Creating Demand Worksheet

McREL Framework for Change

1.  Create demand or desire for the initiative

2.  Thoroughly plan the implementation

3.  Manage personal transitions

4.  Monitor and evaluate student achievement and teacher implementation

Create demand or desire for the initiative (whatever the change is)

a.  Create discontent with the current reality (TARGETING) …creating a sense of urgency

b.  Develop a vision of more attractive reality (FRAMING) …painting a picture of a positive future

“Five Reasons” / Create discontent with the current reality (TARGETING) / Develop a vision of a more attractive reality (FRAMING)
Relative Advantage
The extent to which people see the innovation as being better than what it supersedes
The degree to which the innovation is consistent with people’s values, beliefs, needs, or past experiences
When an innovation is perceived as too complex or difficult to understand
The degree to which people can experiment with the innovation
The visible results that the innovation works.

Connecting with the School Leadership Responsibilities

Leadership Responsibility / Create discontent with the current reality (TARGETING) / Develop a vision of a more attractive reality (FRAMING)
Intellectual Stimulation
Ensures faculty and staff are aware of the most current theories and practices and makes the discussion of these a regular aspect of the school’s culture
Change Agent
Is willing to challenge and actively challenge the status quo
Communicates and operates from strong ideals and beliefs about schooling

How the district leadership responsibilities support the initiative:

§  Collaborative goal setting

§  Non-negotiable goals and/or strategies = priorities

§  Defined autonomy

Source: Tim Waters, Robert Marzano & Brian McNulty (2003) The Balanced Leadership Framework: connecting vision with action