2014 / 2015 SCHOOL YEAR

Centralia High School will start school September 3, 2014. Centralia school bus routes and times for the 2014/2015 school year will be the same as last year. If route changes are needed prior to the start of school, notification will be made to students who are on record at the transportation office and notice will be in the newspaper. For busing information, call the Transportation Co-op at (360) 330-7628.

CHS Hours 7:55 am - 2:30 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

8:20 am – 2:30 pm (Wednesday)

Students who qualified for free or reduced meals during the 2013/2014 school year will qualify automatically for the first thirty (30) days of school. A new application must be filled out each year. The 2014/2015 application must be turned in by October 14, 2014. Applications will be available in the CHS Counseling Center after the first week of school.


Breakfast will begin being served on the first day of school. The prices are as follows:

Student Breakfast $1.60

Adult Breakfast $2.00

Reduced Breakfast $0.30


Lunches will begin being served on the first day of school. Lunch prices are as follows:

Student $2.75

Adult Lunch $3.50

Reduced Lunch $0.40

Milk Only $0.40

Helpful Phone Numbers

Main Office 330-7605

Athletics/Activities Office 330-7612

Attendance Office 330-7608

Career Center 827-6287

Counseling Office 330-7609

CTAE Office 827-6336

Day Care/Pre-School 827-6340

Preschool 827-6401


Senior Yearbook Pictures

Seniors are reminded to schedule a sitting for their senior color pictures. These sittings need to be scheduled before school starts in the fall and outside regular school hours. All senior pictures must be turned into the yearbook advisor, Mr. Ulrigg, by October 31st, so they may appear in the yearbook. We cannot guarantee senior pictures will be included in the yearbook if they are received after October 31st. You can also find all information on:



Appropriate Dress

CHS students are expected to dress appropriately to ensure a positive learning environment and a safe school community. Centralia High School’s dress code assists students as they prepare for the work place. Clothing should be neat, clean and decent. CHS reserves the right to revise the dress code pending new information on types of clothing, articles, or trademarks that may constitute a disruption to the educational environment or to the safety and well-being of CHS students. IF A STAFF MEMBER DEEMS A PARTICULAR STUDENT’S CLOTHING TO BE DISRUPTIVE TO THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT, THE DRESS CODE POLICY WILL BE ENFORCED.

Specific items of clothing/articles that are prohibited and are not to be worn at school or at school-sponsored events may include:

·  Clothing or articles that promote or display California professional sport team logos. Any clothing or articles with L.A. on them.

·  Any clothing or articles displaying the number 13 or clothing or articles with South Side displayed on them.

·  Bandanas (orange, black and white bandanas are allowed only during Homecoming Week).

·  Students are prohibited from wearing hoods and/or gloves inside of the school building(s).

·  Pants that drag excessively on the ground (this is for student’s safety).

·  Belts must be secured in such a manner that no part of the belt is left hanging.

·  Clothing or articles that promote alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or promote and/or display violence, sexual and/or racist messages, or the Confederate flag.

·  No brief or provocative clothing. Brief/revealing garments such as halter tops, tops with spaghetti straps, tube tops, muscles shirts, tops that show cleavage, bare midriffs, or bare backs are not allowed. Tank tops must not be revealing or provocative.

·  Undergarments, to include camisoles, must be covered by outerwear.

·  Skirts or shorts must be no shorter than 4” above the center of the knee.

·  Pants or shirts with holes that are revealing or provocative are prohibited, (holes in pants must be lower than fingertip length

·  No face paints (except on designated school spirit days).

·  No masks that cover the entire head.

·  No pajamas/robes (except on designated school spirit days).

·  No sunglasses may be worn in building(s)

·  No trench coats may be worn in the building(s).

Open House

Open House has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 2, 2014, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All parents are encouraged to attend.

Coffee With The Principal

Coffee with the Principal will be held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 pm beginning October 6, 2014.
More information will be available at Open House on Monday, September 2nd.

HIV Aids Curriculum

If you wish to review the CHS HIV Aids Curriculum, please contact the school nurse at 330-7605, ext. 6116.

Parent/Teacher Conference Dates - Early Release – 11:40 am

November 18 - 22, 2014

Monday, November 17th 5:00 – 8:00 pm Commons

Tuesday, November 18th 1:00 – 3:00 pm Classrooms

Wednesday, November 19th 5:00 – 8:00 pm Commons

Thursday, November 20th 1:00 – 3:00 pm Classrooms

Friday, November 21st By Appointment Only

Student-Led Conference - Early Release – 11:40 am

March 30 – April 1 - 3, 2015 By Appointment Only

Office Hours

Beginning Monday, August 18th through Tuesday, September 2nd the CHS office hours will be:

Open: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Closed: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm


Senior Honors are awarded to students meeting the following criteria:

·  Valedictorian: The senior that has the highest academic rank based on his/her GPA. He/she delivers the valedictory address (inspiration and farewell) at graduation.

·  Salutatorian: The senior with the second (2nd) highest academic rank based on his/her GPA. He/she delivers the salutation address (welcome) at graduation.

·  Top Ten Honors: CHS honors the top ten scholars of each graduating class. Starting with the Class of 2009, the honor is awarded according to an index consisting of points awarded for GPA, test scores, and challenging coursework. The index consists of:

§  Overall GPA – 60% (includes grades from Centralia College, New Market Skills Center, and high school)

§  HSPE Scores – 15% (5% each of Reading, Math, and Writing)

§  Challenging Coursework – 25% (students may claim a maximum of six (6) Running Start courses to be included as “challenging” coursework)

§  Participation in a minimum of eight (8) activities, sports, or clubs

Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top Ten Honors are determined at the end of the 7th semester. Students with any questions should see their counselor.


August 18 – 21 Open 8:00 am -12:00 pm Closed 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Open 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

August 22 New Student Registration – Hours as Listed Above

August 25 Open – Hours as Listed Above

August 26 New Student Registration – Hours as Listed Above

August 27 & 28 CLOSED ALL DAY

August 29 Open – Hours as Listed Above

Sept. 2 Open – Hours as Listed Above


Student schedules will be available to individually print by students from their Skyward account on the following dates: August 21st Ninth Grade and August 25th 10 – 12 Grades. If trouble occurs while logging into Skyward, please call the counseling center at 360-330-7609 for help beginning August 21st.

Students may view and print their class schedules from Skyward Family Access by using student’s login and password, click on Courses for 2014-15 in the left column, then choose selected on the top tab. You may print your schedule prior to school beginning. If you have questions about your schedule, please contact individual counselors by last name: A-G - Jim Parker, 360-827-6309, , H-O - Matt Whitmire, 360-827-6308, , or P-Z - Deb Everley, 360-827-6273,

Student schedules will be available at Open House on Tuesday, September 2nd or on the first day of school in the commons as you arrive. You may pick up your schedule then, if you have not already printed your schedule.


Any student new to the district or any student not already registered should report to the Centralia High School Counseling Center for registration on Friday, August 22, 2014, or Tuesday, August 26, 2014, between the hours of 8:00 am to 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

The following information is required in order to be enrolled at CHS:

·  An unofficial transcript from the former school if your student is grade 10-12 (not required for students beginning grade 9)

·  Immunization records (complete and up to date)

·  A local Centralia School District living address. You may be asked to provide proof of residency at time of enrollment.

·  If your student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), you must go to Student Support in Chehalis, Washington, first before we can enroll you. You may want to call them at the number provided below to make an appointment first.

·  A parent or guardian to help with the enrollment process.

·  Proof of Washington State History.

·  Former grades and transfer grades, including any guidance/discipline information.

The following information is helpful, but not required:

·  A cumulative portfolio

Additional Information:

·  If participating in athletics, a fee and a completed medical physical is required

·  Once the student is approved for enrollment, the student will visit the correct counselor and plan a course of study.

·  If transportation is necessary, please call 360-330-7628 to arrange bus service.

·  Free and reduced lunch forms are available in the counseling center. Income qualification guidelines are included in the form. If you qualify, please enroll in the free lunch program.

·  Students will be required to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as listed in the student handbook. This includes dress codes, appeals, calendars of school activities, and much more.

·  Lockers, pictures, ASB Cards, and classroom needs can be procured as soon as the student is enrolled.

·  We offer many alternatives to a traditional high school setting, including, Futurus (alternative school) and many others. Please speak with your counselor regarding this.

Special Needs and Circumstances:

·  If your student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), you must go to Student Support in Chehalis,
Washington first before we can enroll you. You may want to call them at the number provided below to make an appointment first.

·  If your student has been in honors, advanced placement, gifted or advanced course work, English Language Learning, or has any other need, please indicate this at the time of enrollment; and we will provide you with the proper services.

·  If you and your student need interpretive language help, please contact us and we can provide services.

Outside CSD Student Information:

Students residing outside of the Centralia School District will be required to fill out district transfer paperwork releasing them from their school district of residence. This paperwork must then be approved by the Centralia School District to complete the approval process. Once the approval process is complete, the student will enroll
with the normal enrollment procedures.

Washington State Transcripts will now show Washington State History as a met/not met graduation requirement.
I will need verification from your middle school of successful completion of a state history. If you have not completed a state history course, please see your counselor for options.

Important Counseling Center Contact Information:

360-330-7609 (phone) 360-330-7616 (fax)

Teresa Morley / Registrar /
Jim Parker / Counselor A-G /
Matt Whitmire / Counselor H-O /
Deb Everley / Counselor P-Z /
Julie Wiseman / Secretary – 360-330-7609 /
Student Support / IEP Services, Special Education / 360-807-7245
Transportation Co-Op / 360-330-7628
Food Services / 360-330-7626
Centralia School District Office / 360-330-7600
Futurus High School James Bowers, Administrator /
(Alternative School) / 360-827-6336 / 360-330-7605 X 6106



Tuesday, September 2nd

All freshmen are required to attend Freshmen First with their Link Crew Leaders. During Freshmen First, freshmen will be given their high school orientation, along with additional information needed for a smooth start to their first year at CHS. After this event, your student will be well versed in life as a freshman at CHS.

Parents may pay for their student’s ASB Card, Annual and Athletic Participation Fee at the conclusion of the Parent Orientation.

Freshmen First 8:55 am to 12:30 pm

Parent Orientation 9:00 am to 12:00 pm – Classitorium

Freshmen Student and Beginning at 12:00 pm

Parent Picnic Lunch Hamburgers, chips, drinks and salad will be provided

Freshman Parent Orientation, Class of 2018

9:00 Welcome and Introductions – Ellen Termine, Assistant Principal/Activities Director

9:05 Josue Lowe – Principal

9:10 Scott Chamberlain – Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

·  CHS Athletics

9:25 Secretaries – Karen Longabaugh, Stasia Habersetzer and June Lee

9:35 Attendance – Ellen Termine and Attendance Secretary, Lynette Whalen

·  Tardy Sweeps

·  Attendance Policy/Procedures (When to contact? Who to contact if you receive an attendance letter? Excused/Unexcused Absences)


·  Closed Campus

9:45 Transportation – Dale Dunham

9:50 Student Safety – Officer Wayne Compton and Jennifer Helm (Lewis County Juvenile Justice)

10:05 Counselors – Deb Everley, Jim Parker, Matt Whitmire, Jessica Boeck

·  Assignments by Alpha

·  Grad Requirements

·  Staffings – What are they, who arranges them and why?

·  Grades on Line – How to access?

10:20 Library/Learning Center – Debi Shultz

·  Text Book Distribution and Collection

10:30 CTE, Futurus HS, NMVSC – James Bowers

10:40 – 10:50 Break

10:50 Student Handbook – Ellen Termine

·  Review with your student – rights, responsibilities, due process

·  Encourage usage for assignment due dates (time management, organization)

·  Cell Phones (How to contact your student during the day, etc.) (Refusal to Comply)

·  Electronic Devices

·  Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (to include cyber issues), HIB Reporting Form