The hoax called Vedic Rashichakra and Vedic astrology!

Almost everybody is surprised as to why there are no Rashis (astrological signs) in the Vedas. It is really an interesting (even an intriguing!) question as to why our Rishis did not actually “discover” or “invent”a Rashichakra --- either sayana or so called nirayana! This question has vast ramifications especially since “Vedic astrology” is being proposed to be introduced in Indian universities as a core subject and any predictive astrology, whether “Vedic” or “non-Vedic” (even “anti-Vedic”!)is meaningless and useless without Rashis (astrological signs)! We must therefore analyse this vexatious question thoroughly.

Let us put it this way. There are innumerable references to “nakshatras” i.e. constellations (and not asterisms) in the Vedas. We also find the names of Madhuetc. months starting with the Vernal Equinox (Vishuvan) in the Vedas. There are,however, no “Rashis” (“signs”) like Mesha, Vrisha etc.---whether sayana or so called nirayana--- in them. So why did the Rishis not name those months as Mesha etc.rashis simultaneously as is done these days, at least by Western astronomers, who follow a seasonal year/calendar, just like the Vedic Rishis did, and name those months as Aries, Taurus etc.?

Believe me, however, our Rishis were geniuses not to have “invented” or “discovered” a Rashichakra - either Sayana or so-called nirayana! And there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed about their being geniuses, whatever our “Vedic Jyotishis” may say ! Let me explain it in a detailed manner and with examples:

Firstof all, we mustput the records straight here. No realastronomer the world over indicates any names of Rashis like Aries (Mesha) etc. If you take any ephemeris or almanac published by any observatory of the globe, you will not find the names of Rashis therein. Longitudes of planets etc. are given inRight Ascension and Declination or in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc, ranging from zero to 360 degrees in all the ephemeredes of international observatories including the Indian Astronomical Ephemeris published by Positional Astronomy Centre, Calcutta. Therefore, it is only astrologers who are “affixing” the names like Mesha etc. to the so-calledRashis. Thus, at least on this count, our Vedic Rishis were on an equal--if not a higher-- pedestal with today’s astronomers!

As per Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s ORION, a solar year is said to have started in the early(Rig-)Vedic period from Uttarayana—Winter Solstice. It was also the start of the Vedic month Tapah. Now let us suppose that the Vedic Rishis had superimposed any Rashi on that Tapah month, the question arises as to what type of a Rashichakra it could have been i.e. what could have been the nomenclature of those Rashis and what could be their “characteristics”. Let us presume them to be Mesha, Vrishaba are prevalent these days. But then we have to understand the real meaning of these Rashis first. In fact, they are just Sanskrit equivalents of the Greek names of constellations like Aries, Taurus etc. Therefore, another set of questions arises as to whether those Rashis should have been related to the constellations of similar names in any way or not.

Uttarayana vis-à-visMakar Sankranti and the Precession of Equinoxes:

To solve the mystery of the “missing Rashis in the Vedas”, we have to understand the phenomenon of Precession of Equinoxes first. We shall therefore try to explain it in as non-technical a manner as possible.

We know that the “Mother Earth” has an equator---an imaginary line equidistant from its north and south poles thus dividing the earth into two equal hemispheres. We calculate terrestriallatitudes of places North or South from the same. When we project this very equator to heavens, it becomes a Great Circle called Celestial Equator. It can also be said thus that the Celestial Equator is parallel to the terrestrial Equator.Instead of geographical latitudes, we measure declinations of planets etc. from that equator. There is also another Great Circle known as ecliptic, the actual path of revolution of the earth and planets around the sun.From it are measured the latitudes North or South of planets. As the Earth/Sun keep on always travelling via the “centre” of the Ecliptic that is why the earth’s latitude is always zero for all practical purposes.

These two “circles”, the Celestial Equator and Ecliptic, are neither concentric nor at right angles to one another. On the other hand, Ecliptic is inclined to the Equator at an angle of about 23°.5. This is known as Obliquity of the Ecliptic. It is directly responsible for the declination of planets since as we know by now, declination is another name of distance of planets or luminaries etc. north or south from the equator. For the earth/sun, whose latitude is zero, it cannot exceed the maximum obliquity of the Ecliptic. For other planets, with latitudes (distance above or below the ecliptic) more or less than zero, declinations can be more than the maximum obliquity of the ecliptic.

The Celestial Equator cuts the Eclipticat two points andeveryyear the sun (actually the earth) joins this point on two occasions.They are known as Vernal and Autumn Equinoxes --- when the days and nights are equal throughout the world. The earth is not a complete sphere but a spheroid with the polar axis being shorter than the equatorial axis by about 43 kms. (27 miles). Therefore, because of the gravitational effects of the sun and planets, especially the Moon, on the earth, which keep on pulling on its equatorial bulge, earth has a “different” equator every year. Since it is that very equator that becomes celestial equator when projected to the heavens, we can say that it is actually a“different” Equator that cuts the ecliptic at a different pointevery year. The “movement” of the ecliptic is very slow – about 47 arc-seconds a century. Thus every year there is a new “Vernal” and “Autumnal” Equinox. The best way to understand Precessionis to explain it with a diagram:

In the above diagram, the circle Eq1 is the equator on the first of January 1, 2003. Let us say it cut the ecliptic, when the sun (actually the earth) also joined it, on the point V1. The date wasMarch 22, 2003. The sun had then a longitude of zero degrees, latitude of zero degrees and declination as well Right Ascension of zero degrees. It was thus the Vernal Equinox of 2003. This is also known as the First point of Aries. From this point the longitudes and Right Ascension of planets etc. are measured. At the end of the year, however, the Equator Eq1will have undergone a “metamorphosis” because of the gravitational effects and it then becomes Eq.2,the“new equator”. It will cut the ecliptic at a different point and when the sun (actually the earth) also joins that point it will be the Vernal Equinox of 2004, around March 21, 2004, named V2. We can thus say that Equinox V1 has precessed to the position V2 during one year. This is what is meant by Precession of Equinoxes. It has to be noted here that all the observatories the world over will measure the longitudes and Right Ascension of planets for the year 2004 from this new Vernal Equinox i.e. the First Point of Aries. Similarly, declinations North or South for 2004 will be measured from the new Equator i.e. V2.

Precession and Solstices:We know that there are two more cardinal points in the phenomenon of seasons. They are formed when the sun (the earth) during its sojourn through the Ecliptic reaches a point which is at the maximum distance of north from the Equator. The sun has the maximum declination of North (whereas the earth has the maximum declination of South) thenand it starts “coming down” and “turning” to south (and the earth towards North). That is why it is known as Dakshinayana viz. Summer Solstice when the day is the longest in northern hemisphere---around June 22 these days. Similarly, when the sun reaches the point on the ecliptic which has the maximum southerndistance from the Equator (and the earth the maximum Northern Declination), it comes as if to a “halt” momentarily and starts going to North (and the earth towards South). it is known as Uttarayana --- Winter Solstice, when the day is the shortest---December 22 this year. When we say the Equinoxes are precessing, it is actually as if the whole Equator is precessing and therefore, even the Winter and Summer Solstices also are precessing.Our Vedic Rishis had made the month of Madhav start from Vernal Equinox and the month of Tapah from the Winter Solstice and so on since they had linked the months to seasons. We can thus say that the months Madhu, Madhava etc. also are precessing since all of them are linked to the four cardinal points viz. the two equinoxes and solstices.

The rate of precession in 2000 BC was about 49”.31, in 1 AD it was about 49”.84 and presently it is about 50”.28 per year. Thus the point V1 will have precessed to V2 by about 50.28 seconds of arc between 2003 and 2004. As we can judge from the diagram, when the sun (actually the earth) reaches V2, it will have to travel a distance of about 50”.28 less than if the VE1 had remained “fixed”, like a “Fixed Star”. The sun travels about one degree (3600 seconds of arc) in a day i.e. 24X60 = 1440 minutes. It means the distance of the precession of 50.28 seconds of arc will be covered in a lesser time of about (1440/3600)X50.28 = 20.11 minutes approximately than the “fixed” equinox. That is why we say that the tropical year – distance covered by the sun/earth from one Vernal Equinox to another Vernal Equinox – is shorter than the sidereal year – distance covered by the sun from a Fixed Star to the same star again---by about 20 minutes. A simple mathematical calculation tells us that at the present rate of precession, it will be about 71.6 years when one degree of precession will be the difference whereas in 2000 BC it would have taken about 72.89 years for a degree of precession. We can thus safely say that on an average, during the last few thousand years, the Equinoxes and solstices etc.precessed at an average rate of about 1 degree every 72 years.

Constellations vis-à-visPrecession:

The precession of equinoxes/solstices is always vis-à-vis the constellational belt, i.e. against the background of a particular constellation at a particular point of time. For example,when we want to find out the position of the Vernal Equinoxor Winter Solstice etc.say at the time of Shatapatha Brahmana, which was about 3000 BC, we cannot just pin it against a void! We must have some “area”-–some canvas---where and against which we can position/locate it! e.g., when we want to “find”Delhi, we have to say, “It is in India, which is a part of Asia”! Similarly, to find the position of the Vernal Equinox etc. astronomers have taken the background Constellations as the canvass. Thus when Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak said in his “Orion” that in 3000 BC the Vernal Equinox was in the Constellation of Krittikas, he was talking of those very Constellations.

Constellations as per modern astronomy:

There are actually about 88 Constellations as per modern astronomy out of which thirteen (fourteen including Ceti i.e. Cetus meaning a “Whale”) are the major ones of the zodiac i.e. the constellational belt “hovering” around the ecliptic. These constellations were given their names because of their resemblance to some particular figure e.g. when Lokamanya Tilak referred to ORION as the “Hunter” it was only because it had resembled that figure in the hoary past and does so even today to some extent. Similarly, Aries resembled a ram; Taurus a bull and so on. Though these days most of these “Bulls” and “Rams” havelost their resemblance with their original nomenclatures, however, they are still known by those very names.And that is absurd, to say the least! Out of the 13/14 prominent constellations, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are the twelve constellations that comprised the zodiac initially as per the Chaldean, later Greek and still later Western astrologers. They called them “signs”. Hindu astrologers know these very “signs” by the names of twelve Rashis viz. Mesha, Vrishab, Mithun, Karkat, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbha and Mina respectively in that order. In fact, “Hindu” names of Rashis are just the equivalents of their Chaldean/Greek names. There is also a thirteenth constellation of the zodiac by the name of Ophiuchus and a fourteenth by the name of Cetus, but these are neither recognized by Western nor by Eastern astrologers.

We must have some “coordinates” to measure the “distances” or “longitudes” of these constellations as well. There are no starting or ending demarcation lines described in the Vedas for these constellations. e.g. they do not tell us as to when “Apbharni” ends and “Krittikas” start or vice-versa. However,International Astronomical Union has given the boundaries of these constellations in Right Ascension and Declination etc. as per the Vernal Equinox of 1930, which are naturally slightly different from the ones given earlier as per 1875 equinox. These revised boundaries, when translated to the Vernal Equinox of 2004 AD,lead to their longitudes as given in the last but one column of the below table.

Indian Institute of Astrophysics has this to say in its website about the IAU list of constellations, “The definitive list of 88 constellations was established in 1930, under the authority of the International Astronomical Union. Its rectilinear constellation boundaries preserve the traditional arrangements of naked eye stars. The standard boundaries define an unambiguous constellation for each star.

‘Nevertheless, it has to be admitted that the constellations that we have today, are neither logical nor convenient. The largest constellation Hydra covers 1303 square degrees of the sky; the smallest, Cruz, only 68 square degrees. Centaurus includes 49 stars above the fifth magnitude, while Mensa does not have even one. However, the patterns are now well established that it is unlikely that they will be altered.”

A Brief History of Constellations
unambiguous constellation for each star.
Constellations of the Ecliptic / Signs of the Zodiac
constellation / deg / Time (Days) / enter / astrological / Vernal Eq.
Aries / 24.6 / 25 / 18 Apr / 21 Mar / 1865 BC
Taurus / 36.8 / 37 / 14 May / 20 Apr / 4539 BC
Orion (1) / 18-20 Jun
Gemini / 27.7 / 28 / 21 Jun / 21 May
Solstice / 21 Jun
Cancer / 20.1 / 20 / 20 Jul / 22 Jun
Leo / 35.7 / 36 / 10 Aug / 23 Jul
Sextans (2) / 3 Sep
Virgo / 44.1 / 45 / 16 Sep / 23 Aug
equinox / 22 Sep
Libra / 23.1 / 23 / 31 Oct / 23 Sep
Scorpio / 6.4 / 6 / 23 Nov / 24 Oct / 9876 AD
Ophiuchus / 18.9 / 19 / 29 Nov / 8598 AD
Sagittarius / 33.4 / 34 / 17 Dec / 22 Nov / 6271 AD
solstice / 21 Dec
Capricornus / 28.1 / 29 / 19 Jan / 22 Dec / 4312 AD
Aquarius / 23.8 / 24 / 16 Feb / 20 Jan / 2597 AD
Pisces / 37.2 / 38 / 12 Mar / 19 Feb / 68 BC
equinox / 20 Mar
Cetus (3) / 27 Mar
Table showing the starting dates of Vedic months vis-à-vis Surya Siddhnta, Lahiri, Raman, Cyril Fagan, Grahalaghava, Revati & “O. C. Ayanmsha” as compared to actual constellations
S. N. / Vedic month / Season / Sankr-anti / Eng nam / Vedic/ S.Sidh / Lahiri date / Raman date / Fagan date / GrahaLagh / Tilak/ Revti / OC-Ay. Date / Constellational
Longitude Date
1 / Madhav / Vasant / Mesh / Arie / Mar 21 / Apr 14 / Apr 12 / Apr 15 / Apr 15 / Apr10 / Apr 19 / 31.0 / Apr 21
2 / Shukra / Grishm / Vrish / Tau / Apr 20 / May 15 / May 13 / May16 / May 16 / May11 / May 20 / 53.5 / May 15
3 / Shuchi / Grishm / Mithu / Ge / May 21 / Jun 15 / Jun 14 / Jun 16 / Jun 16 / Jun 11 / Jun 21 / 90.0 / Jun 22
4 / Nabhah / Varsha / Karka / Can / Jun 22 / Jul 17 / July 15 / Jul 18 / Jul 17 / Jul 12 / Jul 22 / 117.5 / July 21
5 / Nabhas / Varsha / Simha / Leo / July 23 / Aug 17 / Aug 15 / Aug18 / Aug18 / Aug13 / Aug 22 / 136.5 / Aug 10
6 / Isha / Sharat / Kanya / Vir / Aug 23 / Sep 17 / Sep 15 / Sep 18 / Sep18 / Sep13 / Sep 22 / 172.0 / Sep 15
7 / Urja / Sharat / Tula / Libr / Sep 23 / Oct 17 / Oct 16 / Oct 18 / Oct 18 / Oct13 / Oct 23 / 217.5 / Oct 30
8 / Sahas / Hemant / Vrisch / Sco / Oct 24 / Nov 16 / Nov 15 / Nov17 / Nov17 / Nov12 / Nov 22 / 239.5 / Nov 22
9 / Ophiuchus (Serpent Bearer) / It has not been accounted for in any Rashichakra / 248.0 / Dec 1
10 / Sahasy / Hemant / Dhanu / Sagi / Nov 22 / Dec 16 / Dec15 / Dec 17 / Dec 17 / Dec 12 / Dec 21 / 266.5 / Dec 19
11 / Tapah / Shishir / Makar / Cap / Dec 22 / Jan 14 / Jan 13 / Jan 15 / Jan 15 / Jan 10 / Jan 19 / 299.0 / Jan 20
12 / Tapas / Shishir / Kumb / Aqu / Jan 20 / Feb 13 / Feb 11 / Feb 14 / Feb 14 / Feb 9 / Feb 18 / 326.0 / Feb 15
13 / Madhu / Vasant / Mina / Pis / Feb 19 / Mar 15 / Mar 13 / Mar 15 / Mar 15 / Mar 11 / Mar 20 / 357.5 / Mar 18

(We have not included Cetus deliberately since it is not very prominent yet!)

Even a cursory glance at the above table shows that the constellations are of irregular dimensions instead of being of say 30 or 40 degrees each. But then we must not forget that these constellations are “line of sight effects” --- they are not of the actual shape of a ram or bull! They are just like clouds assuming the shapes of a bull or a ram etc. instead of actually becoming a bull or ram etc.! The only difference is that the clouds assuming those shapes are transitory phenomena whereas the constellations look like those resemblances for a long time. Even if the constellations had been in actual shapes of “rams” and “bulls” and “crabs” and “scales” etc.,it would have been “unwise” for us to presume that they would have been of equal size! As we know, “a pitcher (Aquarius)” cannot be equal in size (nor in weight, for that matter!) to a “bull” (Taurus), nor can a “Crab” (Cancer) be equal to a “Virgin” (Virgo), least of all can a “Scorpion” (Scorpio) be equal to an “Archer” (Sagittarius) and so on. Similarly, to say that “Scales”(Libra) are equal to “Crocodile/Goat” (Capricorn) would be “silly” on our part, and I am sure that is the last “adjective” anyone would like to reserve for himself/herself! In fact, Mother Nature does not like symmetry at all since may be that is a sign of “stagnation”. E.g. years – whether tropical or sidereal or anomalistic or Eclipse orsynodic are never a whole number of days – nay even hours--- they are always in fractions! Same is the case with lunar months whether sidereal or synodic or anomalistic—they also have a fraction of days---nay even hours! For that matter, hardly two days in a year have actual 24 mean solar hours---when the days and nights are equal---since all other days are either less or more than 24 hours! Similarly, no season has complete 60 or 90 days – some have more and others less. Even the meandaily motion of none of the planets, least of all the Moon, is a whole number of degrees, nay even seconds of arc! It is in fractions of arc-seconds!