2012-2013 8th Grade Agenda Notes
I. Drop-Off
A. Car riders/Walkers: Walk around the front of the school to the big cement steps
B. Bus riders: Go straight to the back of the 8th grade wing
II. Weight of Grades
A. Tests: 40% Daily Grades: 40% Exam: 20%
III. Dress Code
A. No stomachs or chests showing
B. No underwear showing/ No sagging
C. Shorts and skirts must be within 3 inches of mid-knee
D. No headgear of any kind
IV. Tardies
A. Three tardies, warning
B. Sixth tardy, parent notified, loss of nine week reward
C. First bell: 7:40, Tardy bell: 7:45
V. Bathroom/Locker Break
A. Bathroom visits allowed at each class change
B. Bathroom visits during class will result in five-minute lunch detention
C. Locker visits at 7:40 and 2:55
D. Personal items are not to be left in hallway
VI. Activity
A. Keyboarding: Line up by Mrs. Funderburk’s room
B. Band: Line up by band door
C. PE and Food/Nutrition: Line up on big steps
VII. Lunch Time
A. Use restroom/get water (on 8th wing) during transition before or after lunch
B. No football during transition time
C. A teacher will walk you to lunch
D. No students in main hallway during lunch
E. Clean your table before leaving cafeteria
F. No food, drinks, or trash outside
G. Do not leave cafeteria until a teacher takes you outside
H. Working lunch may be required for missing homework or to make-up work
VIII. Behavior
A. Consequences: Warning, parent letter, phone call, conference, referral
B. Rewards:
1. The agenda has rules and consequences for the entire school. Review this with your parents and return page 22 signed.
2. Students with no write-ups at the end of each nine weeks will be allowed to participate in the following activities:
1st nine weeks: Pizza in the Park – Barnwell State Park
2nd nine weeks: Lock-In
3rd nine weeks: Carowinds
4th nine weeks: 8th Grade Dance
Fees for each trip are the responsibility of the student.
Rewards are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances.
IX. Graduation/Honors Program
A. Dress clothes required – No T-shirts, tennis shoes, flip flops, or shorts
B. All fines (cafeteria, band, athletics, library, etc.) must be paid to participate
C. Fines can be from as early as Kelly Edwards
X. Medicine
A. No medicine can be carried by student, it must be turned in to office. Exception: Inhalers – must be on medical info at office
B. No visits to the nurse to get meds unless you have some turned in
XI. What do I need to have signed tonight?
A. These notes
B. Agenda pages 21 and 22
C. Agenda p. 23 - Information Release Sheet – Allows your picture to be taken
D. Student Sign-Out Sheet
E. Acceptable Use Policy – Allows you to use computers
F. Registration/Transportation Form
Feel free to contact the 8th grade team at any time.
WEMS 266-3430
Mr. Augustine – Science
Mr. Vincent – Social Studies
Mrs. Funderburk – English
Mrs. Edwards – Math
I have reviewed and understand the expectations of the 8th grade team.
Student Signature/Date ______
Parent Signature/Date ______