BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND ORDER OF SALE OF THE WARREN CIRCUIT COURT, the Master Commissioner working in conjunction with Joe B. Houchens Real Estate and Auction Company, will sell at public auction the real property in the following action on Saturday, November 7, 2015, about the hour of 10 a.m., on the site of the premises located at 5488 Richardsville Rd., Bowling Green, Kentucky. Said property shall be sold to collect the amounts hereinafter set forth, together with interest and the costs of the action, and upon the following terms and conditions (unless otherwise stated).
A. There will be a seven percent (7%) buyer’s premium added to successful bid to determine sale price of real estate. The purchasers will be required to pay ten percent (10%) down the day of sale and post bond on the remainder with the balance due in thirty (30) days. Said bond will bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum upon the unpaid balance from the date of sale until paid in full.
The Master Commissioner will retain a lien on the property sold to secure the sale price. If the purchaser elects to post bond, he/she will be required to provide sufficient surety thereon at the sale. Please contact the Master Commissioner’s Office prior to the sale with questions regarding approved surety at 270-842-0614. Occasionally, additional announcements are published on our webpage at
B. The property is sold subject to the following:
a. State, county, city, and school taxes payable for the entire year of 2015
and all taxes due thereafter
b. Easements, restrictions, and covenants of record.
c. Assessments for public improvements levied against the property.
d. Any facts which an inspection or accurate survey of the property may disclose.
C. The property shall otherwise be sold free and clear of any and all right, title, and interest of all parties to this action and of their liens and encumbrances thereon except such right of redemption as may exist in favor of the United States of America or the defendants.
D. For a more particular description of these properties, reference is made to the file on record at the Warren Circuit Clerk’s Office on the first floor of the Justice Center.
ANGELA CROSS, ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF NANCY CAROL WILLIS, ET AL. VS. SHAWN MCCORKLE; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY, OF NANCY CAROL WILLIS; pending in the Warren Circuit Court, Division No. I, Civil Action No. 15-CI-654, this property is being sold in order to distribute the assets and settle the Estate, plus to collect fees, costs, and expenses.
Parcel #1:
Beginning at a large swamp white oak and a white gum on the banks of the Lost Creek, corner of Hines and Neal survey; thence with R.W. Meredith line to a stone in Jess Douglass’ line; thence with the Jess Douglas line to Sam Clark’s line (a stone); thence with Sam Clark’s line to George Douglas’ corner in Sam Clark’s line; thence with George Douglas’ line to Jim Douglas’ line; thence with Jim Douglas line to the beginning corner, containing 120 acres, more or less.
A. Tract #1 consists of 120 acres, more or less and was conveyed to Kenneth Willis by deed dated 27 December, 1949. See Deed recorded in Deed Book 260, Page 149. Kenneth Willis died on 26 February, 2007 and devised this property to his wife Carline Willis. See Will recorded in Book W65, Page 447. By deed dated 10 April, 2008 and recorded in Deed Book 968, Page 702, Carline Willis conveyed the subject property to Carline Willis and Nancy Carol Willis, or the survivor. Carline Willis died on August 28, 2014 and devised all of her Estate to her daughter, Nancy Carol Willis. See Will recorded in Book W81, Page 901. Nancy Carol Willis died intestate on November 27, 2014, and at the time of her death was the owner of the subject property. All documents referred to are recorded in the Warren County Court Clerk’s Office.
Parcel #2:
Beginning at a stake between the lands of Kenneth Willis and Willie Basham in the Bratcher line, running thence with the line between the Willis and Basham property N 32 ½ W(E) 237 poles to a stake; thence to the left S 82 W 146 poles to a stone in Arch Douglas line; thence S 30 W 222 poles to the point on Woodbury Road; thence S 64 E 35 1/5 poles to a stake; thence N 29 ½ E 14 poles to a stake; thence S 68 E 71 2/5 poles to the point of beginning; containing 130 acres, more or less.
THERE IS EXCEPTED FROM THE ABOVE described property, that certain property conveyed by Kenneth Willis and Carline Willis to Laymon Willis and wife, Mary Willis by deed dated March 11, 1968 and recorded in Deed Book 378, page 95 and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the corner of Hampton-Milam running thence with his line S 30 deg. W 222 poles to a road; thence to the left S 64 deg. E 9 2/3 poles; thence to the left N 30 deg. W 71 poles to a stake; thence to the right S 63 deg. 45 minutes E 38 poles to a stake; thence to the left N 28 deg. 45 minutes E 75 poles to a stake; thence to the right N 84 deg. E 74 1/3 poles to Willy Basham; thence to the left and with Willy Basham N 32 ½ deg. W 82 poles; thence to the left S 82 deg. W 146 poles to the beginning. Containing 60 acres more or less.
B. Tract #2 consists of 130 acres more or less with an exception of 60 acres, more or less. Kenneth Willis and Carline Willis or the survivor held title by reason of the Deed dated January 18, 1960 and recorded in Deed Book 312, Page 689. Kenneth Willis died February 26, 2007 and devised this property to his wife Carline Willis. See Will recorded in Book W65, Page 447. By deed dated 10 April, 2008 and recorded in Deed Book 968, Page 698, Carline Willis conveyed the subject property to Carline Willis and Nancy Carol Willis, or the survivor. Carline Willis died on August 28, 2014 and devised all of her Estate to her daughter, Nancy Carol Willis. See Will recorded in Book W81, Page 901. Nancy Carol Willis died intestate on November 27, 2014, and at the time of her death was the owner of the subject property. All documents referred to are recorded in the Warren County Court Clerk’s Office.
Tract I
Beginning at a stone on the North edge of Highway No. 263 running from
Richardsville to Riverside; Thence in a Northern direction about 77 yards to
a stone in Clark’s line; Thence with Clark’s line in an Eastern direction about
118 yards to a stone corner to Henry Bratcher’s land; Thence with said Bratcher’s
line in a Southern direction about 91 yards to a stone on the North edge of Highway No. 263 and another corner to said Bratcher’s land; Thence with line of said Highway in a Western direction about 93 yards to the beginning containing two acres more or less.
Tract II
Beginning at the Morgantown and Glasgow Road; Thence North 65 East 25 ½ poles to a stone; Thence North 64 ½ East 20 poles to a stone; Thence South 31 ½ East to a stone; Thence South 64̊ 30’ West to a corner in the original land; Thence North 31 ½ West 71 poles to a stone; Thence South 64 West 14 to a planted stone; Thence North 18 ½ West 20 poles, this is the beginning of this measured parcel of land containing 12 acres, more or less.
There is excepted from the above described property the following:
Beginning at a stake in the southwest right of way line of the Richardsville-Riverside Road, corner to Kenneth Willis land; thence in a southwesterly direction with the line of Willis 204 feet, more or less to a stake, corner to Raymond Hopper; thence to the right with a line of Hopper land in a northwesterly direction 202 feet, more or less to a stake, another corner of Hopper; thence to the right with another Hopper line in a northerly direction242 feet, more or less, to a stake in the right of way line of the above named Road; thence to the right in a southwesterly direction with the right of way line of said road 287 feet, more or less to the point of beginning.
And being the same property conveyed to Marie Hazel by Deed dated February 25, 1969, and recorded in Deed Book 385, Page 60 in the Warren County Court
Clerk’s Office.
Tract III
Another tract on the Morgantown-Glasgow Road and across the Highway from the 12 acre tract and bounded on the West by the Clark land, now Kenneth Willis; on the North by lands of Kenneth Willis; on the East by lands of Kenneth Willis; on the South by the Morgantown-Glasgow Road, containing 2 acres, more or less.
And being the same property conveyed to Nancy Carol Willis by Carl Kenneth
Willis and wife, Carline D. Willis by Deed dated July 22, 2003, and recorded
in Deed Book 864, Page 798 in the Warren County Court Clerk’s Office.
W. Currie Milliken, Attorney for The Estate of Nancy Carol Willis
For more information, including open house times, please contact Joe Houchens at Joe B. Houchens Real Estate and Auction Company at 270-781-8013.
This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was this _____ day of ______2015, placed in the U.S. Mail addressed to the following:
Hon. W. Currie Milliken1039 College St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Shawn McCorkle
1304 North Walnut St.
Muncie, IN 47303