Avondale Run Homeowners Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 2115
Westminster, MD 21158
Fall 2013 Newsletter
Board Meetings
The next three Board Meetings will be held on the following dates. The Board Meetings are held at Grace Fellowship Chapel, 20 Bell Road, Westminster, MD 21158 at 7:00 PM (go down the outside stairs to the basement). The Board invites all interested residents to attend. At the Board Meeting homeowners are given an opportunity to express any concerns they may have.
September 9, 2013October 7, 2013November 4, 2013
Architectural Guidelines
Over the next several months the Board of Directors will be reviewing and considering making changes to the Architectural Guidelines. If you have any suggestions or comments about how the Architectural Guidelines can be improved, please send them to the Board at . You can also attend any of the Board of Directors meetings to discuss the Architectural Guidelines with the Board.
The Board continues to receive complaints about people leaving their trash cans in the front yard. No trash cans, trash bags, recyclable containers, etc. should be kept in the front yard. All trash and trash receptacles should be kept in the back yard. If you have a fence, all trash and trash receptacles should be kept behind the fence. Do not put any trash or trash receptacles on the HOA open space.Never put any trash, trash receptacles or bulk trash on the corners of the townhome parking lots. Report any trash violations to the Board at . Thank you for your cooperation in keeping Avondale Run a clean and beautiful community.
The parking spaces on Lakes Court were repaved at a cost of $33,200. The parking space paving was timed to be done at the same time the City of Westminster repaved the street. The parking spaces on Congressional Drive are scheduled to be done between now and July 2014 but no date has been set yet.The Board is waiting for the city to set the date for the street repaving. Homeowners on Congressional Drive will be given notice when we have a paving date.
Dog Poop
The Board wants to emphasize again the importance of cleaning up after your dog. Anyone who has walked around the community knows there is a lot of dog poop left on the ground. If you walk your dog, clean up after it! Do not leave dog waste bags on the ground once you pick up after your dog. This is nearly as bad as not picking up the poop at all. Take the dog waste bag home and throw it in the trash. Some people take their dogs to the same spot to relieve themselves and never clean up the poop. If you see someone not cleaning up after their dog report them to theHumane Society of Carroll County at 410-848-4810 or 410-875-5379. The Humane Society enforces all animal control laws and has the power to issue fines to those people who routinely do not pick up after their dogs. This is considered a misdemeanor “punished by confinement in the county jail for not more than 30 days or by a fine up to $500.00, or both”. A responsible dog owner cleans up after their dog.
Tree Maintenance
The Board spent $2,200 to have the trees in the HOA open space trimmed by That Tree Guy, 3377 Main Street, Manchester, MD 21102, 410-374-1616. They did a great job and now people can walk along the common sidewalks without having to duck under tree limbs.
Smart Meters
As you may or may not be aware, BGE is installing utility smart metersin Maryland.The Avondale Run Board of Directors thought it appropriate to provideinternet links, both pro and con, on this topic:
Read the information in order to make an informed decision on utility smart meters.
Back to School
It’s that time of year again. The kids are getting ready to go back to school. Remember when you leave for work in the morning to watch out for children standing at the bus stops. Kids, especially young ones, are easily distracted and may not pay attention to cars when crossing the street. Drivers need to be extra cautious around children playing at the bus stops. Any parents waiting in cars at the bus stop need to keep in mind that they should park in such a way that they are not obstructing traffic. The Board hopes everyone has a happy and safe school year!
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