WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE TREATMENT EQUIPMENT - 890 (Not for Air Conditioning, Steam Boiler, or Laboratory Reagent Water)
Please indicate which products and services your company can supply by checking the appropriate box(es). Check only the first box if your company can supply all of the products and services shown for this class.
(All sub-items for this class)
08 Chlorination Equipment and Parts
09 Couplings, Transition
10 Chlorinators
11 Chlorine Gas Filter Assembly and Parts
12 Chlorine Leakage Kits
15 Complete Water Treatment Systems, Chemical
16 Complete Water Treatment Systems, Non-chemical: Ultraviolet Water Supply Sterilization, etc.
17 Copperhorns
19 Delumper, Pipeline
20 Demineralizers: Reverse Osmosis, etc.
25 Flumes
26 Leak Locaters
30 Manhole Covers, Frames, Grates, Rings, Yokes, etc.
35 Metal Finders and Detectors, Pipe Locators, etc.
40 Meter Boxes and Valve Boxes (Not Concrete)
44 Meters, Water
45 Meter Fittings, Water, Accessories, Parts, and Conversion Kits
46 Meter Reading Devices
47 Mixing and Agitation Equipment
48 Oil Skimming Equipment and Parts
50 Rings and Seals, Carbon (For Turbine Shafts)
52 Separators (Settling Chambers for Solid Particles)
53 Separation Equipment, Oil/water
65 Sewage and Waste Treating Equipment and Supplies
67 Solvent (Chlorinated) Recovery System
68 Tags, water Meter Removal
70 Turbidimeter
78 Water Filters and Filter Elements (Except Boiler, Photographic Darkroom, and Swimming Pool): Cartridges, etc.
80 Water Leak Detection System
85 water Softening Equipment, Ion Exchange Type
90 Water Quality Testing Equipment