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Office of Articulated Programs

P.O. Box 70303

East Tennessee State University

Johnson City, TN 37614-1701

Phone: (423) 439-4723

FAX: (423) 439-4260



Ph.D. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 1975.

Major: Foods and Nutrition

M.S. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. 1971.

Major: Food Science

B.S. East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. 1969.

Major: Home Economics Education


Tennessee Board of Regents Summer Academy on “Web Based Development”, June, 2000.

Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1986-present - earned 346 hours for the most recent three year period in which 75 hours were required.

ALN online course on “Front Page 2000" from Vanderbilt University, November, 1999.

Certified as a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol trainer by the Protocol School of Washington, March, 1998.


2002 - PresentEast Tennessee State University

P.O. Box 70303

Johnson City, TN 37614-1701

Associate Dean

Office of Articulated Programs

Responsibilities:Serve as ETSU’s Articulation Officer. Negotiate, formalize, and annually update articulation agreements with community colleges. Chair the Transfer Advisory Council and the Articulation Coalition. Maintain an articulation website. Provide data on transfer students. Assist in transfer recruitment. Supervise a full-time assistant.

1996-2002Associate Dean

College of Applied Science & Technology

Responsibilities:Responsible for college curriculum development, accreditation, and the CAST Honors Program. Provided leadership for promoting quality in teaching and learning. Represented the Dean when needed. Continued food science, corporate etiquette, and field study teaching responsibilities.

1997-1998Non-Instructional Assignment from East Tennessee State University

Responsibilities:Fall Semester: At the Pennsylvania State University to develop a supplemental web site for AHSC 1410 Food Selection and Preparation. Spring Semester: Traveling across the United States to interview system wide web administrators concerning administrative issues of web-based instruction. Also attended the Protocol School of Washington to become certified as a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol trainer.

1982-1995Professor and Chair,

Department of Applied Human Sciences

Adjunct Faculty

Department of Surgery

James H. Quillen College of Medicine

Responsibilities: Led a department consisting of approximately 200 undergraduate students, 18 graduate students, and seven full time faculty. Taught Food Selection and Preparation, Food Science, Experimental Foods, Principles of Nutrition, Senior Seminar, Career Management, and Corporate Etiquette. Supervised Field Studies. Advised undergraduate and graduate students. Supervised Master's thesis. Co-advisor, Pre-professional Graduate Section, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Advisor, Student Advisory Committee. Also, involved in scholarship and provide service.

Jan.-Aug. 1995Interim Associate Dean,

College of Applied Science and Technology

Responsibilities: Planned and developed 1995-96 budget. Advocated for resource allocation. Provided oversight for curriculum changes. Led passage the college Honor’s program and recruited first class of students. Handled daily operations.

1993Promoted to Full Professor

1983Promoted to Associate Professor and Chair

1982Tenured and Acting Chair

1976-1979Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State


Wallace Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24061

Position:Assistant Professor

Department of Human Nutrition & Foods

Responsibilities: Full-time (100%) teaching, including Food and People, Meal Management, Food Additives in Modern Society, Diets and Dieting, Behavior Modification Approach to Weight Control, and graduate course, Colloids and Lipids. Advised undergraduate and graduate students. Advisor to Student Member Section, Virginia Home Economics Association.

1973-1975Kansas State University

Justin Hall

Manhattan, KS 65201


Department of Foods and Nutrition

Responsibilities: Part-time teaching of Food Science. Advisor to Foods and Nutrition Graduate Student Organization.

1969-1971The University of Tennessee

Jessie B. Harris Hall

Knoxville, TN 37619

Position:Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Food Science

Responsibilities: Assisted in research projects dealing with elaidinized lipids and phospholipids. Chairman, Graduate Day, 1970.


Brown, A.G. 2000. “Instructors Manual” to accompany McWilliams’ Foods: Experimental Perspectives 4th edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Baker, V.D. and Brown, A.G. 1994. "Videotaped Instruction, Traditional Lecture, and Self-Instruction Compared for Teaching Preventive Cardiac Nutrition." Supplement to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Orlando, FL. (Refereed).

Baker, V.D. and Brown, A.G. 1994. "The Effectiveness of Videotaped Instruction, Traditional Lecture, and Self-Instruction for Preventive Cardiac Nutrition." Vol. 19. Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education. Portland, OR. (Refereed).

Holt, V.L., Kiel, M.L., Brown, A.G., Holmes, J.G., Feathers, K., and Twaddle, S.S. 1993. “The Effects of Nutrition Education with Reinforcement and Parental Involvement on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Kindergarten Students.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association, September Supplement, 93(9):A-15. (Abstract). (Presented at the ADA meeting in Oct., 1993).

Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. (Submitted, 1992). "Dietary Patterns & Health Risk Behaviors of Rural, Urban & Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of Northeast Tennessee". Enlace Universitario, Volume III, Universidad Estatal de Bolivar. (Invited).

Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Dietary Patterns and Health Risk Behaviors of Rural, Urban, and Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of the Southern Appalachian Mountain Region". Proceedings of Sigma Theta Tau. Washington, D.C. (Refereed).

Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Dietary Patterns & Health Risk Behaviors of Rural, Urban & Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of Northeast Tennessee". Proceedings of the Sigma Theta Tau Annual Research Day (pp.14-15). Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. 1991. "Diet, Health, and Health Promotion: Creative Strategies for Developing Sustainable Communities". Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the Community Development Society (p. 11C). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. (Refereed).

Brown, A.G. and Footer, B. 1979. Nutrition Education Resources, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Extension Division, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Taper, L.J. and Brown, A.G. 1979. Nutrition and ExerciseAwareness for Teens. Extension Publication MF-249, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Brown, A.G. and Campbell, A.M. 1972. "Elaidinized lipid in relation to emulsification." Bakers Digest 46(5): 51-52. (Refereed).

Brown, A.G. 1972. "Elaidinized Lipid in Relation to Emulsification". Proceedings of the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers. Richmond, VA. (Refereed).


Brown, A.G. 2001-present Regents Online Degree Program.

WebSite: AHSC 4547 R50+ Corporate Etiquette taught online Fall, 2001, Spring, Summer, Fall 2002, Spring 2003(password protected)

Brown, A.G. 2001. East Tennessee State University.

Web Site:“Corporate Etiquette” taught online Spring, 2001 and 2000

2001: < (password protected)

2000: < (userid and password = success)

Web Site: “Experimental Food Science” taught web enhanced Spring, 2001

(password protected)

Brown, A.G. 2000. East Tennessee State University & the Penn State University

Web Site:“Food Selection and Preparation” taught web enhanced Fall, 2000

< (password protected)

and password = foodweb)

Brown, A.G. 1976-77. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Videotapes: "Nutrition and Natural Sciences"

"Nutrition Research"

"Food Habits"

Slide Tapes: "Carbohydrates"


"Fat-Soluble Vitamins"

"Water-Soluble Vitamins"

"Minerals and Water"

Marable, N.L., Vollmar, E.K. and Brown, A.G. 1975-76. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Videotapes: "Volumeter"

"Warner-Bratzler Shearing Apparatus"

Slide Tapes: "Double-Beam, Double-Pan Balance"

"Polar Planimeter"

Brown, A.G. 1973-75. Kansas State University.

Slide Tapes: "Meat Selection and Identification"

"Muscle Structure"

"Meat Pigments"

"Tenderness of Meat"

"Effect of Heat Treatment on Meat"

"Poultry and Fish"

"Spices and Herbs"

Film Loop: "Using the Warner-Bratzler Shear"



*Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. 1991. "Diet, Health, and Health Promotion: Creative Strategies for Developing Sustainable Communities". Community Development Society International Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. (Refereed) *Presented by Brown.


Brown, A.G. 2000. “Administrative Issues Dealing with New Technologies” as part of the session“The Use of New Technologies in Nutrition Education: Beyond the “How” to Dealingwith the Issues.” Society for Nutrition Education. Charleston, SC. (Invited).

*Baker, V.D. and Brown, A.G. 1994. "Videotaped Instruction, Traditional Lecture, and Self-Instruction Compared for Teaching Preventive Cardiac Nutrition." American Dietetic Association. Orlando, FL. (Refereed). *Oral presentation by Baker.

*Baker, V.D. and Brown, A.G. 1994. "The Effectiveness of Videotaped Instruction, Traditional Lecture, and Self-Instruction for Preventive Cardiac Nutrition." Society for Nutrition Education. Portland, OR. (Refereed). *Poster presentation by Baker.

Brown, A.G. and McClain, N.L. 1994. “Application of MBIT to Communications in the Administrative Structure.” Emerging Administrators in Home Economics. Athens, GA.

*Smith, E. H. and Brown,A.G. 1991. "Dietary Patterns, Health Status and Health Risk Patterns ofRural and Peri-Urban Families: Educating From Reality". National League for Nursing's Biennial Convention, Nashville, TN. (Refereed).

* Poster Presentation based on joint research given by Smith.

Brown, A.G. 1976. "Self-instructional Modules Compared to TraditionalLecture for a Meats Unit in Food Science". American Home Economics Association, Minneapolis, MN. (Refereed).


*Brant, K., Lowe, E., Brown, A.G., Robertson, J. 2002. “Development and Implementation of a Sports Nutrition Program in a Moderate Size NCAA Division I-AA University.” Tennessee Dietetic Association, Nashville, TN.(Refereed).*Poster presentation by


*Turner, M., Lowe, E., Bieber, V., Brown, A.G. 2002. “Effectiveness of Insulin Infusion Managed by Glucommander.” Tennessee Dietetic Association, Nashville, TN. (Refereed). *Poster presentation by Turner.

Brown, A.G. 1999. “Protocol and Etiquette Pre-Conference Workshop.” Tennessee Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and Tennessee Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Pigeon Forge, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1998. “Being Successful as an Extension Professional.” University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Staff Development Conference, Knoxville, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1996. “Are Manners Important Today?” WKPT Radio News, Kingsport, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “Corporate Etiquette.” Sigma Kappa Sorority, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “The Art of Connecting” and “Dining in Corporate America.” United City Gas Regional Meeting, Crossville, TN.

Brown, A.G. and Reeder, E.N. 1994. "Chinese Experience". Tennessee Home Economics Association, Knoxville, TN.

*Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Dietary Patterns and Health Risk Behaviors of Rural, Urban, and Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of the Southern Appalachian Mountain Region". Sigma Theta Tau, Washington, D.C. (Refereed).

*Accepted for presentation; not presented due to lack of travel money.

*Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. 1991. "Dietary Patterns, Health Status and Health Risk Behaviors of Rural and Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of Southern Appalachia". Tennessee Home Economics Association, Jackson, TN. (Refereed).

*Poster presentation given by Brown.

Brown, A.G. 1991. "Student Concerns". Tennessee Administrators of Home Economics, Jackson, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1988. "Professionalism". Carson Newman College Department of Home Economics Spring Banquet, Knoxville, TN and Tennessee Technological University School of Home Economics Home Economics Night, Cookeville, TN.

Brown, A.G. and Davidson, P. 1986. "Certification of Home Economists". Student Member Section, Tennessee Home Economics Association, Cookeville, TN.

Brown, A.G.1985. "New Initiatives Update." Tennessee Home Economics Association, Nashville, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1982. "Vitamin Fads". Southwest Missouri Home Economics Association, Cape Girardeau, MO.

Brown, A.G. 1972. "Elaidinized Lipid in Relation to Emulsification". Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, Richmond, VA. (Refereed).

Brown, A.G. 1970. "Elaidinized Lipid Research". Southeast Regional Conference of College Teachers of Foods and Nutrition, Tuscaloosa, AL. (Refereed).


Brown, A.G. 2001. “Etiquette for Roan Scholars.” Roan Scholars Leadership Program. ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Plus numerous other business etiquette presentations during 2000- present.

Brown, A.G. 2001. “Traveling for International Business.” Kappa Omicron Nu. ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 2001. “Corporate Etiquette Basics.” Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week. ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 2000. “Fight Bac!” First Tennessee Area Agency on Aging, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1999. “History of Applied Human Sciences and Corporate Etiquette.” WETS radio, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1998-2000. “Putting Your Best Food (and Fork) Forward.” Academic Advantage Class, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1998. “Professionalism.” Physical Therapy Class, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1998. “Administrative Issues Relating to Web Based Instruction.” President’s Council, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1998. “Issues in Distance Education: Update from our Roving Internet Reporter.” ELPA 6957, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1996. “Update on Interior Design in Applied Human Sciences.” American Society of Interior Designers, East TN Chapter, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1996. “It’s What You Don’t Say That Counts - Non-Verbal Communication.” Professional Staff Association, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1996. “Applied Human Sciences, Then and Now”. Faculty Woman’s Club, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995-99. “Dining in Corporate America.” ETSU Student Body and General Public. Sponsored by the Career Placement and Internship Office, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “Chinese Life and Culture.” Johnson Co. High School, Mountain City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “Continuous Improvement of Instruction.” ETSU Faculty Senate, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “What’s In It for You?” Cherokee United Methodist Women, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1994. “Business and Professional Etiquette.” Professional Staff Association, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1994. “Dining in Corporate America.” The Chamber of Commerce, Johnson City, Jonesborough, Washington County, TN.

Brown, A.G. 1994. “Social Skills.” American Production & Inventory Control Society, Construction Management Association & Society of Manufacturing Engineers, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.

*Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Can't, Won't or Don't Eat Right: Nutrition in the Elderly". Community Geriatric Resource Specialist Workshop, Johnson City, TN.

*Presented by Smith.

*Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Dietary Patterns & Health Risk Behaviors of Rural, Urban & Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of Northeast Tennessee". Sigma Theta Tau Annual Research Day, Johnson City, TN. *Presented by Smith.

Brown, A.G. and Marchioni, M. October, 1991. "How to Wine and Dine in Corporate America". Home Economics/Career Development Sponsored Campus Program.

Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. May, 1991. "Creative Experiences for Healthy Living". Northeast Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.

*Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. May, 1991. "Presenting the Health Risk Appraisal". American Legion, Johnson City, TN. *Presented by Brown.

Brown, A.G. March, 1991. "Healthy Dining". ETSU Institute for Continued Learning, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. March & May, 1991. "Book Review on Miss Manners Guide for the Turn-of-the-Millennium". ETSU Retirees Association Book Club and Munsey Friends of the Library, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. May, 1990. "Thirty Years of SWVET History". Southwest Virginia East Tennessee Home Economics Association, Abingdon, VA.

Brown, A.G., James, K., and Bristow, F. October, 1989. "Healthful Cooking". East Tennessee Education Association, Johnson City.

Brown, A.G. September, 1989. "A Taste of South America". Upper East Tennessee Nutrition Council, Johnson City, TN.

Brown, A.G. October, 1988. "Home Economics Through the Looking Glass". American Business Women Association, Johnson City, TN.


Brown, A.G. 1997. “Attending the Washington School of Protocol.” Presidential Grant-in-Aid, ETSU. $1,500. Funded.

Brown, A.G. 1997. Supplement to Non-Instructional Assignment. Teaching Learning Center, ETSU. $800. Funded.

Brown, A.G. 1997. “Enhancement of Instructional, Computer, and Multimedia Skills.” Instructional Development Grant, ETSU. $4,250. Funded

Brown, A.G. 1997. “Enhancement of Instructional and Computer Skills.” Non-Instructional Assignment, ETSU. Nine months at half salary. Funded.

Brown, A.G. 1995. “Using Teaching/Learning Styles to Enhance Classroom Instruction”. Instructional Development Grant, ETSU. $2,300. Funded.

Smith, E.H. and Brown, A.G. 1992. "Creating Partnerships to Change Dietary and Health Risk Behaviors". Sigma Theta Tau International. $2,000. Funded.

Brown, A.G. and Smith, E.H. 1990. "Dietary Patterns and the Health Status and Health Risk Behaviors of Rural and Peri-Urban Families in Selected Counties of Southern Appalachia" East Tennessee State University, Research and Development Committee. $2,000. Funded. Schools of Applied Science and Technology and Nursing. $2,000. Funded.

Brown, A.G. and Hernon, J. 1983-84. "Evaluation of Crystallized PET Tray for Microwave and Conventional Use." Tennessee Eastman Corporation. $1825. Funded.

Brown, A.G., Axelson, J., Barton, J.A., Harris, R., and Webb, R. 1978. "A Model for Dissemination of Food and Nutrition Information in a Food Store" The Kroger Company. $71,981. Funded.

Bowen, P.E., Axelson, J. and Brown, A.G. 1979. "Nutrition Education and Training Course." Virginia State Department of Education, VPI&SU. $14,962. Funded.

Olsen, M., Mullis, R., Reid, R., Brown, A.G. and Axelson, J. 1978. "Project for Food Service Management and Nutrition Education in Child Care Centers and School Food Services." Virginia State Department of Education. $187,681. Funded.

Taper, L.J. and Brown, A.G. 1977-78. "A Behavior Modification Approach to Weight Control." Teaching Learning Grant, VPI&SU. $1,079. Funded.

Brown, A.G. 1976-77. "Matching Learning Style to Teaching Method for Improvement of Student Learning." Teaching Learning Grant, VPI&SU. $2,000. Funded.

Marable, N.L., Vollmar, E.K. and Brown, A.G. 1975-76. "Improvement of Student Learning in Laboratory Courses in Human Nutrition and Foods." Teaching Learning Grant, VPI&SU. $1,993. Funded.

Brown, A.G. and Harrison, D.L. 1973-75. "Self-instructional Modules Compared to Traditional Lecture for a Meats Unit in Food Science." Funded.


University (general)

Chair, Transfer Advisory Council, 2002-present

Member, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Leadership Team, 2002-present (Bill Kirkwood, Chair)

Member, Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, 2000-present. (John Quigley, Chair)

Chair, Search Committee for Chair, Department of Communicative Disorders, 2000 (Wilsie Bishop, Dean)

Member, Honors-in-Discipline Committee, 1999-2002 (Jay Boland, Chair)

Member, Search Committee for Clinical Nutrition Position, 1999 (Robert V. Acuff, Chair)

Member, Class Attendance Policy Committee, 1998 (Don Johnson, Chair)

Member, University Honors Advisory Committee, 1997-99 (Rebecca Pyles, Chair)

Liaison, Tennessee Ag in the Classroom, 1997-present

Member, Classroom Scheduling Committee, 1995 (Nancy Dishner, Chair)

Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Critique and Propose Communication of Internal Equity Study of Faculty Salaries, 1995. (Bert C. Bach, Chair)

Member, General Education Advisory Committee, 1994-97. 2002-present. (Bert C. Bach, Chair)

Member, Search Committee for the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1994. (Roy S. Nicks, Chair)

Secretary, SACS Faculty Subcommittee, 1991-92. (Robert Riser, Chair)

Member, School of Applied Science and Technology Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1990-93. (Jim Pleasant, Chair)

Member, Chair Stipend Committee, 1991. (John Ostheimer, Chair)

Member, Institutions Theme Committee, General Education Core, 1990-91. (Mike Everett, Chair)