
Baldock Area Committee

JMP/NHDC Area Committee Match Funded Highway Schemes / Year: 2010/11 /
HCC Unique Ref.
No. / Project/Scheme
Work Area / Lead Officer / Costs / Start Date / Finish
Date / Review of Progress /
Traffic Light / Comments /
HR08152 / Station Road / Lucas Lane, Ashwell Junction Improvements – Design and Consultation only / Roger Flowerday
757800 / £6,000 JMP to fund works / ongoing / ongoing / Green / The JMP have agreed to fund this scheme which includes a waiting restriction and thermoplastic island to address vehicles cutting the corner at this junction. A petition was received requesting elements of a previously discounted scheme be included and the Parish were consulted on this request. Instruction was received from the parish on 10/05/2010 to proceed with the previously agreed solution i.e. thermoplastic island and conservation yellow lining. This scheme is substantially complete the only item outstanding is the laying of the thermoplastic island. We are currently awaiting suitable weather conditions to undertake this work.
Weston Way, Baldock (Feasibility) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost £6600 / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Red / A request was received from Brandles School, the children’s home and the local Day Centre to provide a pedestrian footway between Brandles School and the existing pelican crossing outside Knights Templar School. The cost of undertaking a feasibility study including consultation with the local schools, residents and members to agree a mutually acceptable scheme is £6,600. The Panel discussed the scheme a chose not to award any additional funds, as such the scheme cannot progress at this time. THIS SCHEME IS NOW DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION IN 2011/12
HR08390 / A507 j/w Bygrave Road – Informal pedestrian crossing (Design & Works) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost £21,300 – JMP has agreed to fund £19,300 – CC’s Tony Hunter & Michael Muir have agreed to contribute £750 each from their Locality Budgets. District Councillor Marilyn Kirkland has agreed to contribute £500 from her Ward Councillor budget / Complete / Complete / Green / Scheme is to provide a formalised crossing point for pedestrians wishing to cross Bygrave Road. Existing layout of junction means that visibility for pedestrians crossing the road is difficult and the road is particularly wide. Working within the physical constraints the proposed scheme will provide a new crossing point at the safest location together with a central pedestrian refuge islands located approximately 5m back from North Road. This appears the best overall compromise on visibility and location for users. These works are now complete



Hitchin Area Committee

JMP/NHDC Area Committee Match Funded Highway Schemes / Year: 2010/11 /
HCC Unique Ref.
No. / Project/Scheme
Work Area / Lead Officer / Costs / Start Date / Finish
Date / Review of Progress /
Traffic Light / Comments /
HR07851 / Wratten Road West & Winston Close - Parking Issues / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / cost estimate for the scheme £7,000 JMP resolved to fund (£4000) and £3000) funded by Councillor Derek Ashley from Locality Budget
June 09 / Complete / Complete / Green / Schemes were requested at the Oct 09 JMP. Two Objections received to the Winston Close proposals. The panel met to consider the objections and recommended that the order proceed as advertised. Works complete
HR08488 / Cemetery Road, Hitchin – parking bays (Design and Works) / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / Total cost of scheme £15,500 (Civil’s works only). JMP has agreed to fund £13,500. Ward Councillors from the AC have agreed to fund £2,000 towards the cost of the scheme / Ongoing / Ongoing / Green / Cemetery Road forms part of an area being investigated by NHDC for installation of parking measures to address the commuter parking in the area. However, during the informal consultation stage of the TRO an objection was raised by the Fire Service. To address the objection the proposed solution is to create parking bays by widening into the verge. However this scheme will only be progress if and when NHDC have confirmed they will be proceeding with the wider TRO. Furthermore the JMP is only funding and promoting the physical works associated with constructing the parking bays and not the TRO. Design work now complete and awaiting confirmation of works date.
The widening works are currently programmed for March 2011
HR08490 / Verge Protection – Westmill Road, Hitchin (Works) / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / Total cost of works £2,000. JMP has agreed to fund £1,300. Councillor Billing has agreed to fund £700 towards the cost of the scheme from his ward member budget / Complete / Complete / Green / This site was brought to our attention by Councillor Billing. There is evidence of verge overrun which would benefit from verge protection. Order place and works due to take place on 18 Nov 2010
The scheme detailed above is now complete
HR08519 / SCat 2 – Whitehill Road, Hitchin - between Highbury Road and Passingham Avenue / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / Total cost of works £14,400. JMP agreed to fund (100%) / Ongoing / Ongoing / Green / We had originally identified a section of Whitehill Road between Highbury Road and Passingham Avenue which we had to remove from the SCat 2 programme due to funding. The adjoining section of Hollow Lane is already in the programme. With the funding made available by the JMP it will now be possible to include this section of Whitehill Road
Pirton Road, Hitchin – Vehicle Activated Signs / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / A petition was presented to the JMP concerning speeding along Pirton Road requesting the panel consider funding the installation of two vehicle activated signs.
St John's Road j/w Hitchin Hill and St John’s Road j/w Whitehill Road.- Junction Protection / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Vehicles parking at the entrances to St John's Road causing obstruction. This site would be suitable for junction protection with double yellow lines at the junction.
Redhill Road j/w Nutleigh Grove, Hitchin - Junction Protection / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Nutleigh Grove is accessed off Redhill Road, either side of the access there is a short precinct of shops which are fronted by a lay-by. When these lay-by’s become full vehicles tend to park along Nutleigh Grove right up to the give way line. This parking significantly restricts access into the road and effectively narrows Nutleigh Grove to a single lane. This site would be suitable for junction protection with double yellow lines at the junction.
Willowtree Way and Old Hale Way, Hitchin - Junction Protection / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Advised by Councillor Billing that parking occurs on the junction during school pick up/drop off times.
Old Hale Way, Hitchin – Pedestrian Islands in vicinity of Our Lady’s Primary School / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Feasibility study cost estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011
Cambridge Road, Hitchin – Pedestrian Crossing / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / The indicative cost for installing a signal controlled crossing in this location is £100k / Red / This site has already been identified in the Hitchin UTP ref WM2.1. The HUTP assessed this location and concluded that due to the levels of traffic using this route and instances of excessive speed it is felt that a signalised crossing is the most effective solution.
Verulam Road/Nightingale Road, Hitchin – Pedestrian Crossings / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / A feasibility study cost estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011
Bearton Road (east of j/w Old Hale Way), Hitchin - Parking / Rat running / Speeding / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / A feasibility study cost estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011
Walsworth Road (at the j/w Verulam Road), Hitchin – Review proximity of zebra to junction / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / A feasibility study cost estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011
Vehicle Activated Signs – Old Hale Way, Strathmore Avenue, Bedford Road & St Michaels Road. / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011.
The approximate cost of installing a VAS sign is in the order of £7500 if the site meets all the criteria set out in HCC’s Speed Management Strategy or £15000 if the location doesn’t meet all the criteria in which case the panel will have to on commuted sum for the ongoing maintenance of the sign.
20mph restrictions in Hitchin ( for street names please refer to Appendix C) / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / From the list of roads provided Verulam Road was raised during the consultation phase for the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan and hence will be considered for speed reduction measures as part of the Plan. Feasibility study cost estimates will be provided to Hitchin AC for consideration at its meeting on 8 March 2011
A505 j/w Willow Lane , Hitch – No Right Turn / Roger Flowerday 01438
757800 / TBA / Red / Roxanne Glaud (Programme & Strategy Manager) has secured a grant to progress a trial scheme



Letchworth Area Committee

JMP/NHDC Area Committee Match Funded Highway Schemes / Year: 2010/11 /
HCC Unique Ref.
No. / Project/Scheme
Work Area / Lead Officer / Costs / Start Date / Finish
Date / Review of Progress /
Traffic Light / Comments /
HR08491 / Spring Road, Letchworth – (Cost of Works & TRO) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £15,000. JMP has agreed to fund £10,000. The AC has agreed to contribute £5,000 towards the scheme / Ongoing / Ongoing / Green / Residents were consulted on various options to mitigate the dangerous driving practises. The option favoured by the public and the JMP involves the reduction of on street parking and alternating the parking areas along opposite side of the road to stagger parking. Timber bollards will also be strategically placed to deter vehicles mounting the footway. A TRO will be promoted to reinforce the parking arrangements including restrictions on Parker Close. Objections received to TRO in the process of trying to resolve with the objectors.
The formal consultation phase is now complete and a number of objections have been raised. A meeting is in the process of being organised to consider these objections in line with the panel sanctioned process.
HR08492 / Letchworth Ln / j/w Willian rd – traffic safety / management concerns regarding junction especially visibility (Design & Works) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £23,500. JMP has agreed to fund £20,000. The AC has agreed to contribute £3,500 towards the scheme / Ongoing / Ongoing / Green / The proposed scheme includes removal of the vegetation on the south east side of the junction so the visibility approaching from Willian is more than doubled. The give way line in Letchworth Lane will be moved forward slightly to improve visibility to the south west of the junction. Additionally the existing ‘Junction on Bend’ sign will be removed and replaced with a yellow backed more visible sign further back from the junction.
These works are currently programmed for March 2011
Gaunts Way, Letchworth – Verge Protection and parking restrictions (feasibility) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £13,000. / Ongoing / Ongoing / Red / This site was identified by NHDC as a site that is prone to verge damage, especially at the junctions along the road. It is suggested that a combination of bollards and parking restrictions and localised road widening may be required. The cost of producing a design and undertaking the informal consultation with local residents and members, including informal consultation of a TRO is estimated to cost £13,000. THIS SCHEME IS NOW DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION IN 2011/12
Rushby Mead j/w Rushby Place – Junction Protection / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £5,500 / Red / Rushby Place is located opposite Pixmore Junior School. It appears that vehicles are parking right up to the junction and are obscuring visibility. This site would be suitable for junction protection with double yellow lines at the junction of Rushby Place and Rushby Mead



Royston Area Committee

JMP/NHDC Area Committee Match Funded Highway Schemes / Year: 2010/11 /
HCC Unique Ref.
No. / Project/Scheme
Work Area / Lead Officer / Costs / Start Date / Finish
Date / Review of Progress /
Traffic Light / Comments /
A10 South of Royston – Gateway Feature (Design and Woks) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £4,100. / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Red / Remarking of existing gateway feature. THIS SCHEME IS NOW DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION IN 2011/12
HR08522 / Angel Pavement (Design and Works) / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £3,500. JMP agreed to fund £3,500 / Ongoing / Ongoing / Green / This scheme is being promoted by NHDC with joint funding from an umber of stakeholders. The scheme involves relaying of the paving and provision of street furniture to improve the visual appearance of the area. The panel have agreed to fund £3500 towards the cost of the scheme. These works are currently underway.
A507 Baldock – Radwell – New Footpath / Roger Flowerday
757800 / Total cost of works £10,000. / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Awaiting Confirmation on funding / Red / A number of requests for a new footpath have been received. There is currently a tarmac path up to a point and then it appears to peter out to just a very narrow unmade track Following discussion with our Rights of Way team it is suggested that crushed stone would be the most appropriate material for construction in this semi rural location. THIS SCHEME IS NOW DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION IN 2011/12