Aztlán Cup Packet 3-Delaware (B. Tressler)
1. The narrator notes that it is listed in the old geographical gazetteer AnnotatedWaterClassic and that it was also here that Buddha enlightened the Venerable Mahakashyapa. Take the train to Wuyizhen, then go upstream by boat on the You River is the advice given by a passenger on a train. While this destination is sought, the narrator divides into “I”, “You”, “He” and “She” voices all seeking spiritual fulfillment. For 10 points--name this title location in a Gao Xingjian work.
ANSWER: Soul Mountain or Lingshan
2. Its discovery came in the form of a crystal lattice. The identical quantum state was achieved in helium-4 used by Eun-Seong Kim and Moses Chan was raised to a pressure above forty atmospheres and cooled to below 0.1 Kelvin, at which point the oscillations of the gas changed rate indicating low friction. For 10 points--name this form of matter announced in January 2004 that joins fluids and vapors as the third form of matter to demonstrate Bose-Einstein condensation
ANSWER: supersolid
3. With roots in a 1920’s cultural organization, when it was renewed in 1974 as the National Cultural Liberation Movement, many thought its purpose was to undermine Goodwill Zwelithini. Its current election campaign symbol features three elephants and the slogans: “Caring, Capable, and Clean” and “Real Development Now” criticizing the ANC inaction on certain issues. It won nine percent of the vote in the December 2000 elections. For 10 points--name this party led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi.
ANSWER: InkathaFreedom Party
4. The coffered ceiling, inlaid floor, and many of the subjects plunge or face towards the vanishing point on the high right. One of the painting’s two light sources hangs from the ceiling on the upper left, while the other is almost the center of the painting. In the foreground, a woman and a pet reach into a basket, from which the woman has taken a container of food, which is being handed to one of the many servants. Behind this is a basin used to wash feet with a white towel draped across it. For 10 points--name this painting by Tintoretto featuring many more individuals than the rendering by Leonardo da Vinci.
ANSWER: TheLast Supper
5. When it begins, among those met on the road include Critobulus, Hermogenes, Antisthenes, and Charmides. It concludes when Ariadne enters the bridal chamber set apart for her and Dionysus. Although claimed to be a first hand account of events after a horse race at the great Panathenaic festival, it is set in 422 B.C. when the author was eight years old. It centers on the discussion of Socrates and company at a dinner given by Callias for the youth Autolycus. For 10 points--name this work by Xenophon that shares its name with a similar work by Plato.
ANSWER: Symposium
6. In 1094, the Council of Constance forbade court sessions and servile work for the three days following it. In England it was common to celebrate albes while tradition in Italy is to scatter rose leaves from the tops of churches. The Jewish equivalent occurs during the month of Sivan. Its colorful alternative name, used especially among Anglicans, referred to the garmets of the newly baptized. For 10 points--name this Church holy day celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit, occurring seven weeks after Easter.
ANSWER: Pentecost or White Sunday or Whitsunday
7. Its suborders include frenates, jugatees, and the glossata classifcation containing ninety-nine percent of all members. The non-glossates have primitive chewing mouthparts and solid scales. The more primitive suborders have a structure called a "jugum," which is a lobe near the base of the hind margin of the forewing that holds it in place. Glossata generally have a coiled tongue called a haustellum useful in obtaining nectar. For 10 points--name this order of moths and butterflies.
ANSWER: Lepidoptera
8. In the first chapter, is it noted that a change in the structure of the globe would cause the title location’s greatest waters to rush either towards the Pole or the tropical seas. Sections concern the manifestation of spiritual fanaticism, how an aristocracy could be created by manufactures, common manners, and why great revolutions will become more rare. Its introduction contrasts the subject with medieval France in which property was the source of power instead of the equality being studied. For 10 points--name this work by Alexis de Tocqueville.
ANSWER: Democracy in America
9. The language has fifteen consonants and five vowels. Adjectives and adverbs are identical, singular third-person pronouns do not distinguish gender, and there are no reflexive pronouns. With dialects including Marinduque, Batangas, Bulacan, and Bataan, an English word derived from this languageis “boondocks”, meaning mountains. It has strong ties with Malay languages, but has been influenced by three hundred years of Spanish settlement. For 10 points--name this language concentrated on Luzon island.
ANSWER: Tagalog or Filipino
10. According to her press conference, she was an orphan schooled at the Convent of the Sacred Heart who eloped with a mechanic. She also claimed to have been breaking off an affair when her lover turned violent and tragedy struck. These and other such stories earn her brief public popularity and eventually a job on the vaudeville circuit. In reality, of course, it was she who was being dumped by Fred Casely when she shot him in cold blood. For ten points, name this character, the star, along with Velma Kelly, of the musical “Chicago.”
ANSWER: RoxieHart (accept either)
11. He stated that Oxford professors knew more about beer than Greek in his 1584 Ash Wednesday Supper. During his time in England, he dedicated to Philip Sidney his most vicious attack on the Catholic Church, entitled The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast. Both the Calvinists and the Lutherans excommunicated him. Among his views was that the Devil could be saved, that Christ was a skilled magician and that other worlds were inhabited. FTP, name this man burnt at the stake in 1600 for his heresy.
ANSWER: Giordano Bruno
12. When he says, “click” he has reached the oblivion that he seeks. Because he was jumping hurdles on the football field the previous night, he spends the entire play with crutches. His father takes away the crutches to press the issue of his friend Skipper’s suicide. He has no children and his brother Gooper attempts to showcase his family in order to discredit this favorite son. For 10 points--name this character who famously asks, “What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?”
ANSWER: Brick Pollitt
13. A mister James Brown had been employed to supervise Indians digging after the gates were closed in the mornings. It construction was to begin in June, but building was delayed until the arrival of 150 Mormons. When it was started the following January it was discovered to be too low and additional timber was needed near the water. FTP, name this site chosen by John Marshall in 1847 along the Fork River where the discovery of gold sparked a famous California rush.
ANSWER: Sutter’s Mill (accept close equivalents)
14. One of his charges greeted his arrival with “screw that”, and he was quickly taken captive by Balthazar. Not a Weasley, he held the position of Head Boy while at the academy, although a replica of his father Roger claims that his tenure was an embarrassing failure. He later billed himself as a “rogue demon hunter”, and now has followed his boss to become an employee of Wolfram & Hart. The actor who plays this character married Alyson Hannigan is September 2003. FTP, name this former Watcher on Angel.
ANSWER: Wesley Wyndham-Pryce [Faith walked out upon meeting her new watcher]
15. When the Union won a Civil War battle here, the forts were renamed Reno, Parke, and Foster. Its principal town Manteo is named after a chief that met the English navigators Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe in 1584. Twelve miles long and three miles wide, Albemarle Sound, Pamplico Sound and Croatan Sound surround it. At the onset of the Civil War, the island was home to half of the slaves in Dare County. For 10 points--name this North Carolina island, home to a vanished first English settlement in the New World.
ANSWER: Roanoke Island
16. Allison and Murphy of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute reported its discovery in lepidolite and pollucite, and christened it Virginium after Allison’s native state. Dobroserdov wanted to call it Russium, while Hulubei called it Moldavium. These discoveries were erroneous though, as its 223 isotope has a half-life of about twenty-two minutes. When Mendeleyev predicted it, he gave it the provisional name Eka-Caesium or Dvi-Rubidium. For 10 points--name this element isolated by Marguerite Perey while analyzing actinium's decay sequence that became the second element named after her country.
ANSWER: francium
17. In the Inuit mythology, it is Tarqeq, a mighty male hunter who controls the animals. In Aboriginal tradition, it is Tjapara, who changed himself into this and still bears the scars of his battle with Purukupali. Year six of the Mayan calendar cycle was devoted to death and Tecciztecatl, who metamorphosed into it after the fourth age. Mesopotamians used Nanna, often depicted with a symbol of intersecting curves forming a wedge. For 10 points--name this type of deity that Egyptians identified as Thoth, and the Greeks Selene.
ANSWER: MoonGod or Goddess (accept close equivalents such as “Man in the moon”)
18. Some say he was from Jutland, lost his fiefdom in the Treaty of Verdun and began looting the coasts of England. More commonly thought to be Swedish or Finnish, his brother Sineus settled in Beloozero and his brother Truvor ruled Izborsk, but after their death he combined all the cities under his rule. His successor Oleg raided Constantinople in 911 and moved his capital from Novgorod to Kiev. FTP, name this man who founded a dynasty that lasted until Boris Godunov.
19. This poet noted that wrecks passed without the sound of bells “At Melville’s Tomb”. With a rope that gathers God at dawn, bells destroy the title object in “The Broken Tower”. Another of his title objects is composed of “choiring strings”, “building high / Over the chained bay waters Liberty”. This poet waits under the shadow by the pier while the cables “breathe” the North Atlantic. For 10 points--name this author of “The Bridge”.
ANSWER: Hart Crane
20. Over eight hundred attended the ninety-meetings, with one hundred American representatives present. Among its proceedings was the proposed adoption of a universal catechism, and a draft concerning the nature of the Church, but the original agenda was drawn from the Syllabus of Errors. Voting on its most famous proposal was 433 for to 2 against, occurring on July 18, 1870, but many abstained from the controversy. For 10 points--name this council that defined papal primacy and infallibility, which was followed by a Second such meeting in the 1960s.
ANSWER: First VaticanCouncil
21. On earth they are usually indicated by the presence of eclogite and peridotite ores brought towards the crust by Kimberlite or lamproite magma. Scientists studying the remains of a white dwarf in Taurus liken it to one of these twenty-five hundred miles across which some dubbed “Lucy”. They believe our own Sun will resemble one two billion years after its fuel is spent and its fused helium atoms coalesce into octahedrons. For 10 points--name this crystal with a high index of refraction and a high level of hardness.
ANSWER: diamond [“Lucy in the sky with Diamonds”]
22.The Keepers of the Eternal and Victorious Islamic Nation have “acronym problems.” (They are also known as “KEVIN.”) Samad Iqbal’s ancestor fired the first shot in the Indian Mutiny. Marcus Chalfen wants to create a SuperMouse. Irie, echoing this book’s title, wants to be a dentist. These are only a few of the characters in this novel, hailed as a brilliant debut for its 26 year old British author, who called it “the literary equivalent to a hyperactive, ginger-haired tap-dancing ten year old.” The title characteristic is the only thing these extremely multicultural characters share. Name this, the first novel by Zadie Smith.
ANSWER: White Teeth
23. A Venus throw was when four different sides of it came up, while "thedogs" showed four of the same flat and narrow side. Two sides were roundand could never come up. FTP, name this ankle bone of hooved animals,the first historically verified randomizer and the probable predecessor of the modern die.
ANSWER: Astralagus or astralagi or talus or tali
Aztlán Cup Packet 3-Delaware (B. Tressler)
1.Name these black body laws, for 10 points each:
A.Named for a German physicist, it gives the radiation by a blackbody as a function
of frequency or wavelength and includes a namesake constant. The resulting energy density is denoted u sub lambda.
ANSWER: Planck’sradiation law
B.His displacement law gives the frequency or wavelength at which the Planck law has the maximum specific intensity. The law states that the maximum wavelength times a temperature equals a constant.
ANSWER: WilhelmWien
C.It states that energy emitted equals surface area times temperature to the fourth power times a namesake constant. It uses Planck’s law to give total flux integrated over all frequencies.
ANSWER: Stefan-Boltzmann law (prompt: black body law)
2.Name these leaders involved in Charlemagne’s proclamation as Emperor, FTPE:
A.Along with Stephen II he helped found the Papal States. When the Lombards invaded in 772, this pope turned to Charlemagne for help.
ANSWER: Adrian I or Hadrian I (prompt on Adrian)
B.This pope crowned Charlemagne on Christmas Day, 800.
ANSWER: Leo III (prompt on Leo)
C.Byzantine Emperor for only two years and succeeded by Leo V after his defeate by the Bulgars, he recognized Charlemagne’s status as Emperor in 812.
ANSWER: Michael I or Michael Rangabe (prompt on Michael)
3. Identify these composers of music for unaccompanied intruments FTPE:
A.This Baroque master’s work includes a nunber of partitas for solo violin, perhaps the most famous being #2 in D minor, as well as six suites for solo cello.
ANSWER: JohannSebastianBach (prompt on Bach)
B.This composer of Octandre and Ionisation wrote Density 21.5 for solo flute in 1936, his last completed work before the advent of electronic music in the 1950s allowed him to explore ever more extreme sound-worlds.
ANSWER: EdgarVarese
C.Abime des oiseaux, the third movement of this man’s Quatour pour la fin du temps, is scored for solo clarinet, and as in much of his other music, is inspired heavily by birdsong.
ANSWER: OlivierMessaien
4.Name these Thorton Wilder works, for 10 points each:
A.Its Dolly Levi looks for mates for Cornelius Hackl, Barnaby Tucker, and Horace Vandergelder. It was the basis of the Broadway show Hello, Dolly!
ANSWER: The Matchmaker
B.Inspired by Finnegans Wake, it depicts five thousand years in the lives of George and Maggie Antrobus, a suburban New Jersey couple.
ANSWER: The Skin of our Teeth
C.This Hitchcock film that Wilder helped create is about a young woman who thinks her uncle Charlie has killed several rich widows. It stars Teresa Wright and Joseph Cotten.
ANSWER: Shadow of a Doubt
5.Name these gods with Egyptian and foreign counterparts, for 10 points each:
A.In Syria she was the sister and lover of Baal. A daughter of Ra who dressed as a male warrior, she was given to Seth in one myth for ceding his right to the throne to Horus.
ANSWER: Anat or Anath
B.She was known as Astarte, daughter of Ptha to the Egyptians and Phoenicians. To the Mesopotamians she was a warrior goddess or a mother goddess whose most famous consort was Tammuz.
ANSWER: Ishtar (prompt on Inanna)
C.A goddess of fertility and love and beauty, she had a form known by foreigners as Qudshu. Roger Craig says I’m supposed to mention that this wife of Horus was often depicted as a star-studded cow.
ANSWER: Hathor
6. Given a former capital of a nation, name that nation for ten points. If you need the present-day capital, you shall receive five.
ANSWER: Malawi (prompt on Nyasaland)
ANSWER: Pakistan
ANSWER: Portugal
7.FTPE, or five if you need the author, given a few lines of poetry from a fantasy work, identify the SERIES it comes from.
A.10)“From the ashes a fire shall be woken / A light from the shadows shall spring / Renewed shall be blade that was broken / The crownless again shall be king”