<b>Introduction</b> <br>
The City recently launched a study to assess downtown parking because parking operations and management is seen as a key component to supporting continued economic growth and development for Downtown. <br>
The consultant and the City hope that this page will become a portal for the public to offer feedback and we will use this page to update the public on the process. <br>
<b>History</b> <br>
In 2006, the City formed a diverse group of stakeholders and interested citizens to develop an RFP and a scope of services for looking at the downtown parking management system. <br>
After the RFP was drafted the committee interviewed the consultants and selected a consultant in December and the City Council approved the selection in January. <br>
<b>Current Events</b<br>
November 7, 2007: Presentation of a Draft Downtown Dover Parking Facility and Management Study to the City Council.<a href=”planpdf/ 11-7-07 City Council Presentation.pdf”target=”blank”> 11-7-07 City Council Presentation</a>
<b>The Process</b<br>
This study will not do engineering designs for a garage; it will pick up where the Rizzo study left off and will identify the specific best site or sites for parking facilities and through conceptual plans, estimates costs, policy changes, implementation strategies and financing strategies to make them work with the least impact on Dover.<br>
The consultant and City plan to execute a very transparent process that solicits ideas and thoughts from all, especially downtown stakeholders.<br>
<b>Previous Projects</b<br>
These are the items the Planning Department researched and transmitted to the consultant:<br>
- Rizzo
- Traffic Circulation and Parking Plan
- 5 CD’s
- Draft Report (10/24/04)
- City Council Presentation (11/03/04)
- Analysis Files & Synchro Files (2/14/05) 1 of 2
- Analysis Files & Synchro Files (2/14/05) 2 of 2
- Final Report (2/14/05)
2. McConnell Center Reuse Steering Committee Report (12/01/04) - 4 copies – 1 complete w/ parking analysis
3. Dover Middle School Feasibility Study (4/25/02) - 2 copies
4. Dover Mills Parking Garage (Steam Heating Plant)
5. Study Report Phase 3 – First Street Parking Site
6. Environmental Assessment Checklist (First Street Parking Site)
7. Schematic Design Report Feb. ’85 (First Street Parking)
8. Jan. ’84 Central Ave. Corridor Traffic Study
9. Mar. ’62 Traffic Circulation & Parking Plan
10. 1993 Downtown Dover Parking Survey Results
11. Feb. ’88 Downtown Parking Policy
12. A Program of Community Renewal
13. 1950 Traffic Study – City Planning Board<br>
<b<a href="planpdf/LMG_Final Dover Parking Study 3_15_08.pdf" target="blank">Downtown Parking Facility & Management Study</a> </b> <br>
<a href=”planpdf/Technical Memo.pdf”target=”blank”>Technical Memo</a> <a href=”planpdf/3-26-07 Meeting Notice.pdf”target=”blank”>3-26-07 Meeting Notice</a> <a href=”planpdf/3-26-07 TAC Notes.pdf”target=”blank”>3-26-07 TAC Notes</a> <a href=”planpdf/Stakeholder No. 1 Notes.pdf”target=”blank”>Stakeholder No. 1 Notes</a> <a href=”planpdf/ 6-28-07 Presentation.pdf’target=”blank”> 6-28-07 Presentation</a> <a href=”planpdf/6-28-07 Stakeholder No. 2 Notes.pdf”target=”blank”>6-28-07 Stakeholder No. 2 Notes</a> <a href=”planpdf/ 7-5-07 TechMemo 3,4.pdf”target=”blank”> 7-5-07 TechMemo 3,4</a> <a href=”planpdf/11-7-07 Meeting Notice.pdf”target=”blank”>11-7-07 Meeting Notice</a> <a href=”planpdf/11-7-07 City Council Presentation.pdf”target=”blank”> 11-7-07 City Council Presentation</a>
<a href=”planpdf/NH Parking Assessment District.pdf”target=”blank”> NH Parking Assessment District</a> <a href=”planpdf/Potential On-Street Parking Permits – Location.pdf”target=”blank”> Potential On-Street Parking Permits – Location</a> <a href=”planpdf/Final LMG Report.pdf”target=”blank”> Final LMG Report</a>
<b>Other Links</b<br>
<a href=" target="_blank">Lansing Melbourne Group </a>
<a href=" target="_blank">TF Moran </a>