#1) A. 25 % of population unemployed

B. high tariffs strangled international trade

C. farmers moved west

D. many families were separated

#2) A. Jacob Riis

B. Ida Tarbell

C. Booker T. Washington

D. George Washington Carver

#3) A. The Lost Generation

B. The Baby Boom

C. Generation X

D. The Patriots

#4) A. building of the Berlin Wall

B. the Korean War

C. destruction of the Berlin Wall

D. the Vietnam War

#5) A. to stop the spread of communism

B. to find homes for refugees

C. to reduce nuclear weapons

D. to airlift supplies

#6) A. new technologies

B. planted trees

C. moved east

D. cut down trees

#7) A. 1-Japan, 2-Germany, 3-Mussolini

B. 1-Germany, 2-Mussolini, 3-Japan

C. 1-Mussolini, 2-Japan, 3-Germany

#8) A. equality for minorities

B. equality for African Americans

C. equality for women

D. discrimination against women

#9) A. 1-Vanderbilt; 2-meatpacking; 3-Atlanta

B. 1-Morgan; 2-textiles; 3-Philadelphia

C. 1-Morgan; 2-steel; 3-New England

D. 1-Rockefeller; 2-steel; 3-Chicago

Big Business

Captain Industry City

Ford / Automobile / Detroit
Carnegie / ? (2) / Pittsburgh
? (1) / Oil
Meatpacking / ? (3)

10) A. Civil Rights legislation

B. anti-slavery laws

C. Jim Crow laws

D. John Doe laws

11) A. Immigration of British & French

B. Immigration of Canadians & Germans

C. Immigration of Hispanic & Asians

D. Immigration of Africans & Asians

#12) A. return to Africa

B. segregated society

C. taking up arms against whites

D. passive resistance

#13) A. changes in the West

B. discrimination against immigrants

C. total change in nature of Native American way of life

#14) A. 1-uses of electricity; 2-radio;3-David Sarnoff

B. 1-auto; 2-uses of electricity; 3-Henry Ford

C. 1-razor; 2-camera; 3-George Pullman

#15) A. movement to cities

B. reasons for westward expansion

C. reasons for increased immigration

D. Great Migration

#16) A. Allies

B. Central Powers

C. Axis Powers

#17) A. reasons for WWI

B. reasons for Civil War

C. reasons for Korean War

D. reasons for Spanish American War

#18) A. Suffrage Movement

B. Temperance Movement

C. Abolition Movement

#19) A. saloons

B. speakeasies

C. social clubs

D. country clubs

#20) A. Medicare

B. Welfare

C. Social Security

D. Medicaid

#21) A. Austria – Hungary

B. France

C. Japan

D. Switzerland

#22) A. war against Vietnam

B. war against Soviet Union

C. war against Japan

D. war against Germany

#23) A. results of the subway system

B. results of electricity

C. results of affordable automobiles


1. The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram was to the US getting involved in WWI as ______was to the US entering WWII.

A. theBattle of the Bulge

B. the Battle of Midway

C. the sinking of the Maine

D. the attack on Pearl Harbor

2. The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand is to the start of WWI as ______is to the start of WWII.

A. the attack on Pearl Harbor

B. Hitler invading Poland

C. Hitler invading Czechoslovakia

D. the Battle of Britain

3. FDR is to the ______as Winston Churchill is to ______as ______is to the Soviet Union.

A. Great Britain; Joseph Stalin; US

B. Joseph Stalin; US; Great Britain

C. US; Great Britain; Joseph Stalin

4. Adolf Hitler is to ______as FDR is to ______.

A. democracy; fascism

B. democracy; communism

C. fascism; democracy

D. communism; democracy

5. Plessy vs. Ferguson is to ______as Brown vs. the Board of Education is to ______.

A. “separate but equal;” desegregated schools

B. desegregated schools; “separate but equal”

C. “separate but equal;” segregated schools

6. Jacob Lawrence is to paintings of the Great Migration as Georgia O’Keeffe is to ______.

A. paintings of the southwestern US

B. paintings of the ocean

C. paintings of dogs

D. paintings of small towns

7. Louis Armstrong is to jazz music as ______is to uniquely American music.

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Duke Ellington

C. Aaron Copeland

D. Bessie Smith