Back to the Future: Literacy after the Strategy

With the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) in the SOUTH WEST

It’s a very long way to anywhere in the South West, except to some of the finest surf beaches, the most glorious moorland countryside, and the home of the cream tea. Now that’s all well and good, but it’s not often that one of the world’s leading thinkers about literacy pays a visit. Well, hold onto your hats, because your very own professional subject association for English – that’s NATE for short – has arranged for Professor Gunther Kress to do just that.

Interested in what’s happening to young people’s literacy in the new media age? Wondering what that big M word – multimodality – is up to in the English curriculum? Got a niggling feeling there must be other ways of looking at children’s spelling than just right/wrong? On these topics, and other issues of what literacy means for young people now, and how that might impact on the work we do as English teachers, in whatever phase we teach, Professor Gunther Kress has written eloquently and extensively.

Of course, you might already have read some of his books, in which case you will vouch for the clarity of his thinking and the juiciness of his examples. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. Our esteemed colleague and teachers’ friend will lead two sessions, one on early literacy and one on multimodality and the new media age, with plenty of discussion with colleagues. This is an opportunity to engage withideas about literacy that arethoughtful, generous and inclusive, to meet English teaching colleagues from around the region, and step away from the daily hustle for a few hours of intellectual refreshment.


University of Plymouth


Thursday 16th June 2010

What time?

2.00-3.30pm for the afternoon tea session on Early Literacy; 4.00-5.30pm for the sundowner session on Multimodality. With opportunities to meet nice people and pick up freebies throughout the afternoon from 1.30-6.00.

How much?

Free if you book in advance. £10 on the door if there are any places left.

Where can I sign up?

Phone Julie Blake, NATE SW Coordinator, on 0117909 2427 or email

Can’t make it?

(a)forward this to a friend

(b)Email me, say hi, and suggest how else NATE in the South West could be refreshing the parts the Strategy has left somewhat parched