Adoption/Rehoming Questionnaire
Name (in full)Address
Dog Details
Name of dog you are interested in
Would you prefer: / Dog / Bitch / No preferenceAge range you would consider
Why are you considering offering a home to a rescue dog?
Household Details
Property Type
Property status
Other (please state)
If rented, do you have the landlord’s permission to keep dogs? / Yes / No
Garden type –
* we cannot home a dog if a property does not have a secure garden with direct access from the home.
Communal Garden / Right of way through garden
Type of boundaries, please state lowest height of fencing
Please give details of garden security in place to prevent dog theft
Will the dog be left outside unsupervised when you are out? / Yes, with access to the house via dogflapYes, left outside
No, always left secure inside
Where would the dog be left, when alone, including at night
Please list your working hours Monday to Friday to include travelling time stating how many hours the dog will be left alone for during the day?
* we do not usually home dogs to full time workers as most of our dogs and especially dogs from Spain, do not cope well with being left alone.
Family Structure
Number of adults living in the houseAges
Number of children living in the houseAges
Visiting children
Do you regularly have children visit your home or stay over? Please give full details including ages
Sedentary / Active / Child orientated / Dog orientatedHome exit management (please tick all that apply)
Live on main A road / Live near main A roadPorch door as secondary exit / Front garden and gate secure
Use side or back gate to property / Front door opens straight on to street
Your Experience and Other Family Pets
Have you kept a dog before? / Yes / NoDetails
Have you kept a rescue dog before? / Yes / NoDetails
What happened to previous dogs?
What breeds do you have experience with?
Do you currently own dog(s) / Yes / NoHow many? / Sex?
Are your current dogs neutered?
Do you have other animals at home? / Yes / NoPlease give details
Are your other animals used to dogs?
/ Yes / NoAre they in regular contact with dogs? / Yes / No
If you already have a vet, please give their details
Vet’s name
Telephone №
If necessary, can we contact your vet? / Yes / No
Training and Behavioural Matters
Have you ever had a dog with issues before? / Yes / NoWould you take the dog to training classes? / Yes / No / If necessary
How much time per day are you willing to spend on training and exercising a dog?
Apart from being a pet or companion, are you considering a dog for (please tick all that apply)
Obedience / Working trialsOther (please specify
What kind of circumstances would make you feel that you would have to return the dog to DogWatchUK?
Please provide any other information you feel relevant to your adoption application
Are ALL family members happy for a dog to become part of your family? / Yes / NoFinally, where did you hear about Dog Watch UK?
Once completed, please e-mail the form back to us
You will need to save it on your computer, fill it in and send it by email as an attachment. It will not save if you fill it in on line.