Dear Sponsors,
It’s time to get ready for another exciting season of AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball. In order to make our program successful for the players and our community, we rely heavily on the support of area businesses to be sponsors and donors.
AYLL is a non-profit, all volunteer organization for boys and girls ages 5 years and up living in Northern Lake County, Southern Wisconsin and other neighboring communities. Our mission is to provide a safe, educational, fun and rewarding experience while players learn the values of good sportsmanship, teamwork and athleticism. Registration fees are kept as low as possible and only cover a portion of costs. The remaining costs for things like new fields, field maintenance, uniforms, umpires, insurance league fees and equipment are covered by generous donations from sponsors such as you.
All AYLL sponsorships include:
- Recognition during the 2018 season on the AYLL website & AYLL Facebook page (450+ followers)
- Invitation to join our AYLL players, families and friends at our TWO AYLL Sponsor Days at the Park events
We offer the following opportunities to support AYLL:
Platinum Package- $1500
- (4) Team Sponsorships
- (2) Social media posts promoting your business, event, sale etc. on the AYLL website
- (2) 4’X8’ Vinyl Outfield Banners hung on the fences at Williams Field & at Osmond
- Business name added to Sponsorship board at Williams Field and Osmond Park
- #1 Fan package
Gold Package-$800
- (2) Team Sponsorships
- (2) 4’X8’ Vinyl Outfield Banners hung on the fences at Williams Field & at Osmond Business name added to Sponsorship board at Williams Field and Osmond Park
- #1 Fan package
Silver Package- $350
- Team Sponsorship- includes business name on player uniforms (10-12 players/ team) & sponsorship plaque with team picture
- Business name added to Sponsorship board at Williams Field and Osmond Park
- #1 Fan package
Golden Glove Package - $250
- Business name added to Sponsorship board at Williams Field and Osmond Park
- #1 Fan package
#1 Fan Package - $100
- AYLL Window Decal to display proudly
- Business name added to the AYLL website
Ala Cart:
- Outfield Banners at Williams & Osmond Park- $350
- Additional Team sponsor- $300
- Player Scholarship- $180/player
AYLL Event Sponsorship Opportunities:
AYLL MLB Pitch Hit Run Competition- $1500
Major League Baseball Pitch Hit & Run (PHR) is a free, 1-day event for boys and girls ages 7-14. PHR is the official skills competition of Major League Baseball. Participants compete in either the Baseball Division or Softball Division and have the opportunity to advance through four levels of competition including Locals, Sectionals, Team Championships and the National Finals during MLB All-Star Week. PHR is held in Sunday, May 6, 2018 at Osmond Park. Sponsorship includes:
- Event t-shirts for all participants with sponsor(s) names listed on the back
- Drawstring backpack with company logo
- Bubble Gum for all participants
- Company name included in all communications and social media posts about clinics
- Business name added to Sponsorship board at Williams Field and Osmond Park
AYLL Battle of the Board Bartender Fundraiser
AYLL’s Board Members battle against each other on a Saturday night byraising money through cash tips at a bartending event hosted by an Antioch Bar & Restaurant. Sponsorship and Donation opportunities for this event include:
- Donations for Raffle Drawing
- Host of the event
Select a date during the AYLL Spring season as an AYLL Fundraiser Day/ Night at your business. We will promote the event on our social media pages and through our board and coaching staff. A percentage of sales on that day will be donated back to our organization.
*Please note: team sponsorships are limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Ala Cart Team sponsorships are awarded after all Silver & above packages have been honored.
If you are not able to sponsor at one of the package levelslisted above, we are always happy to accept donations of any amount. If you would like to participate as an AYLL sponsor, please contact Jackie Bennecke directly or send your tax-deductible donation and contribution form to the address below.
Please contact us with any questions regarding our program at or you can contact me directly or 224-277-9846.
Thank you!
Jackie Bennecke
AYLL Sponsorship/Fundraising Director
AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball Sponsorship FormSponsor Name
Contact Name
Website Address
Contact Phone #
Sponsorship Package / Platinum $1500
Gold $800
Silver $350
Golden Glove $200
#1 Fan $100
Ala Cart Field Banners $350
Ala Cart Team Sponsorship $300
Ala Cart Player Sponsorship $180
Please indicate below if you would like to sponsor a specific player, team or division:
You can also support AYLL directly (including payment) through our website.
AYLL – Antioch Baseball and Softball P.O. Box 430 Antioch, IL 60002