00:00
3 / Struct of:
INT / {Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)}(8 bytes)
Number of 100 nanoseconds since 15 October, 1582, 00:00:00
Number of minutes displacement from the Greenwich Meridian
4 / Text / {Extended Time Format} (32 bytes)
YYYY = Year 0000 to 9999
MM = Month 01 to 12
DD = Day 01 to 31
T = special separator T
hh = Hour 00 to 23
mm = Minute 00 to 59
ss = Second 00 to 59
s = one to six digits representing a fraction of a second
TZD = time zone designator
(TZD is denoted by ‘+hh:mm’, ‘-hh:mm’ or‘Z’)
1985-04-12T10:15:30.0Z (UTC)
1985-04-12T11:15:30.0+01:00(local time with offset from UTC)
45 - 63 / Reserved
64 – 127 / Specific device model definitions as required
128 - 255 / Manufacturer required as specified

1.2.5 Proposal to add Description of the new time format:

Add the following description to to explain the new Extended Time Format (Type 4). The Extended Time Format (Type 4) is consistent with the timestamp format for E148. The format is a text string of 32 bytes, which can represent both local and UTC time. For local time, the timestamp’s TZD denotes the hours and minutes from UTC. The TZD is represented by the character ‘Z’ to indicate UTC time.

NOTICE: SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the standard(s) set forth herein for any particular application. The determination of the suitability of the standard(s) is solely the responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to refer to manufacturer’s instructions, product labels, product data sheets, and other relevant literature respecting any materials or equipment mentioned herein. These standards are subject to change without notice.

By publication of this standard, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights or copyrights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of any such patent rights or copyrights, and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely their own responsibility.

This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited.

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