1. a) Describe the traditional African understanding of creation
ü African communities acknowledge that God is the creatorof everything.
ü Africans believed that God established human customs and laws of nature
ü Africans believe that God brings into being and sustains whatever He creates through active involvement.
ü African myths of origin, proverbs and folk tales shows that Africans believed in God as their sole creator.
ü Africans use titles in reference to God that portray their understanding of God as their creator.
ü Most African communities believe that God created the environment and gave them the land they occupy.
ü African communities believe that God continue to create through human kind in form of child bearing.
b) Identify ways in which people take care of God’s creation
ü By carrying out projects that aim at protecting the environment.
ü By avoiding deforestation that leads to desertification.
ü By supporting environmental programmes.
ü By using good farming methods.
ü By condemning the exploitation of the environment by greedy people.
ü By conserving soil and wildlife.
c) State the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors in the African Traditional community. (8 marks)
ü They show respect to the ancestors
ü They address the ancestors by proper names and titles
ü They pour libation to them
ü They offer sacrifices and give them offerings to appease them.
ü They obey their command and wishes
ü They named their children after them
ü They build shrines for them
ü They prayed to God through them
ü They invite them to social functions
ü They teach their children about the ancestors
ü They consult them through divines and medicine persons
ü They praise them through songs
2 a)Outline the background to the call of Abraham
ü Abraham was called Abram before God changed his name.
ü He lived in the city of Ur with his father, Terah who was an Amorite.
ü Abrahamhad two brothers Nahor and Haran.
ü Haran was the father of Lotand he died in Ur.
ü Abraham married Sarai whose name was later changed to Sarah. she was barren for a long time.
ü Nahor married milcah, the daughter of Haran.
ü Terah left Ur with his son Abraham, his grandson lot and his daughter in law Sarah.
ü They settled in a place called Haran.
b)causes of sin
ü Disobedience to the will of God(Adam and eve)
ü Temptations by satan (Adam and eve)
ü Desire for knowledge or pleasure.
ü Desire for worldly glory or pride (building the tower of Babel)
ü Jealousy, rivarly and violence (Cain)
ü Anger (Cain)
c) How a Christian facing difficulties can be encouraged from the life of Abraham
ü Should learn not to doubt God but always remember that God is there and fulfills Promises
ü Being prepared to face very difficult situations
ü Learning to be patient and wait upon God’s promise
ü Continue having faith in God even in tough / difficult circumstances of life
ü Being alert – and listening to what God is saying
ü Being ready to give everything and work for God as prove of their faith.
ü Responding to God through complete obedience
ü Faith in Jesus gives power to overcome all temptations.
3. a) State Seven reasons against Kingship in Israel (6mks)
ü Asking of a King was a rejection of God as their unseen King
ü The King will introduce forced labour
ü They King will grab their land
ü They would loose their indentity as covenant people
ü Their daughter will be made house maides
ü The King will impose heavy tax to the people
ü God will reject them as his people
ü It would be hard to replace oppressive ruler in a hereditary system
b) Outline Seven achievements of Kin Solomon (7mks)
b) Outline Seven achievements of Kin Solomon (7mks)
ü He ruled Israel with great wisdom from God
ü He composed many wise saying and provider
ü He contracted the Temple for the worship of God
ü He improved the economy of Israel by promoting trade.
ü He had a great administrative skills
ü He made Israel a strong Kingdom by creating a large army.
ü He modernized Israel by building new cities
c) Relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to the Christians today.
ü Church leaders should be firm and courageously condemn all forms of social injustices.
ü Christians should remain faithful to God even when faced with challenges, trial and temptations.
ü Christians should be prayerful have faith and patience.
ü Christians should defend / advocate for the rights of the poor and disadvantaged.
ü Christians should obey God commandments to avoid judgement.
ü Christians should condemn and avoid idolatry.
ü Christians should not bear false witness.
ü Christians should be ready to perform the tasks given to them by God, however difficult it can be.
ü Christians should preach and invite people to repentance / its their duty to call other to repentance.
ü Christians should realize that all authority comes from God.
ü Christians should be ready to suffer rejection and opposition in teaching and preaching justice.
ü They should strive to lead exemplary righteous lives free of corruption and righteous.
4. (a) Methods used by old testament prophets to pass on their message.
ü Through sermons / public speeches
ü By performing miracles
ü Through symbolic actions / demonstrations.
ü Using personal experiences / family life situation
ü Writing letters to their audience
ü Through songs
ü Through dialogue with the audience
b) Teachings of prophet Amos on judgement and punishment
ü God is a just judge
ü God judges people by looking into their hearts
ü Divine judgment would befall the people of Israel as a group
ü God would excute His judgment by means of political / historical events
ü God’s judgment is unavoidable / inevitable
ü Divine judgement would be in the form of natural disasters
ü The purpose of God’s judgement is to correct the sinners
ü God’s judgement is universal
ü Suffering is not necessarly a punishment from God
ü God’s judgement is real / God would use other nations as his tool of punishment.
7 x 1 = 7mks
(c) How the rich exploit the poor today in the society
ü Grabbing their land
ü Under payment in cases casual jobs done
ü Failure to pay them at all their dues
ü Sexual exploitation
ü Overcharging on certain commodities
ü Human trafficking in foreign countries
ü Child labour
ü Poor working conditions
1 x 5 = 5mks
· Jeremiah is often referred to as the ‘suffering prophet’ because he underwent a lot of suffering.
· His people’s rejection of his prophecies about God’s impending punishment distressed him.
· He was disturbed by the fact that the wicked and faithless prospered yet God did not kill them.
· He was cursed and hated by everyone and he despaired. He was afraid, angry, hurt and sorry for himself.
· He was laughed at and mocked when his prophecies had not been fulfilled.
· He was humiliated, beaten and put in the stocks for a whole night. He cried and complained about mistreatment.
· His relatives and friends in AnaThoth plotted to kill him.
· He was accused of siding with the Babylonians and he was beaten and imprisoned.
· He was thrown into a cistern to die for prophesying that whoever stayed in the city would die.
· He was arrested and threatened with death by the priests and prophets in the temple. They accused him of being a traitor.
b) Explain Five roles of elders in the traditional African Communities. (5mks)
ü They settled disputes
ü They were custodian of community property
ü Preceded over the sharing of inheritance
ü Provided guidance and counseling to the members of the community
ü They stipulated the rules and regulations to be followed( maintained law and order)
ü They protected the customs of the community
c) Ways in which leaders of nations misuse their positions today:
- Taxing citizens heavily.
- Practicing tribalism.
- Grabbing fertile pieces of land from their subjects.
- Harassing religious leaders.
- Murdering their political opponents.
- Suppresing weaker nations.
- Imposing his religion (Islam) to all citizens.
- Detaining people without trial.
- Misusing public funds.
6. a) Give seven reasons why initiations is practiced in traditional African communities(7 marks)
ü The initiate gains a new status in life/moves from childhood to adulthood
ü After initiation a person acquires new rights and privileges
ü Initiates receive special education from their sponsors i.e how to behave as adults, warriors, future husbands and parents
ü Initiation ceremonies bring families, relatives and friends together/help in strengthening kinship ties
ü They are occasions for prayers to God for the well-being of the initiates and prosperity of the whole community
ü Initiation rites help structuring the community through age sets or groups
ü It’s a sign of courage and bravery. In some communities, the practice helps to identify the warriors
ü The pain endured during initiation prepares the initiates to the difficulties and the challenges of the adult life
7x1=7 marks
b) Identify seven changes that have taken place in initiation rites today.
ü The rites are less elaborate.
ü Some initiation rites have been abandoned e.g. removal of teeth.
ü Times for initiation have been shifted due to formal schooling.
ü The age for initiation has been shifted from adolescent to young children.
ü Many prefer to go to hospital for circumcision.
ü It is carried out at family level not command in most cases.
ü Female circumcision has been outlawed.
ü Some communities have adopted initiation rites from others.7x1=7mrks
c) How are the youth prepared for adult life in the church in Kenya today?
ü They are assigned duties to perform.
ü They are taught adult roles.
ü They are given guiding and counseling
ü Some are appointed to leadership positions.
ü Those who go against Christian teachings are punished.
ü They are helped to identify marriage partners.
ü They’re baptized hence recognized
ü They form social group to promote social skills.7x1=7mrks