Course Name
/ Code / Semester / Lesson (hour/week) / 3 / IUE Credit / ECTSCredit
(hour/week) / 0
Management Science / BA 250 / 1 / Laboratory
(hour/ week) / 0 / 3 / 6
Course Lecturer / : / Prof. Dr. Semra Tunalı (C-812 / Phone: 4888383/ Email: )
Course Web Site / http:/
Check the course website frequently for class notes, assignments and announcements.
Course Assistant / : / Res. Asst. Muhittin Sağnak (C Block 9th floor – open office) / Phone: 4889870 / )
Course Objective / : / This course aims at teaching a variety of management science methods useful in solving management problems in many areas such as Marketing, Finance, and Production so that the students can gain a quantitative foundation in basic mathematical modeling and problem solving that will be helpful in the higher level courses such as Operations Management and Production Planning and Inventory Control.
Course Learning Outcomes / : / Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
- learn how to apply the systems approach to model a variety of management problems,
- learn basic mathematical optimization models including linear and integer programming for business decision making,
- learn how to solve complex mathematical models by means of computer software.
- learn how to interpret the computer solutions to mathematical optimization models
- have a solid understanding of basic Management Science concepts
Course Content
(Short definition) / : / The main emphasis of the course is how to model a managerial problem using mathematical modeling (Linear programming and Integer programming). Many examples from different application areas are given. Solution techniques for some special problems are discussed.
Week / Subjects / RelatedPreparation / Homework and Due Date
Week 1, 07/07/2015 / Introduction to Modeling / Chapter 1
Week 1, 08/07/2015 / Modeling with Linear Programming / Chapter 2
Week 2, 14/07/2015 / Solving Linear Programming Models / Chapter 3 / HW1, Ch 2, Problems 9 and 38
Week 2, 15/07/2015 / Solving Linear Programming Models / Chapter 4 / HW2, Ch3, Problems 19 and 25
Week 3, 21/07/2015 / MIDTERM EXAM 1
Week 3, 22/07/2015 / Solving Examples of Linear Programming Models / Chapter 4
Week 4, 28/07/2015 / Integer Linear Programming Models / Chapter 5 / HW3, Ch 4, Problems 13 and 35
Week 4, 29/07/2015 / Linear Programming Transportation Models / Chapter 6 / HW4, Ch 5, Problems 14 and 19
Week 5, 04/08/2015 / Shortest Route, Minimal Spanning Tree, and Maximal Flow Problems / Chapter 7 / HW5,Ch 6, Problems 11, 37 and 49
Week 5, 05/08/2015 / MIDTERM EXAM 2
Week 6, 11/08/2015 / Managing Projects with CPM/PERT Models / Chapter 8
Week 6, 12/08/2015 / Decision-Making Models / Chapter 12 / HW6,Ch 8, Problems 10 and 15
Week 7, 18/08/2015 / Decision-Making Models / Chapter 12
Week 7, 19/08/2015 / FINAL EXAM
Course Notes / : / Text Book: Introduction to Management Science. Bernard W. Taylor III, Eleventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.Power points of the text book are used. The class notes will be posted online before the class.
Other Sources / : / Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, Wayne L. Winston, Fourth Edition, Thomson Books.
Exams / : / Students who need to attend the make-up exams for midterms are strictly required to submit a medical report from a state or university hospital to their instructors.
Homework Assignments / 6 / 10
Mid-Terms / 2 / 50
Final / 1 / 30
TOTAL / 100