IBSA Blind Football European Qualifier and Division 2Championships

Bacau, Romania, 1- 9 April 2017


For the first time Romania will hold a European Championships Qualifier for the new IBSA Division 2. The location will be in Bacau, Romania, at a new all-purpose sports centre at the TNT Club Sport the15th largest cityin Romania. The city is situated at the foothills of theCarpathian Mountains, and on theBistrița River.

Accommodation will be also at the TNT Club Sport, Bacau, with free access to the fitness gym, swimming pool and sauna. Temperature in this period will be between 12º and 15º maximum. The entry fee from the 1-9th April inclusiveis 540 Euros per person in a twin room; 650 euros for a single room, including the Capitation Fees.

Bacau has an airport – with flights by Blue Air from: Bologna, Brussels, Dublin, London- Luton,Madrid,

Rome-Fiumicino,Turin. Other airports are Iasi – 2.5 hrs away and Bucharest 5 hrs distance.

The closing date to submit entry forms is Friday 24th February 2017.

Please Note:The 2017 IBSA Membership Fee must be paid before any country can participate in this competition. IBSA Membership invoices will be sent out between 16-20 January 2017.
The provisional program is as follows but does depend on the final number of teams participating:

Arrival of Teams / Saturday 1 April
Classification/Training / Sunday 2 April
Technical Meeting / Monday 3 April
Tournament / 4th – 7th April
Semi-Finals /Final / 8th April
Departure / 9th April

From 1st January 2015 all IBSA athletes must be registered on the ISAS database. Therefore, every athlete must have an ISAS Administration System (ISAS) current license number for 2017 and this must be presented in the final entry form which will be due on 24th February2017.For IBSA members who have not used ISAS before or are in need of assistance please contact:

IBSA is offering classification to all athletes in this competition. No athlete will be classified or allowed to participate unless a) he is licensed for 2017 and b) the MDF is uploaded until 24th February 2017. Please note that in 2017, as IBSA is now under EU lawsregarding data protection we have had to change the Eligibility Agreement Form – athlete. This now must be signed by every athlete, countersigned and uploaded to the ISAS databse by the IBSA Member country.

For classification every athlete must have a completed IBSA Medical Diagnosis Form in English signed by a registered optometrist or ophthalmologist uploaded to the ISAS database six weeks before the actual classification on 2nd April 2017. For any questions regarding classification please contact: Sally Wood-Lamont at .

Attached you will find the IBSA Medical Diagnosis form and instructions, plus the new IBSA Eligibility Agreement form. The entry form is also attached and we ask you to complete it fully and send it back by Friday 24th February 2017.