Investment Management
Course 0508 – 9 Weeks
Ms. Purdy:Office Hours:By Appointment Only (Daily 2:15pm-2:45pm and EOP)
Course Description
This course explores the concept of investing and why people invest. It will cover the proper time to start investing, the steps in the investment process, and the main types in investments available to the consumer. The course also covers investment strategies and other aspects of investments.
Units of Study
1.Investing 101 and Basic Financial Concepts
- Stock Basics and Bond Basics
- Mutual Fund Basics and Index Investing
- 401k Plans and SEPs
- Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs
6.P/E Ratioand Brokers & Online Trading
Source: IM Course Syllabus
Class Material
3-Ring Binder
Pen and pencil
Calculator (not your phone)
Flash Drive, Google Drive
Assessment Procedures
Tests: 100 pts each(Cumulative)
Quizzes: 30 pts each
Case Studies/Projects: 40 pts each
Final Exam: 20% of overall grade
Source: IM Course Syllabus
Second Chance Learning:
Request form required
Test Corrections from Previous Assessment
Complete ALL missed Classwork/Homework Assignments
ONLY 2 Per Semester are Eligible
Due within 2 weeks after chapter test
Higher of the 2 tests will be recorded
When absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check the calendar and with me about missed work. All assignments must be completed and submitted prior to the unit test to receive credit.
Guest speakers from a variety of areas in financial services at Merrill Lynch devote their time to speak to the students about the industry and investing for their future.
Every student is involved in a stock market simulation where they compete against me as well as their peers. Awards will be given at the end of the contest.
Classroom Procedures and Policies
There is ABSOLUTELY no eating or drinking in this computer room.
Please show respect to others by following school rules.
Absolutely no cell phones.
No unauthorized use of the computers: no tampering, no e-mailing, no video games.
Bathroom break - one at a time, and not during instruction.
Leave the room the way you found it (or better!).
Do not print in the room unless you are instructed to do so.
Create Quia Account:User Name: ______PW: ______
Source: IM Course Syllabus
Step 1. Go to the Quia website at
Step 2. Click the area labeled Students. When the next page appears, enter your username and password if you already have a Quia account. If you do not have an account, click the link Create my free account. Fill out the form that appears.
Account type = "Student"
Username = your first initial and last name – all lower case
Password = your network password
Your first and last name = Use upper and lower case! Ex: John Smith
Your email address = make sure this is valid to reach Quia or me.
When you are done, press the Create my account button.
Step 3. You should now be in the Student Zone. Type in the class code that your teacher gives you and press the Add class button. Now you're done!
Google Drive Account Setup:Gmail: student PW: ______
Note: I do not check my Gmail account regularly. If you need to reach me by email, use my Pennsbury email address.
Investopedia Stock Simulator:Email: ______ PW: ______
Investment Management Standards
I. Personal Decision Making; Achievement Standard: Use a rational decision-making process as it applies to the roles of citizens, workers, and consumers.
II. Earning a Living: Achievement Standard: Identify various forms of income and analyze factors that affect income as a part of the career decision-making process.
III. Managing Finances and Budgeting: Achievement Standard: Develop and evaluate a spending/savings plan.
IV. Saving and Investing: Achievement Standard: Evaluate savings and investment options to meet short and long-term goals.
V. Buying Goods and Services: Achievement Standard: Apply a decision-making model to maximize consumer satisfaction when buying goods and services.
VI. Banking: Achievement Standard: Evaluate services provided by financial depositinstitutions to transfer funds.
VII. Using Credit: Achievement Standard: Analyze factors that affect the choice of credit, the cost of credit, and the legal aspects of using credit.
VIII. Protecting Against Risk: Achievement Standard: Analyze choices available to consumers for protectionagainst risk and financial loss.
Source: IM Course Syllabus