
B.Sci., 2006/07, (Dalian University, China);

M.Sci., 2009/07, (Xiangtan University, China);

PhD, 2014/11, (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain).


Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast University, China, 2015/03-Current

Research Fellow, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, 2014/12-2015/02

Visiting Researcher, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, 2010/10-2011/10

Research Interests:

ü  PIBM for Various Fluid-Particle Interaction Problems.

ü  Numerical Simulation of Particle-Laden Turbulent Duct Flows using DNS-DEM.

ü  Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow based on LBM-DEM.

ü  Numerical Study on Heat Transfer between Solid Particles and Fluid.

ü  Computational Granular Media Mechanics Research based on GPU-DEM.

ü  Numerical Simulation of Fresh Concrete based on DEM.

Research Publication and Contribution:

Total of 30 refereed journal/conference papers.

List of the nine most significant relevant publications since 2012

1.  H. Zhang, A. Yu, W. Zhong, Y. Tan. (2015). “A combined TLBM-IBM-DEM scheme for simulating isothermal particulate flow in fluid.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 91: 178-189.

2.  H. Zhang, F.X. Trias, A. Gorobets, Y. Tan, A. Oliva. (2015). “Direct numerical simulation of a fully developed turbulent flow in a square duct up to Reτ=1200.” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 54: 258-267.

3.  H. Zhang, F.X. Trias, A. Oliva, D. Yang, Y. Tan, Y. Sheng. (2015). “PIBM: Particulate immersed boundary method for fluid-particle interaction problems.” Powder Technology. 272: 1-13.

4.  H. Zhang, F.X. Trias, A. Gorobets, A. Oliva, D. Yang, Y. Tan, Y. Sheng. (2015). “Effect of collisions on the particle behavior in a turbulent square duct flow.” Powder Technology. 269: 320-336.

5.  X. Yue, H. Zhang, C. Ke, C. Luo, S. Shu, Y. Tan, C. Feng. (2015). “A GPU-based DEM code and its application in die filling.” Computers & Fluids. 110: 235-244.

6.  Y. Tan, R. Deng, Y. Feng, H. Zhang, S. Jiang. (2015). “Numerical Study of Concrete Mixing Transport Process and Mixing Mechanism of Truck Mixer.” Engineering Computations, 32.4: 1041-1065.

7.  H. Zhang, Y. Tan, S. Shu, X. Niu, F.X. Trias, D. Yang, H. Li, Y. Sheng. (2014). “Numerical investigation on the role of discrete element method in combined LBM-IBM-DEM modeling.” Computers & Fluids, 94: 37-48.

8.  H. Zhang, Y. Tan, D. Yang, F.X. Trias, S. Jiang, Y. Sheng. (2012). “Numerical investigation of the location of maximum erosive wear damage in elbow: effect of slurry velocity, bend orientation and angle of elbow.” Powder Technology. 217: 467-476.

9.  Y. Tan, H. Zhang, D. Yang, S Jiang, J Song, Y Sheng. (2012). “Numerical simulation of concrete pumping process and investigation of wear mechanism of the pipe wall.” Tribology International, 46: 137-144.

Financial Assistance:


1. Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. 1501001A).

2. The FI-AGAUR Doctorate Scholarship Secretariad’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund.

3. Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation for Postgraduate (No. CX2010B263).


1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 50675185).

2. The Program of New Century Excellent Talents (NCET: 06-0708).



School of Energy and Environment,

Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China.

Phone: +86 15150502463
