Scripture-Old Testament: Fall 2014

Mr. Chicoine Rm. K-107

What is this course about?

The Second Vatican Council calls scripture the “soul of theology” and it is appropriate to study and learn about the Old Testament to better understand our Catholic faith. In this class, we will look at the historical and literary context which birthed the Old Testament and how God’s covenant plan of salvation prepared the way for Jesus Christ. Finally, we will learn how the Old Testament faith in God can be lived out today.

Course Goals

By the end of the semester, I hope that you will have developed new skills and built on the skills you already have. Some of the things we will be working on are:

Learning the Catholic Approach to interpreting the Bible

Improve your faith life and show how the Bible is incorporated in the Liturgy

Building on your contextual reading skills

Recognizing the relationship between Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Church Magisterium

Improving your writing skills

Communicating ideas effectively

Materials for class

Please bring the following materials with you to class everyday:

Text: The Old Testament: Our Call to Faith and Justice

A pen, pencil, highlighter

College Ruled Notebook and single-colored pocketed folder

Any homework due that day

Your independent reading book (chosen by you)

An open mind and eagerness to learn! 

Class Expectations

  • All school policies listed in your student handbook will be fully enforced in this classroom.
  • Be on time, in dress-code, with supplies, in your assigned area before the tardy bell.
  • Deepen your prayer life
  • Respect the teacher and fellow classmates
  • Everyone is expected to be open to what we are learning, for it is the truth of the Catholic faith and it will have a great impact on your future
  • Homework is to be fully completed and turned in by the assigned time
  • Have fun and an open mind to what we are learning! 

What will you be doing in this class?

Bell-ringers: Daily activities aimed to help you learn about key bible passages, themes, or concepts for that class period.

Discussion: Smalland large group discussions will be used frequently to draw out your thoughts and questions about Old Testament figures, events, and dates.

Homework – You will have homework at least twice a week. Homework will be due the day after it is assigned.

Projects and other assignments: You will be doing other projects and assignments throughout the semester.


Your six weeks, semester and final grade will come from any combination of tests, pop quizzes, biblical vocabulary quizzes, homework, daily work, presentations, papers. The breakdown is as follows:


50% Tests, quizzes, presentations and projects

20%Daily work, participation, and biblical exercises


10% Final Exam

10% Service Work


Grading scale:

Letter Grade / Percentage
A / 100-93
B / 92-85
C / 84-77
D / 76-69
F / 68-below

Late Work and Make-up Work Policy

Homework is expected to be turned in the following class day it was assigned at the beginning of class (i.e. Friday homework is due first thing Monday). If a student misses a review day for a test due to an extra-curricular activity, they will be expected to take the test the day they return to school. I will be able to provide them with a review guide for any test if they will miss school for the above reason, but students need to inform me ahead of time. Sometimes family emergencies or unexpected events come up and cause students to miss school. When such events happen students are expected to immediately inform the teacher of the situation when they return to school so make-up assignments can be completed in a fair and timely manner.

Failure to turn in homework on the assigned day may result in a 0% on the assignment.

Cheating will not be tolerated. All assignments and tests are to be done on your own, unless otherwise instructed. If you are having difficulty, please see me for help. Any student caught cheating may receive a zero for that assignment or test.

All school policies listed in your student handbook will be fully enforced in this classroom.

Please feel free to visit me during my free periods (3rd or 7th) or before or after school if you have any questions or concerns. I am here for you and want to see you succeed!

I am looking forward to this school year and to working with all of you!

I have read and agree to the above syllabus. Parent: ______Student: ______