Kite Runner

Background Assignment

This assignment is designed to help you teach yourself the political and cultural issues that form the background of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. Working in small groups, you will slowly construct a graphic organizer in response to a series of photographs and readings. You will, ultimately, work together to gather, organize and record new information as well as answer any questions you may have.


Step One – Mystery Photo

Each group has been assigned ONE of the pictures below. Individually, reflect on your group’s assigned picture and write about the picture using a journal format. You should include a guess as to what is happening in the picture in this journal entry and any other pertinent information you can. (Create a word document entitled “Background Assignment” and place in your Kite Runner folder).

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Step Two – Group Reflection / Begin Concept Map

  • Each of you will share your thoughts on your picture. Together you will begin the concept map-graphic organizer in response to the Mystery Photo.

Step Three -Provocative Text

  • As you read each of the assigned selections, record your thoughts and questions using the comment function. Be sure to also indicate any new information and words that are unfamiliar.
  • Once completed, share new knowledge with group members and include this on the concept map / graphic organizer.

Groups 1, 2 & 3 will read “Afghanistan” by Zaheda Ghani AND one other selection.

Groups 4, 5, & 6 will read “The Secret Kite” by Deborah Ellis AND a one other selection.

“Afghanistian”by Zaheda Ghani

“From Behind the Veil”, a short story (see me)

“For the Women of Afghanistan”, a poem by Sheema Kalbasi

“The Secret Kite”, a short story by Deborah Ellis

Step Four Expert Text

  • Each member of the group will read ONE of the articles below. (Everyone chooses a different article). Be sure to record your thoughts and questions using the comment function. Also indicate any new information and words that are unfamiliar.
  • Once completed, share new knowledge with group members and include this on the concept map / graphic organizer.

An African-American Speaks, an editorial by Tamby Dhu’l Nun Ayyoub im Ansary

Afghanistan: The Route to Riches

“Backyard Terrorism”

“The Plight of Afghan Women”

Step Five – Present your Graphic Organizer