Our Ref RJ/CP31 March 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Once again it is the time of year that my attention turns towards the Young Carers Festival, and who can believe it has been a whole 12 months already. This letter seems to have become my annual newsletter to you all, so this year will be no different! The young carers group here at Oaklands continues to be a hugely successful and vital part of the school, offering support to the most remarkable of our students. This year we are extremely grateful to Mr Jeffrey Dugan who has kindly ran the Rome Marathon to raise funds for the group, something we are extremely grateful for. Our annual Christmas trip to Winchester for festive ice skating and pizza was a huge success and, as ever, served as a useful rehearsal for organising this next young carers trip. I am currently looking into the possibility of holding a day here at school for our young carers and their families, and I hope to have further news of this soon.
The Young Carers Festival 26-28 June 2015
The festival will be held once again at Fairthorne Manor, on the weekend of 26 – 28 June 2015. As always, the trademark attractions of the Young Carers Festival; silent discos, abseiling walls, the excellent YCFM radio station, and, of course, camping beneath the stars, will help make the weekend an unforgettable experience. More information about this year’s festival can be found at a website I urge you all to take a look at.
This trip is available to all our young carers and the total cost of the trip is £15.00
This will cover the cost of the ticket, which includes the hiring of a tent for the weekend and three meals a day, and transport to the festival and back. Nearer the time I will issue further guidance, including a kit list and details for our return to school on the Sunday afternoon.
As this trip is deemed to be an enhancement to the curriculum, the school normally is unable to offer financial assistance and therefore the full cost of the activity must be borne by yourselves.
Payments and accompanying paperwork must be handed in on or before the deadline date outlined to avoid jeopardising your child’s place on the trip. Should your child withdraw from the activity, please be aware that deposits are non-refundable and any further payments can only be refunded if the place can be filled by another student on a waiting list, or if the withdrawal is for an insurable reason. If there are significant changes to the cost of the trip, these may have to be passed on to the student. Be assured that we will try to keep such costs to a minimum.
I sincerely hope that all of our young carers who wish to attend the festival this year can join us for what is sure to be another wonderful weekend. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at Oaklands.
We would advise that students do not to take valuables out on school activities, however, should they be taken parents should ensure personal possessions are adequately insured.
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about their child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager
If your son/daughter wishes to attend please return the permission slip along with full payment, by Tuesday 21st April 2015.
Yours sincerely
Mr R Jones
Inclusions Manager
The Young Carers Festival 28th June 2015
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for
Name…………………………………………………………… Form……………………
I enclose payment of £
I have paid online
Parental signature: …….…………………………………………….. Date: ………………