School visit evaluation
- What type of school are you from?
Primary (incl. nursery)Middle
PrivateOther, please state ……………………….
- Have you visited AbergavennyMuseum & CastleMuseum before? If yes please give brief details
- Which curriculum area/s were you aiming to cover on your visit today?
- Which of the following resources did you use today? Your comments will help us to improve what we have to offer schools and colleges.
Teacher Resource Pack
Trail sheets in group packs
Discovery sheets (you may have used these after going on the trails)
Themedresource boxes located around the castle site
- If you used the Teachers’ Resource Pack did you find it to be?
YesNoDidn’t use them
Helpful and informative
Made strong curriculum links
Provided pre- and post- visit ideas that were useful
Provided enough information to support your visit
Any comments?
- How did you find the laminated trail sheets?
YesNoDidn’t use them
Helpful and informative
Made useful curriculum links
Provided enough information to support your visit
They were a useful learning tool
Any other comments?
- If you used the Discovery Sheetsdid you find them to be?
YesNoDidn’t use them
Helpful and informative
Made useful curriculum links
Your pupils enjoyed using them
They were a useful learning tool
Any comments?
- If you used the themed resource boxeslocated around the castle site did you find them to be?
YesNoDidn’t use them
The contents were informative
Made useful curriculum links
They were fun to use
They were a useful learning tool
Any other comments?
- What do you think your pupils gained from their castle visit today? (tick as many boxes as you wish)
Better understanding of the topic covered
Better understanding of the role of museums
Helped social behaviour on school trips, self esteem
Contributed to multi-sensory learning
Had opportunities to be inspired, creative and enjoyable
Learnt new skills or developed existing ones
Any others we have missed?
- What did you feel most positive about on this visit? Please describe briefly.
- Was there anything you would like us to change as an outcome to your visit today? Please describe briefly.
Your name ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Name of school ……………………………………………………………………………….
Year Group …………………………………. Number of pupils …………………………...
Number of adults including teachers accompanying the class visit ……………………..
Date of visit ………………………………………………………….
Thank you for taking time to complete this evaluation today.
Your professional input is much appreciated.
Abergavenny Museum & Castle/evaluation/teacher questionnaire/LKS/2011