Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations-2008
Computer Fundamental
Time allowed:Three Hours MM:100
Attempt the objective type question given below.
Each question carries one (1) mark. 1*20=20
- Define Computer
- Give one example for input devices.
- Give one example for out devices.
- Define speed.
- What is permanent memory?
- Give the name of first calculating device.
- Who invented john Napier?
- The computer known as ILLIACIV has……………….. control units.
- ……………... belong to fourth generation of computer.
- The input unit is used to enter data and………….. into a computer.
- …………… is the brain of a computer.
- Define the term hardware.
- COM is a technique to produce output on a …………… media.
- Scanner is widely used in…………….. application.
- What is Full form of HDD?
- Define RAM and ROM?
- What is operating system?
- Name the five languages from 4th generation.
- What are assemblers?
- COBOL is a …………… level language.
Attempt any six questions. All questions carry equal marks. 6*5=30
- Write down the basic characteristics of a computer.
- What are the features of second generation computer?
- Write a short note on fifth generation computer.
- What is motherboard? Write the names of various components of motherboard?
- What is the difference between impact and non-impact printers? Classify the following category of printers as impact (I) or non-impact (N) printers.
- What is difference between a serial and parallel port?
- What is the difference between an interpreter and compiler? Given two examples of each.
- What are software tools? Describe the major categories of software tools with examples.
- What is networking? Differentiate between LAN, WAN and MAN.
- Describe the difference among windows 3.1, Windows 95 and windows 98.
Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks 10*5=50
- Explain with examples the difference between multiprogramming, multiprocessing and multitasking?
- Discuss the major features of commonly used database management packages.
- Discuss the role of various business applications software in computerizing the different departments of a company.
- What do you mean by client/server computing? How does it differ from networking? Describe various advantage
- Which component of a computer is generally called brain of computer with suitable examples?
- Example the directory structure of DOS with examples?
- Discuss the role of programmer and systems analyst in development of software?
- Abacus was invented by
(a) Indian (b) Egyptians (c) Chinese
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations-2008
PC Software
Time allowed:Three Hours MM:100
Attempt all the questions.Each question carries one (1) mark.
- Audio cassettes is similar to
(a) Software (b) Hardware (c) CPU
- For running the computer which software is needed
(a) Application (b) system (c) Customized
3. The software which is developed according to needs of the customers is called
(a) Application Software (b) System Software (d) Customized Software
4. Which type of device is monitor?
(a) Input (b) Output (c) Both
5. Application Software is a
(a) Windows (b) Unix (c) MS-Word
6. System Software is a
(a) Windows 2000 (b) MS-Word (c) MS-Excel
9. Mark-1 was developed by
(a) Indian (b) Charles Babbage (c) German
10. Charles Babbage was an
(a) German (b) Englishman (c) American
11. The first Apple Computer was developed in
(a) 1977 (b) 1976 (c) 1975
12. 1 megabyte is equal to
(a) 1024 kilobytes (b) 1000 kilobytes (c) 1024 kilobytes
13. ROM stands for
(a) Read only memory (b) Random only memory (c) Redundant only memory
14. Which parts of windows are used for enhancing the working under window?
15. Microsoft office 2000 has how many programs.
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5
16. Microsoft Front page 2000 is used for
(a) Web Designing (b) Word Processing (c) Presentation
17. Word for windows is which type of software?
(a) Word Processing (c) Spreadsheets (c) Databases
18. You can see the name of the opened file in
(a) Title Bar (b) Menu Bar (c) Standard Bar
- For saving a file under a new name. You would use the command.
(a) Save (b) Save As (c) New
20. You can also start PowerPoint from.
(a) Start Menu (b) Task Bar (c) Recycle Bin
Section – B
Attempt any six questions. All question carry equal marks 6*5=30
- What is the purpose of BIOS?
- What are the difference between a System Software and a Application Software?
- What are the uses of an Operating System?
- Describe various applications of PC Software.
- What do you understand by the following:
(a) Font Type (b) Font Size (c) Font Style
6. Discuss the Auto Correct feature in word.
7. Briefly discuss:
(a) Word Count Feature (b) Splitting Feature
8. What is a default chart types?
Section –C
Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks 10*5=50
- What are the advantages of previewing a worksheet before printing?
- Differentiate between the following:
(a)Moving text and copying text
(b)Special characters and others characters
(c)Normal and outline view
(d)Paragraph and line break
- Discuss the following chart element
(a)Data Tables
(d)Floating Text
- Differentiate between manual page break and automatic page break in excel.
- Describe the steps involved in adding a mail account.
- What do you understand by working offline in Outlook Express? How is it different from working online?
- What purpose is served by CC and BCC? How are they different?
- Explain. How you can have multiple mail account in Outlook Express.
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examination – 2008
Computer Mathematics
BCAD – 103
Time allowed: Three Hours MM:100
Section – I
Attempt all the questions. Each question carries one (1) mark. 1*20=20
(i,ii,iii) A relation ≤ on a set A is called partial order relation if it is………………..
(iv) AU(B∩C)=……………………….
(v) (AUB)’ = …………………….
(vi) A graph whose vertex and edge set are empty is called ………………. Graph.
(vii)A vertex of degree zero is called …………………
(viii,ix) If graph is said to be ………………… if it connected…………..graph.
(x,xi) If theindividual term of recurrence relation do not contain product of terms the recurrence relation is said to be……………and………………otherwise.
(xii) A………………graph is a graph for which each edge is labeled with numerical value called its weight.
(xiii) A graph without parallel edge and loops is called simple graph. (T/F)
(xiv) A declarative sentence that is either true of false but not both is called a proposition. (T/F)
(xv)A graph which can be drawn in the plane so that its edges do not cross is said to be ………………….
(xvi)A Boolean algebra is ………….. dual.
(xvii)A conditional statement that is true by virtue, if the fact that its hypothesis is false is called true by default. (T/F)
(xviii)The negation of “if p then q” is logically equivalent to “p and not q”. (T/F)
(xix,xx) The symbolic analysis of predicates and quantified statement is called the……….. calculus whereas the symbolic analysis of ordinary compound statement is called …………….. Calculus.
(i)A collection of well- defined objects is called a ………………….
(ii) A∩A’ = …………………..
(iii) AUA’ = …………………..
(iv)A subgroup H of a subgroup K of a Group G is also a subgroup of G. (T/F)
(v) A field is necessarily an integral domain. (T/F)
(vi) A one to one vector space homomorphism is called isomorphism. (T/F)
(vii) Let G be the geometric mean between a & b. Then G×G= ………×………….
(viii) 1+ cot2Ө = …………………….
(ix)If f(x) = f(-x) then f(x) is called an ……………………. Function.
(x,xi) Continuity is ………………….. but not the ……………….. conditions for the derivability of a function at a point.
(xii) d (sec x) = ………………………
(xiii)x + y = ……………………..
a b
_ _
(xiv a. b = ……………………..
(xv)▼(φ+ψ) = …………………
(xvi)∫ x Cosx dx = ………………
(xvii)The order of a differential equation is the order of highest derivable appearing in the equation. (T/F)
(xviii)Two straight lines y = m1x + c1 and y = m2x + c2 are perpendicular
If m1xm2 = ………………………….
(xix,xx)A function which is ……………… in a closed interval is …………….. in that interval.
Section – II
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 6×5=30
1. prove that ∑ degree (Vi) = 2 × no. of edges.
i= 1
- What is bipartite graph?
- Define path and circuit with suitable example.
- Determine the order of the following recurrence relations:
(a)an + an -1= n2
(b)an +1+ an +an -1 = 0
(c)an – an -3 = 5
(d)an –an/2 = 3n + 5
- What do you mean by Boolean algebra?
- Find the number of proper subset of the set of letter of the word UTTAR PRADESH.
- Prove Aφφ
- Draw the circuit representing the Boolean function:
(i) a۸ b (ii) avb (iii) aʌ ( b v c )
1.Prove that if Aand Bthen A= B.
2.What do you mean by equivalence relation? Explain with the help of example.
3.Prove that the intersection of any two normal subgroup of a group is a normal subgroup.
4.If V is finite dimensioned and W is a subspace of V then
Dim v/w = dimV – dimW .
5.Sec θ (Sec θ + Cosec θ ) – Cos θ (Sec θ- Cosec θ) = Sec θ × Cosec θ . Prove it.
6.Find it √1+x - √1-x .
x→0 x
7.Find the differential coefficients of tan -1x and cot -1x w.r.t.
8.Find ∫ __dx_ _.
2x2+ xs+1
Section – III
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 10×5=50
- If a set A contains n element. Then P (A) contains 2n elements. Prove it.
- Discuss different types of mapping with the help of example.
- If A = {1,2,3,4}, B{2,3,5,6}& C = {4,5,6,7}
Then verify that AU(B∩C) = (AUB)∩(AUC)
- Find the graph that has the following adjacency matrix
1 2 1 2
2 0 2 1
1 2 1 0
2 1 0 0
- Solve by characteristic equation method
an – 7an -1+ 10an-2 = 0, a0 = 0 & a1 = 6
- What is principle of duality?
- Solve the recurrence relation using summation method
an –an – 1 = 3 and a 1 = 5
- If B is a Boolean algebra and aε B then B is isomorphic to [0 , a] × [a, 1 ].
- If A = { 1,2,3,4 }, B = { 2,3,5,6} and C = {4,5,6,7}
Then verified that
(a)AU(B∩C) = (AUB) ∩ (AUC)
(b)A∩(BUC) = (A∩B)U(A∩C)
- Prove that set {0,1}forms a field under addition and multiplication.
- Prove that every subspace is kernel of some linear transformation.
- The 5th term of an AP is 11 and its 9th term is 7. Find its 16th term.
- Discuss the different types of mapping with suitable example.
- If a,b,c are in GP. Prove that logan, logbn and logcn are in AP.
- Prove that the three perpendiculars drawn from the vertices of a triangle upon the opposite sides, all meet in a point.
- Evaluate ∫ cos4xdx .
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations – 2008
Principal of Management
BCAD – 104
Time allowed: Three Hours MM:100
Section – 1
Attempt all the questions. Each question carries one (1) mark. 1×20 = 20
- Management has the integration force in all kinds of organized…………….
- The neoclassical can developed as an reaction to the approach. (T/F)
- organization is the edifice of ……………… success.
- The most important variable in direction and control with a maximum weight of ………………
- Organization chart is a …………… Presentation of a firm’s structure.
- Reports are a form of ……………. Communication.
- According to …………… theory of motivation, workers is inherited lazy and passive.
- Organization interests should supersede personal notices is suggested by the principle of ……………..
- The costs of excellence are in the form of ……….. and …………. Costs.
- A paid leave is an example of …………….. Reward.
- Authority refers to
(a)Getting work done
(b)Right to get work done
(c)Being in a managerial position
(d)Sports Authority of India
- Scalar chain refers to
(a)All the managers in a company
(b)Chain of command
(c)Chain of communication
(d)Chain of managers from top to bottom linked step wise.
- Who said “management is what manager does”.
(a) Lories (b) H. Fayol
(c) Elton Mayo (d) Freud
14. Management is ………………..
(a) An Art, (b) A Science
(c) A profession (d) Freud
15. Who is the father of Scientific Management?
(a) H. Fayol (b) F.W Taylor
(c) Koontz (d) Elton Mayo
16. Elaton Mayo is the founder of ………………….
(a) Behavioral science approach to management
(b) Functional approach to management
(c) Science approach to management
(d) None of these
17. A vertical Hierarchy is associated with …………… organization.
(a) Line (b) Line and Staff
(c) Committee (d) Functional
18. Each employee receiving orders from one superior refers to
(a) Unity of command (b) Unity of direction
(c) order (d) Scalar chain
19. Matrix structure of organization aims at
(a) Better control of project (b) Better control of relationship
(c) Liner programme cost (d) none of these
20. vertical organizational chart is also termed as ……………….
(a) Pyramidal chart (b) Top to down chart
(c) Left to right chart (d) both a and b
Section – II
Answer any six questions. All question carry equal marks 6×5 = 30
- Determine management? What are the components of management?
- What do you mean by department ion? Write down the types of departmention.
- What are the types of authority? What are the sources of authority?
- discuss the merits and demerits of decentralization.
- Write the short notes on the contributions of Henry Fayol towards management?
- Distinguish between “Management” and Administration”?
- Explain various steps of decision – making?
- What are the characteristics of an organization?
- What is meant by communication? How communication be made more effective?
Section –III
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 10×5 = 50
- Discuss different steps of planning.
- Define the functional organization? Discuss merits and demerits of functional organization.
- Explain briefly the Maslow’s theory of motivation?
Discuss Hertzberg’s theory of motivation?
- Define the term appraisal .How it is done? Explain the various methods adopted for appraisal.
- What are the principles of decision-making?
- What do you understand by “management by objectives”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of management by objectives?
- Define the term leadership? Discuss the importance of leadership?
- Discuss the essential elements of good – planning. Are there any limitations of planning? If so, how can they be overcome?
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations – 2008
Programming Fundamental
BCAD – 201
Time allowed:Three Hours MM:100
Section – 1
Attempt all the questions.Each question carries one (1) mark.
(i,ii) Problem definition involves identifying …………….. and …………….
(iii) Int data type occupies ……………… memory.
(iv,v) The task of developing programs is called ………………
(vii,viii)The top down design approach is based on the fact that …………. Problems become manageable if they are divided into number of ………….. and simpler task which can be tackled separately.
(ix) Cohesion means strength of relations within the module. (T/F)
(x) Coupling means strength of relation between the modules in a system so that change in one module has limited effect on any other modules. (T/F)
(xi) Machine level language is the ………….. Generation language.
(xii) Fourth generation programming languages concentrate on what to be accomplished rather than how it is to be accomplished. (T/F)
(xiii)……………….. stores the address of another variable.
(xiv)Full form of LISP is ……………………
(xv)The function ftell(fp) returns the current position of the pointer. (T/F)
(xvi)A function is a special kind of subprogram. (T/F)
(xvii)Removing redundant entries help to manage size of decision tables. (T/F)
(xviii)A …………… is a special pointer value that is known not to point anywhere.
(xix)An operand is an entity on which an ………………….. acts.
(xx)The relational operators are used to test …………….. between two values.
Section – II
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 6×5 = 30
- Write an algorithm for determining percentage of marks obtained by a student in an examination.
- What are the basic constructs of structured programming?
- Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of machine language.
- What is the flow chart? Explain with suitable example.
- What do you mean by pointer and NULL pointer?
- Write a pseudo code for the addition of all odd numbers in the range 1 to 10 (i.e. 1+3+5+7+9=25)
- What is the output of the following
Main ()
Int i,j,k;
i = 5;
j = ++ i+5;
printf (“value of i = %d and j = %d.i, j);
k = -- j +2;
printf (“ value of j = % d and k = %d ,j,k);
- Write short notes on any two
(a)Compilation and Interpretation
(b)File Pointer
(c)Pointer and Array
Section – III
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 10×5 = 50
- Describe the advantages of top down and bottom up design.
- What is greedy algorithm?
- What do you mean by structured programming? Mention its advantages also.
- What are decision tables? What are the different types of table entries?
- Discuss about the assignment operator both in Pascal and C.
- Write a program in Pascal and C for arithmetic operation for real number.
- What is string? How do you declare and initialize the string? How will you calculate the length of any string?
- What is file? How will you open and close a file .Explain with the help of C language.
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations – 2008
Operating System
BCAD – 202
Time allowed: Three Hours MM: 100
Section – I
Attempt all the questions. Each question carries one (1) mark. 1×20 = 20
(a)The different operating system are ……………… and …………….
(b)…………… are the programs that make computers operational.
(c)Turn account ‘time’ is generally used for ……………….
(d)Real time system is another form of ………………..
(e)Cooperating processes can communicate in a …………..
(f)Processes that want to communicate must have…………..
(g)A link has same capacity that determines ………………...
(h)A message system is particularly useful in ………………
(i)…………. is a finer obstruction of a process.
(j)Swapping is done by ………………
(k)LWP is a ………………………..
(l)Context switch time is …………………
(m)Memory is one of the central resources required for a …………….
(n)The operating system keeps a ………………..
(o)If process size is independent of page size, we except…………….
(p)The direct access nature of disks allows ……………………..
(q)Linked allocation solves all ………………….
(r)A variant of the linked representation is …………………
(s)Windows 98 operating system was developed by …………….
(t)The hardware of a UNIX system is …………………….
Section – II
Attempt any six questions. All question carry equal marks 6×5 = 30
- What is the main advantage of layered approach to operating system design? Explain.
- What are the requirements for virtual memory architecture?
- What are the benefits of multiprogramming?
- What are the characteristics of real time operating system?
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of segmentation and paging.
- Differentiate between a file and a file system.
- What is formatting a disk?
- Explain the functions of windows?
Section – III
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks 10×5 = 50
- Explain in detail the features of UNIX.
- Describe the functions performed by an Operating system?
- Describe the function of Control Panel.
- What are,
(a) Screen Savers (b) Recycle Bin
5. What is went by a multi-user and multitasking; multithreading operating system.
6. Mention the menu items displayed on click of start button of windows.
7. Explain the process states and their transitions with a diagram.
8. Mention the 32 System services implemented through various system calls.
Bachelor of Computer Application
Annual Examinations – 2008
Programming in C
BCAD – 203
Time allowed : Three Hours MM : 100
Section – I
Attempt all the questions. Each question carries one (1) mark. 1×20 = 20
(i) Integer occupies ………………… bytes of memory.
(ii,iii) \n and \a are used for ……………. and …………….. Respectively.
(iv) Control statements determine the …………. Of control in a program.
(v) The string constant is one dimensional array of character terminated by………….
(vi) ………………. Function is developed by the user at the time of program writing.
(vii) To determine the size of variable in bytes, ……………. Operator is used.
(viii) Variable are data items whose values may …………….. during the execution of the program.