Award for project by German DPD apprentices: employers' liability insurance association accident prevention prize awarded for innovative workplace safety project
• Project by apprentices from DPD's Bremen depot receives the "Golden Hand" accident prevention prize awarded by the BGHW employers' liability insurance association
• Innovative heel protector for goods trolleys increases workplace safety
• Official award ceremony in Aachen
Aachen / Bremen, 16 November 2017 – International parcel and express service provider DPD Germany is one of the winners of the 2017 "Golden Hand" accident prevention prize awarded by the employers' liability insurance association in the trade and goods logistics industry (BGHW). The award was for an innovative concept which helps to ensure workplace safety in parcel sorting and distribution operations. Two apprentices from the DPD depot in Bremen have designed innovative heel protection which reduces the risk of workplace accidents when goods trolleys (so-called "corlettes") are used. The "Golden Hand" is Germany's premier prize for safe and healthy working conditions in the trade and goods logistics industry, and this year more than 70 companies submitted entries for the award.
"At DPD safety in the workplace enjoys top priority, and this award from the BGHW is tremendous confirmation of this", states Dr. Jörg Schmeidler, Regional Managing Director with DPD Deutschland. "I'm especially delighted that the prize-winning project was developed by two of our apprentices. This demonstrates to all up-and-coming staff at DPD that fresh ideas are taken seriously and rewarded."
The award-winning project was designed by apprentices Firat Altay and Siatwinda Siapanika from the DPD Depot in Bremen. The two apprentices realised that the use of goods trolleys involves an increased risk of workplace accidents. If someone is hit in the heel by the front edge of these trolleys it can lead to serious and painful injury. This risk has now been minimised, thanks to the development of a simple but highly effective mobile heel protector. DPD uses goods trolleys in particular for the transport of bulky packages in the sorting hall which can't be automatically sorted and distributed on the conveyor belt of the parcel distribution centres. Click here to see a video portrait of the project by the two Bremen apprentices.
At its 78 locations throughout Germany DPD is currently providing training for 292 apprentices and trainees in 15 different occupations. The spectrum of these occupations ranges from office staff via specialists in IT, warehousing or courier, express and parcel services (CEP) to commercial forwarding specialists and students at a vocational academy.
About the BGHW
The BGHW (Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik) employers' liability insurance association provides statutory insurance cover for companies in the retail, wholesale and goods distribution industries. Its insurance services cover approximately 5.5 million employees in around 400,000 companies throughout Germany. The "Golden Hand" accident prevention prize is awarded annually for especially useful and inventive projects in workplace safety and health protection.
Photos: With their newly developed heel protector for goods trolleys, apprentices Azubis Firat Altay and Siatwinda Siapanika have made a valuable contribution to minimising the number of accidents in the workplace.
Source (please indicate in the event of use): BGHW / FINGADO GmbH.
Images available in print quality at
Über DPD
DPD Deutschland gehört zur internationalen DPDgroup, Europas zweitgrößtem Paketdienst-Netzwerk. DPD hat deutschlandweit 78 Depots und 6.000 Pickup Paketshops. 8.000 Mitarbeiter und 10.000 Zusteller sind täglich für die Kunden im Einsatz. Im Jahr transportiert die Nummer 2 im deutschen Paketmarkt rund 350 Millionen Pakete – und das vollständig klimaneutral, ohne Mehrkosten für die Kunden.
Mit innovativen Technologien sowie einer konsequenten Orientierung an den Bedürfnissen und Lebensumständen aller Kunden und Empfänger bietet DPD einen einfachen, bequemen und flexiblen Service beim B2B- und B2C-Paketversand. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der branchenweit einzigartige Service Predict mit einem kartengestützten Live-Tracking, vielfältigen Optionen zur Umleitung eines Pakets und einer auf eine Stunde genauen Zustellprognose. Die digitalen Innovationen von DPD erhielten bereits zahlreiche Auszeichnungen wie etwa den Digital Transformation Award, den eco Internet Award, den Deutschen Preis für Onlinekommunikation oder den UX Design Award.
Die DPDgroup versendet in 230 Länder weltweit und verfügt über ein einheitliches Netzwerk von 28.000 Pickup Paketshops in Europa mit harmonisierten Services auch beim grenzüberschreitenden Versand. Europaweit sorgen 30.000 Mitarbeiter dafür, dass täglich mehr als 4 Millionen Pakete für die Kunden zugestellt werden. Muttergesellschaft von DPD ist GeoPost, eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der französischen Groupe La Poste. GeoPost verzeichnete im Jahr 2016 einen konsolidierten Jahresumsatz von 6,2 Milliarden Euro.
DPD Pressekontakt
Peter Rey
Senior Referent Media Relations
Wailandtstraße 1
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: 06021 492-7066
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