Awaiting HIS Return

The Messiah is coming back. Are you ready?

Tishri 5767 / Sept. 23-Oct. 22, 2006 Volume 1 Issue 1

Transformation and Spiritual Empowerment

Three Responsibilities of Believers


There were no televisions or newsstands in 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Hence, the message of freedom for the slaves was transmitted by word of mouth, letters and local publications. Slaves, who were forbidden to read, could not be notified by letter or publication. They were not allowed to interact with others who might have told them. There were only two ways for slaves to receive their freedom after it had become law. One way was for the slave owners to voluntarily free them, which rarely occurred. The other way was for Union soldiers to come to Confederate states and enforce the law. They had to know the law, prove it to slave masters, and exercise the authority to enforce the law.

In Matthew 28:18, Yeshua (Jesus’ name in the original Hebrew) says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” This one verse is the “Emancipation Proclamation” for all mankind. At the time of His resurrection, He received all power in His hands. No person has to be enslaved to sin leading to death. However, like those soldiers in the 1800’s, believers must go out and tell those in slavery to sin that there is another authority ruling on earth.

Unbelievers find themselves in the same predicament as slaves in the 1800’s. Their master, Satan, will not voluntarily release them from bondage. He controls their travel and even filters all the information they receive to be sure that none of it will set them free (Matthew 13:19). The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 is, then, the believer’s charge to inform all mankind that we have been set free through the sacrifice of Yeshua. Yet like those soldiers, we can only free slaves through the authority of the One who sent us. The soldiers came in the authority of the highest ruling power in the land, the American President, who had just won the Civil War. We come in the authority of the highest ruling power in the heavens and on earth, Yeshua the Messiah, who conquered death. Without His executive authority, our message has no power.

Within the Great Commission is not only a charge to proclaim the Good News of the Messiah’s reign on earth but also to represent His authority on earth. Yet there is another responsibility. In Romans 11:26, Paul states that all Isra’el will be saved. He shows us that the only way to win the children of Isra’el is to provoke them to jealousy. The Church cannot fully carry out this responsibility, however, without the help of Messianic (believing) Jews.

Evangelism, our first responsibility

Paul prepares believers to fulfill the Great Commission in Romans chapter 10. In verses 5-13, we learn that there is but one way for all of us to be saved, both Jews and Gentiles: to trust God in our hearts leading to righteousness and confess Yeshua is Lord with our mouths leading to salvation. Verses 13-15 then lay out six steps to the salvation of Gentiles. God sends believers to proclaim the Good News, we proclaim salvation through Yeshua, Gentiles hear the Good News, the hearers believe in the Messiah, they call on Him, and they are saved.

We know this Scripture well. Yet the Church tends to overlook the following text. Verses 16-21 add another step in the salvation of Jews. Since Jews have already heard the Good News but did not understand it, God uses Gentiles to provoke Jews to jealousy. Adding this seventh step makes evangelism complete (7 represents completion). The Great Commission cannot be fulfilled without the children of Isra’el receiving the Good News of Yeshua.

Verses 1-3 shed light on the necessity of provoking Jews to jealousy. The children of Isra’el who have not yet accepted their Messiah do not understand the Good News because of a commitment to win God’s favor through obedience to the law, not faith. Faith is God’s way to righteousness (verse 6). Yes, faith leads to obedience, but it cannot be replaced by it because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). There is no righteousness apart from faith in God because he has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all (Romans 11:32). This mercy is demonstrated in the Messiah’s sacrifice. To receive the power of salvation, we must believe that His sacrifice provides deliverance (Romans 5:8).

Provoke the Jew to Jealousy, our second responsibility

The parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 gives an example of provoking Jews to jealousy. Think of the younger son as the Gentile Church and the older son as God’s people Isra’el before accepting Yeshua. The younger son understood that he had an inheritance in his father’s estate. Although foolish, he trusted in his father’s mercy, even after sinning against him and Heaven. Once he had squandered all that his father had so graciously given him, he humbly presented himself to his father as a servant.

The older son worked his whole life to please the father through his obedience. He was deeply loved, but rather than trusting in that love, he strove to earn it (though it cannot be earned). As the oldest, he was due to receive a double portion of the inheritance. He, however, did not avail himself of his rights as a son. The older son was waiting until he came into the full inheritance to enjoy the father’s gift to him (when the father died). The younger son, however, enjoyed benefits of the father’s estate as soon as he repented. Watching the younger son receive the benefits of sonship, though he did not deserve them, then provoked the older son to jealousy.


Awaiting HIS Return

Tishri 5767 / Sept. 23-Oct. 22, 2006 Volume 1 Issue 1


Because the sins of Gentile believers are public knowledge—through our testimonies—Jews then become jealous that God would celebrate us as sons, not after our death, but in the land of the living. When we receive the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), God’s anointing comes upon us and we are able to enjoy being heirs to the King right now. We receive power on earth to change our lives and the lives of others, and we receive power in heaven through dominion over demons while we co-labor with angels. The anointing on Gentile believers incites Jews who are yet to believe to rethink observance of the law as a means to righteousness. Instead, they begin to believe in God’s love and mercy, which He lavishly bestows on all believers when we repent of our sins. The Good News becomes clear, and Jews receive the love of the Messiah into their hearts.

Represent the Messiah’s Authority, our third responsibility

According to Isaiah 61:1-3, there are seven key purposes for anointed authority. In Luke 4:16-21, Yeshua says that He fulfilled this Scripture. He charges believers to walk in His anointed authority until He returns (John 20:21-23). The first purpose for the anointing is to preach good news to the poor. This is evangelism and outreach ministry. The second is to heal the brokenhearted—spiritual and emotional healing for people coming out of bondage. The third purpose is to proclaim freedom to the captives. The Good News informs slaves that they have been set free. Yet setting them free takes the anointed authority of the Messiah. The Union soldiers not only informed the slaves of their freedom, but they literally removed them from their place of bondage. Likewise, we must be used by Yeshua in the deliverance of believers from unclean spirits and cycles of sin. The fourth purpose is to let out into light those bound in the dark. This describes transforming the minds of believers and bringing thoughts into captivity. The fifth purpose is to proclaim the year of the favor of ADONAI (The LORD) and the day of vengeance of our God. The year of God’s favor began when He sent the Messiah to earth. That is why Yeshua stopped reading at this portion of the Scripture (Luke 4:16-21). The day of vengeance of our God signifies the Messiah’s return to avenge the children of God against all of our foes (Isaiah 63:1-6, Ps. 110, Rev. 19:11-21). To comfort all who mourn is the sixth purpose—to proclaim God’s promises to the righteous who mourn over ungodliness (Ezekiel 9:4-6).

Lastly, we are anointed to provide for those in Zion who mourn. Here, God clearly gives His anointed children a responsibility to provide for His people Isra’el. We are to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes—our call to financially support His people. We are to give them the oil of gladness instead of mourning—physical healing and emotional restoration. We are to provide them with a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair; this describes spiritual healing, which includes sharing the Good News about the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua. We cannot give one without the other. Financial support without ministering to their spiritual, emotional and physical needs will leave them in their current state of oppression. Gentile AND Jewish believers have to walk in our full anointing on earth. Only this will hasten the Messiah’s return.

To witness the fulfillment of Isaiah 61 throughout the world, the Body of the Messiah must be whole with Christian Gentile believers and Messianic Jewish believers coming together as one (Ephesians 2:11-22). Gentiles are ordained by God to provoke Jews to jealousy. However, we cannot teach them how to be Jewish believers in the Messiah; we must leave that to the trailblazing Messianic Jews commissioned for the work. When Messianic and Christian believers fulfill the purposes for our anointing, Isra’el will be restored. Isaiah 61:3-9 depicts the twelve promises to the children of Isra’el to be fulfilled when the seven purposes of our anointing come to fruition. 1. Those in Zion will be called a planting of ADONAI for the display of his splendor. 2. They will rebuild the ancient ruins. 3. They will renew the ruined cities. 4. Aliens will shepherd their flocks. 5. Foreigners will work their fields and vineyards. 6. They will be called priests of ADONAI. 7. They will feed on the wealth of nations. 8. They will inherit a double portion in their land (double inheritance of the oldest son). 9. Everlasting joy will be theirs. 10. ADONAI will make an everlasting covenant with them. 11. Their descendants will be known among the nations. 12. All who see them will acknowledge that they are the seed ADONAI has blessed. To all believers I say this: step up into your authority and the world, beginning in Jerusalem, will come out of its bondage to decay

(Romans 8:19-20).