AWHS 021

National Electrical and Communications Association WA


Explanatory Note

The purpose of the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy is to drive key national activities to improve work health and safety.
It is aimed at national organisations – professional, industry and worker bodies; safety regulators and governments; and other peak bodies which in turn will influence everyday work and workplaces across Australia.
Detailed national activities will be developed by stakeholders as part of the implementation plans that will underlie and support the Strategy.
The Strategy is not designed to be applied directly to generating individual workplaces work health and safety plans. However managers may like to consider how concepts within the Strategy such as ‘healthy and safe by design’ may be applied in their own workplaces.

Purpose of the Strategy

/ Do you agree with this focus in the Strategy?
The purpose of the strategy is sound and whilst there is a clear objective for National organisational support and buy in, this will need to be supported by implementation that can clearly link the National intent with localised implementation. Thought needs to be given to how this implementation can be measured and demonstrated as successful.


Explanatory Note
The vision is the aspirational outcome of the Strategy.
The Strategy is underpinned by the principle that all workers, regardless of their occupation or how they are engaged, have the fundamental right to be free from the risk of work-related death, injury and illness, and the belief that healthy and safe work will allow Australians to have more productive working lives.
This is consistent with the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is reflected in duties of care established in all Australian work health and safety legislation.

The vision of the Strategy is:

Healthy, safe and productive working lives.

/ Does this vision capture the aspirations you believe should underpin the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy?
We like that the vision can be encapsulated in a short sentence but it does not provide clarity for whom. Consider putting “For All” at the end.

This vision is based on two key principles:

Workers have the fundamental right to be free from the risk of work-related death, injury and illness, and

/ Should this principle be included in the draft Strategy?

Healthy and safe work will allow Australians to have more productive working lives.

/ Should this principle be included in the draft Strategy?


Explanatory Note
Four high-level outcomes are to be achieved by 2022:
  • reduced incidence of work-related death, injury and illness
  • reduced exposure to hazards or risks causing work-related injury and illness
  • improved quality of workplace controls, and
  • improved work health and safety infrastructure.
The first outcome will be achieved through the other three. Reducing exposure to hazards, and improving the quality of workplace controls, will lead to a reduction in the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness.
Note: The Strategy proposes reductions of 20percent in work-related injury fatalities, and 30percent in work-related injuries by 2022. You will be asked to comment on these figures in the next section of these questions.
The 2022 Outcomes are not expressed in numeric terms but it is assumed that the reductions and improvements referred to in the 2022 Outcomes would be broadly consistent with the numeric targets.

Reduced incidence of work-related death, injury and illness.

/ Do you think this outcome would contribute to achieving the vision?
Can a reduction be achieved within the time frame?
We feel that it is in this area that we need to exercise caution. Within the safety field we have all experienced the effect of having to “prove reductions in statistics” Whilst I believe that measuring the incidence of deaths related to work will provide a measure to help validate the success or otherwise, of the strategy. I am not so sure that measuring the incidence of Injury and illness will provide the same measure as they depend on levels of reporting.
We understand what the intent of the statement is and the vision is sound, our reservations are around the wording and how the intent might be missed by the human behaviours to meet targets.
We think it would help if the statement read
The three Main outcome of the strategy is to achieve a reduction in the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness through:
  • reduced exposure to hazards or risks causing work-related injury and illness
  • improved quality of workplace controls, and
  • improved work health and safety infrastructure.
Reducing exposure to hazards, and improving the quality of workplace controls, will lead to a reduction in the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness

Reduced exposure to hazards or risks causing work-related injury and illness.

/ Do you think this outcome would contribute to reducing the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness?
Can a reduction be achieved within the time frame?
For this to be achieved those that are charged with the task of driving the strategy need to be prepared to provide the Australian workplaces with tools mentoring and training to achieve the change.
Is this strategy being backed up with funding to ensure the outcomes are being met? If not then the chances of success could be limited.

Improved quality of workplace controls.

/ Do you think this outcome would contribute to reducing the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness?
Can an improvement be achieved within the time frame?
Again, this will be dependent on resources and supporting materials and a successful delivery platform. It is our experience that very few employers set out to harm anyone – They can only know what they know.

Improved work health and safety infrastructure

/ Do you think this outcome would contribute to reducing the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness?
Can an improvement be achieved within the time frame?
Again, this will be dependent on resources and supporting materials and a successful delivery platform. We are a not for profit industry representative body. With access to 750 contracting companies in WA and we are part of a National organisation. We want to be involved in the cultural change of our industry but we can only do it if resourced to achieve the outcomes.


Explanatory Note
The Strategy includes national targets and performance indicators which will be used to monitor the success of national actions to meet the 2022 Outcomes.
Targets will be developed and implemented by 2015.

Work-Related Fatalities Targets:

The Strategy includes a target of a 20percent reduction in the number of injury fatalities. / Do you think a 20percent reduction is:
  • About right

Whilst the establishment of targets around safety can be fraught with danger, our belief is that the numbers of deaths is one that is not open to manipulation due to the finality and consequences.

Work-Related Injuries Targets:

The Strategy includes a target of a 30percent reduction in incidence rates of all claims resulting in one or more weeks off work. / Do you think a 30percent reduction is:
  • Other (please explain).

Whilst we understand that this is a National Strategy and not designed for individual company use human nature could contaminate the intent of this measure.We believe a better measure would be to aim for a 30% reduction in Workers Compensation costs. This would indicate a reduction in severity and numbers and would be less likely to tempt the wrong behaviours.
For example – If a National/State organisation agreed to participate and was even to be funded for an initiative aimed at achieving the strategy. If the target reductions were not being met you may find inaccuracies begin to creep in for the sake of a number target. Whereas if the measure were based around claims cost you would still be able to measure success but not based on definitive targets.

Body stressing Injuries Targets:

The Strategy includes a target of a 30percent reduction in the incidence rate* of claims resulting in one or more weeks off work due to body stressing. / Do you think a 30percent reduction is:
  • Other (please explain).

As above


Explanatory Note
The national industry priorities will focus activities and attention on those which contribute to the highest death, injury and illness to workers.
Sub sectors will be chosen from within these industries for three year periods during the life of the Strategy. This will be done during the development of the implementation plans.

National Industry Priorities

The following broad industry groups have been identified as priorities for the reduction of the incidence of traumatic fatalities, injuries and illnesses by 2015 / Please indicate whether you agree that the following industries should be considered priorities:
  • Agriculture
  • Transport
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction,
  • Health
Whilst we agree that the above categories’ are the ones that should be targeted as they are where the majority of risks exist. We feel the need to reiterate that the way that these groups are targeted is vitally important. If done in a consultative and conciliatory manner supported with the right resources then the impact could be very positive. If the targeting exists via enforcement with no support then the success of the process will be limited as little will change from the current situation.


Explanatory Note
To focus national prevention efforts, six work-related disease or disorder categories are proposed as national priorities in the first five years of the Strategy. These have been chosen based on their severity, the number of workers estimated to be affected, and the existence of known prevention options.
At the time of the development there is limited reliable national data on short latency occupational diseases, and a lack of reliable national data on work-related long latency diseases and disorders. Establishing numeric targets on the incidence of these diseases is therefore not yet possible.
For short latency diseases, there are clearer links between work-related exposure and subsequently developing the disease. For long latency diseases, although exposure to known hazards may be well-established as a cause of the disease, work-relatedness may be more difficult to establish.
The Strategy proposes in the first five years of the Strategy:
  • establishing targets to reduce short latency diseases, and
  • establishing targets to reduce exposure to the causes of long latency diseases

Priority work-related diseases:
The work-related disease and disorder categories are: / Please indicate whether you agree that the suggested diseases and disorders should be considered priorities:
musculoskeletal disorders
mental disorders
cancers (including skin cancer)
contact dermatitis, and
noise-induced hearing loss / YES
Within the industries we have exposure to we believe hand injuries and lacerations are a larger category of injuries than contact dermatitis.
Of the 5 target areas we would suggest hand injuries would be more prevalent in 3 of the 5.

Work-Related Disease Targets:

It may be possible to establish numeric targets for some short latency diseases in the first years of the Strategy. / Do you agree that numeric targets for reduction in the incidence of work-related short latency diseases should be established in the first years of the Strategy?
If you answered No please indicate why.
Our experience is that numerical targets temp under reporting or similar.

Work-Related Disease Hazard Targets:

Establishing national targets for the prevention of exposure to the hazards which can cause short and long latency diseases is proposed by 2015. / Do you agree that targets for the prevention of exposure to disease causing agents should be established by 2015?
If you answered No please indicate why.
As above. Also,we believe that if targets are to be used they should be established at the onset of the strategy not 2-3 years into the process.


Explanatory Note
The Strategy identifies seven national action areas which together will help deliver the 2022 Outcomes. Achieving each Outcome will involve activity in several Action Areas.

Healthy and Safe by Design: Hazards are eliminated or minimised by design

a)Structures, plant, equipment and substances are designed to eliminate or minimise hazards or risks before they are introduced into the workplace / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
As long as the regulators are prepared to pursue all down line contributors in an incident not just the immediate company involved. Our experience is that even if presented with evidence that a manufacturer has some fault in an incident they only pursue the immediate company
Is achieving this Outcome:
  • very important
  • important
  • neutral
  • of little importance
  • of no importance

If safe design and manufacture are achieved there is less chance of a downstream occurrence due to equipment failure
b)Work and work processes and systems of work are designed and managed to eliminate or minimise hazards or risks / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Is achieving this Outcome:
  • very important
  • important
  • neutral
  • of little importance
  • of no importance

Are there actions and/or activities that could be undertaken at the national level to support the achievement of these outcomes?


This comes back to our original concerns around resources. Whilst the strategy is a National one and designed at a high strategic level, its success rests in the ability for it to be interpreted and embedded within small to medium businesses’. You will be highly reliant on Industry representative groups to assist with this and resourcing it will be essential. Cost effective, simple to use and understand resources as well as training materials are required that can easily demonstrate a benefit to the business.
A fund will need to be available and a criteria developed that enables these groups to participate in the strategy.

Supply Chains and Networks: Improved work health and safety through supply chains and networks

a)All links along a supply chain understand their cumulative impact and actively improve the health and safety of the supply chain. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Is achieving Outcome A:
  • very important

There needs to be a movement within large business that acknowledges that if you continue to drive costs down, downstream of your operation this will inevitable result in safety compromises
a)Commercial relationships within supply chains and networks are used to improve work health and safety. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Again, consideration needs to be given to fair pricing that does not compromise safety. If a principle or upstream contractor is going to enforce safety requirements they need to be prepared to pay for that certainty that they are reducing their safety exposure downstream.
Is achieving Outcome B:
  • very important

b)Industry leaders champion health and safety in supply chains and networks. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Whilst to a degree this is currently happening through tender submissions it needs to be reinforced by the follow up and confirmation that what is produced for the tender process is embedded and occurring in the contractors business on a day to day basis.
Is achieving Outcome C:
  • very important

If small to medium businesses’ begin to realise the link between ongoing contract work and safety and the financial gain associated with maintaining their contracts they are more likely to engage in the process.
Are there actions and/or activities that could be undertaken at the national level to support the achievement of these outcomes?
As above provide the financial resources to enable the industry groups to drive the change for you.

Work Health and Safety Capabilities: Improved work health and safety capabilities.

a)Everyone in a workplace has the work health and safety capabilities i.e. knowledge and skills they require. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Whilst training is a key component here, it needs to be backed up by the regulator that when an individual breaches their duty they are also held to account in the same way as the employer
Is achieving Outcome A:
  • important

CommentAs above
b)Those providing work health and safety education, training and advice have the appropriate capabilities, i.e. knowledge, experience and skills. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
Is achieving Outcome B:
  • very important

As an industry we need to be prepared to be innovative and look outside of the normal training delivery models to achieve long term safety culture change
c)Inspectors and other staff of work health and safety regulators have work health and safety capabilities, i.e. knowledge, experience, skills and resources to effectively perform their role. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
There needs to be a greater depth ofknowledge embedded in the regulators and a move to mentoring and supporting businesses wanting to make change. As previously stated there needs to be more willingness to enforce along the whole length of the supply chain rather than just the company involved if relevant.
Is achieving Outcome C:
  • very important

d)WHS skills development is appropriately integrated effectively into relevant education and training programs. / Do you agree that achieving this outcome will contribute to achieving the 2022 Outcomes?
As an industry we need to be prepared to be innovative and look outside of the normal training delivery models to achieve long term safety culture change
Is achieving Outcome D:
  • very important

Are there actions and/or activities that could be undertaken at the national level to support the achievement of these outcomes?
As above provide the financial resources to enable the industry groups to drive the change for you. They invariably know the industry and therefore are best placed to know what to change and how to change it

Culture and Leadership: Community and organisational culture and leadership leading to improved work health and safety