BACK TO THE BASICS - The Ascension of Jesus

Acts 1:9-11


I. By a miraculous door Jesus entered the world; by a miraculous door He departed.

A. Luke began (Luke 1:26-27, 31-33, 34-35).

B. Luke ended (Luke 24:51).

II. The doctrine of the ascension is an important part of the N.T.

A. 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended to the Father.

B. The ascension marked the end of His earthly ministry.

III. But Jesus is coming again!

A. We need to be prepared & ready.



A. David spoke of Jesus' ascension (Psa 68:18, cf. Eph 4:7-10; Psa 110:1, cf. Heb 1:3).

B. Daniel spoke of Jesus' ascension (Dan 7:13-14, cf. Acts 1:9).

C. Jesus spoke of His ascension (John 14:3; 16:7, 16, 28).

D. Luke wrote of Jesus' ascension (Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:9-11, 21-22).

1. Notice the words used by Luke to describe the ascension.

a. "Parted" (Luke 24:51).

b. "Carried up" (Luke 24:52).

c. "Taken up" (Acts 1:9).

d. "Received" (Acts 1:9).

e. "Went up" (Acts 1:10).

2. Notice the effect on the apostles.

a. "Worshiped Him" (Luke 24:52).

b. "Great joy" (Luke 24:52).

c. "Stood gazing" (Acts 1:11).

E. Paul wrote of Jesus' ascension (1 Tim 3:16).

F. Jesus appeared to certain ones after His ascension (Acts 7:56; 9:3-5).


A. He proved His greatness (John 16:28; 5:17).

1. Jesus was greater than Enoch & Elijah - They didn't ascend into heaven.

a. Enoch (Gen 5:24; Heb 11:5).

b. Elijah (2 Ki 2:11; John 1:18; 3:13).

B. He became the King & High Priest (Acts 2:30; 1 Pet 3:22; Eph 1:20-23; Dan 7:13-14; Heb 4:14).

C. He intercedes for us (Rom 8:34; Heb 9:24).

D. He sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:26; 16:7; 16:13).

E. He is our forerunner (Heb 6:19-20; John 14:1-3).


A. It should provide comfort for our hearts (1 Thess 4:13-18).

B. It should motivate us to work for the Lord (1 Cor 15:24-26; 58).

C. It should increase our faith (Luke 24:50-53).

D. It should give us boldness (Heb 4:16).

E. It should encourage us to face & conquer our daily problems.

1. This would is not my home (Phil 3:20-21).

F. It should inspire us to become Christians (Acts 2:38).


I. Jesus' ascension is a part of man's history.

A. But is this truth a part of your life?

1. Is Jesus' ascension a reality to you - do you believe?

2. Do you realize the results of His ascension?

a. He is great.

b. He is the King & High Priest.

c. He intercedes.

d. He sent the Holy Spirit.

e. He is the forerunner.

3. What has been your response?

a. Have you been obedient?

b. Have you been faithful?

c. Have you ignored His greatness?

II. Jesus wants you to ascend into heaven!

A. But you must 1st rise from the waters of baptism.

** If you have any questions or if you would like to become a Christian, please let us know.

Alan C. Cole

26th St. Church of Christ

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