Pearl 2000 September 2000 release notes - page1

Avolites Pearl 2000

Software Release Notes

September 2000

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*Before contacting Avolites for service enquiry please ensure that you have the product serial number and the Software version.

The latest version of this manual (in Microsoft Word For Windows revision 7.x) can be downloaded from the Avolites web site detailed above.

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p2000.doc19/09/2000 20:56

Pearl 2000 September 2000 release notes - page1



2.System Requirements



3.2How to upgrade the AVOS to Pearl 2000 from version 1.7

3.3How to install the August 1999 AVOS

3.4How to install the Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000 AVOS

3.5How to install the Pearl 2000 Sep 2000 Software

3.6How to carry out a Hard WIPEALL

3.7How to carry out a Soft WIPEALL

3.8How to cache the built-in personality files

4.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 September 2000 Software

The September 2000 software is based on the March 2000 software but with the following differences


5.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 March 2000 Software

The March 2000 software is based on the November 1999 software. This is a list of the differences


5.2New Peripherals now supported

5.3New functions

6.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 November 1999 Software

6.1More Dimmers and Fixtures

6.2Theatre Functions

6.3AVOLITES menu.

6.4New VDU screens

6.5Takeover after GO

6.6Enhanced script files

6.7Disk import from the Azure 2000 and the Sapphire 2000

6.7.1Azure show disk import details:

6.7.2Sapphire 2000 show import details:

6.8IMPORT the Visualiser Patch

6.9Visualiser interface

6.10DMX in

6.11Millennium Date compliance

6.12Shape Offset

6.13Release notes display

7.Record Options explained

7.1Record by CHANNEL

7.1.1New Scene

7.1.2Updating a Scene

7.2Record by FIXTURE

7.2.1New Scene

7.2.2Updating a Scene

7.3Record by STAGE

8.Other fixes & enhancements

9.Theatre Stack

9.1Theatre stack playback Faders.

9.2Entering and Exiting Theatre Mode

9.3Step numbers

9.4Theatre Stack programming menu



9.4.3[C] SET TIMES

9.4.4[D] RECORD


9.4.6[F] Cut To Live

9.4.7[G] QUIT


9.5Playback Options

10.Known Problems

10.1Importing an April 99 Sapphire 2000 show disk

10.2Importing an October 99 Azure 2000 show disk


11.1Script file programming

11.2Theatre stack programming

11.3Chase Programming


This document provides a list of the new features and enhancements in the Pearl 2000 September 2000 SP1.1 software as well as detailed instructions on how to upgrade. This document is intended for users who are already familiar with the Pearl layout. If you do require further information, then please send an Email to

To carry out the software upgrade you will need a program disk. Click to download the program Disk.

To make a program disk:

  1. On a PC, execute the downloaded file.
  2. Insert a blank 1.4MB formatted disk and click on Unzip.
  3. Label the disk “Pearl 2000 SP1.1 Sep 18 2000”

Program disk contents:

  • prlflash.dat Main program file.
  • Ram2000.prl AVOS Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000
  • aps.cmp The full personality database in one file.
  • P2000per.cmp Built-in personality cache file
  • P2000.doc The release notes.

2.System Requirements

The Pearl 2000 September 2000 SP1.1 software is designed for a Pearl desk, which meets the following specification:

  1. AVOS Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000 installed. Refer to section 3.2
  2. Extended memory fitted.

To check for extended memory. In SYSTEM, press [A] SERVICE, [D] TESTS, [D] MEMORY CHECK.

  1. Midi upgrade. This applies to Pearl 1000 desks fitted with a Borris 1 motherboard
  2. VGA card installed


Before installing check that your desk meets the System Requirements, see section 2 and make sure that you have backed up your show, because you will be required to carry out a WIPEALL afterwards. To carry out the upgrade, follow the instructions from section 3.1 onwards. Here is a to do list

  • Check the AVOS and upgrade to Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000, if necessary
  • Upgrade the main software
  • Execute a Wipeall
  • Load the built in personality files
  • Import your show disk.


You will need to ENTER the AVOS menu in order to install new software.

To enter AVOS:

  • In SYSTEM mode press [A] SERVICE then press [A] RUN AVOS. Type in 68340 then hit [ENTER].


  • If the desk will not respond. Power OFF the desk and lift the lid after undoing the 5 retaining screws. Place a jumper on the end link in the group of 8 links in the centre of the Borris motherboard. Switch ON the desk.

The AVOS menu will appear on the LCD screen and if the correct AVOS is installed the top line will be: - ‘Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000’. If the date is earlier than this or Pearl 2000 is not indicated then you will need to upgrade the AVOS by following the instructions in section 3.3, otherwise process directly to section 3.2

3.2How to upgrade the AVOS to Pearl 2000 from version 1.7

  1. Copy the file called ram.prl from the program disk to a 720k formatted disk. If a 1.4Mb disk is the only disk that is available then this can be formatted to 720k by first placing some opaque tape over the disk density marker, this is the second hole at the lower end of the disk.
  2. Insert the 720k disk into the Pearl disk drive and in the AVOS menu, select the option called AVOS EXTENDER.
  3. Wait about 10 seconds for the AVOS to be loaded.
  4. The desk will automatically reset and re-enter AVOS, if this does not occur then follow the instructions in section 3.1
  5. You have now Pearl 2000 August 98 AVOS installed. To complete the AVOS upgrade, proceed to section 3.4.

3.3How to install the August 1999 AVOS

ENTER the AVOS menu (see above). Note if the message on the top line of the LCD screen reads ‘Pearl 2000 Aug 05 1999’ then you do not need to upgrade the AVOS, proceed directly to section 3.4. NOTE that the AVOS upgrade that is supplied on the program disk is for upgrading from an existing Pearl 2000 AVOS. If the AVOS installed in the desk is not Pearl 2000 or it is v1.7 then you must first upgrade to the Pearl 2000 AVOS, see section 3.2

  1. Insert the program disk in the drive and press [E] AVOS Extender
  2. Hit [ENTER] when prompted and wait about 10 seconds.
  3. After loading the new AVOS the desk will reset. If the desk does not re-enter AVOS then follow the instructions in section 3.1. The top line should now read ‘Pearl 2000 Aug 05 1999’. Proceed to section 3.4

3.4How to install the Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000 AVOS

ENTER the AVOS menu (see above). Note if the message on the top line of the LCD screen reads ‘Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000’ then you do not need to upgrade the AVOS, proceed directly to section 3.5. NOTE that the AVOS upgrade that is supplied on the program disk is for upgrading from an existing Pearl 2000 AVOS. If the AVOS installed in the desk is not Pearl 2000 or it is v1.7 then you must first upgrade to the Pearl 2000 AVOS, see section 3.2

  1. Insert the program disk in the drive and press [E] AVOS Extender
  2. Hit [ENTER] when prompted and wait about 10 seconds.
  3. After loading the new AVOS the desk will reset. If the desk does not re-enter AVOS then follow the instructions in section 3.1. The top line should now read ‘Pearl 2000 +R50 Sep 18 2000’. Proceed to section 3.5

3.5How to install the Pearl 2000 Sep 2000 Software

  1. Make a backup of your show.
  2. ENTER the AVOS menu, see section 3.1
  3. Insert a blank 1.4Mb Disk and press [D] Save program. Keep this disk safe and use it to reload your original program should there be a problem with the upgrade.
  4. Insert the program disk and press [B] Burn a New Program
  5. Hit [ENTER] when prompted and wait until the message “100% Completed” appears. If the progress indicator stops short of 100% then there is a problem with the disk. You must recreate the program disk, but first format the disk, if possible format the disk in the desk.
  6. Press [EXIT], then [A] Start the System. At this point the desk might lock up, if this happens then you will need to carry out a Hard WIPEALL, see section 3.6
  7. Otherwise carry out a soft WIPEALL. Proceed to section 3.7.

3.6How to carry out a Hard WIPEALL

You will need to do this if the desk does not respond after upgrading. Otherwise carry out a soft Wipeall, see section 3.7

  1. Switch OFF the desk
  2. Lift up the top panel after undoing the 2 screws.
  3. Place a jumper on 2 legs of the Wipeall link.
  4. Wait until the desk has properly initialised (about 10 seconds max) and then switch OFF the desk.
  5. Replace the jumper onto one leg of the link, close the lid and tighten the screws by turning one-quarter turn clockwise.
  6. Power ON the desk and reload your show from your backup disks.
  7. Proceed to section 3.8

3.7How to carry out a Soft WIPEALL

You will need to carry out a Wipeall after loading the new software.

  1. Turn the keyswitch to SYSTEM
  2. Press [A] SERVICE
  3. Press [F], twice and wait for the Pearl to reset.

3.8How to cache the built-in personality files

The built-in personality file will have to be re-loaded after upgrading the software.

To do this:

  1. Turn the Keyswitch to SYSTEM
  3. Insert the program disk
  4. Press [D] Cache Personality Files. During this operation please disconnect all MIDI devices connected to the desk.
  5. Wait for the file to be loaded (Cached) and then CHECKED. This will take about 3 minutes.
  6. When the message “Personality Files successfully cached, Hit <EXIT>” appears, hit [EXIT]. If the message does not appear or the desk freezes, you will have to remake the program disk and repeat the process from step 1.

4.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 September 2000 Software

The September 2000 software is based on the March 2000 software but with the following differences


  1. Supports the HR III Tablet
  2. Supports the New Dallas Clock chip
  3. Support for the ST9 R50
  4. Format and Save now works correctly
  5. There is now a warning message to warn the user when an attempt is made to patch a dimmer over a fixture.
  6. Record by Channel/Fixture option in the AVOLITES menu
  7. Memories no longer flash on the stage when memories are copied in Program mode and Takeover mode is selected.
  8. Record Stage can now be used without problem in the Chase Record Menu
  9. It is now possible to define and patch a fixture with more than 30 attributes
  10. It is now possible to record into a memory a fixture with more than 30 attributes.
  11. When converting a Simple chase step to a complex chase step, Autoload function is no longer assigned to the new step, previously this was unintentionally done and would cause problems when the step was executed. Autoloads are now only available in the Theatre Stack
  12. It is now not possible to trigger an Autoload from a chase step. Because of the problem in item 11 above, it was previously possible to create an Autoload for a chase step, when the Autoload was subsequently executed the desk would crash.
  13. The playback LED sometimes continues to blink after a timed memory has unloaded. This is now fixed.
  14. The patch now no longer disappears after importing a show disk created on a Pearl fitted with Nov 98 software.
  15. If the DMX processor stops working, then a small ‘T’ will appear on the LCD display.
  16. Channels used in the previous step of a chase are now switched OFF before the next step is loaded. This prevents the fixtures from ‘blinking or jumping’ after the fade has finished.
  17. It is now possible to delete preset focus 12 when the Theatre stack is active.
  18. The playback faders 13 to 15 can now be used to manually fade a Theatre Stack. Previously the desk would cease if a chase was connected and manual mode was used.
  19. Autoloads from a theatre stack now take the highest priority such that if a fixture is used both in the step that launches the Autoload and in the Autoload itself, then the fixture control will be assigned to the Autoload.
  20. Sometimes the desk would cease for no apparent reason, especially after a heavy programming session, the cause was pinned down to an internal function, which copies a block of memory from one location to another. The maximum size of the block was limited to 16-bits, this limit has now been removed and so this particular problem will not occur.
  21. The aps.cmp file is the database of personality files in compressed form and has an internal limit of 350. There are now over 400 personality files in our database and so I decided to increase this limit to 1000 personality files. Please use this file in place of the fully expanded personality files, the aps.cmp file compresses the full database to about the size of a peanut and requires a lot less effort to transport over the Internet and can fit on one disk. The same file can also be used with the Sapphire 2000 and Azure 2000.
  22. The desk can sometimes cease if there is no QWERTY keyboard plugged in. This only applies to Pearl desks fitted with a Borris motherboard. This is now fixed.
  23. The desk can sometimes cease with TF on the internal red display. This problem would normally occur on power up and previously the only solution was a wipeall. I know that we have had more than one attempt to fix this problem, but now there is a new fix in place and I am about 99.9% certain that the problem will not occur.

5.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 March 2000 Software

The March 2000 software is based on the November 1999 software. This is a list of the differences


  1. Azure 2000 and Sapphire 2000 show disk import. Both Preset Focuses and Shapes in memories are now properly imported.
  2. Macro playback stops desk functions. A chase or shape will not now be interrupted when a Macro is executed
  3. In PROGRAM Mode, if the AVOLITES Key is pressed while the USER Menu is on Display, then the menu display becomes corrupted. Fixed.
  4. DMX lines 2 and 3 stop working when a show disk is loaded into a Borris 1 desk from a Borris 2 desk, or vice versa. The Pearl will detect and prompt the user if this occurs, an option is presented to correct DMX lines 2 and 3.
  5. The Flash button response slows in proportion with the number of memories programmed. This has now been fixed.

5.2New Peripherals now supported

  1. Genius HR III Graphics tablet.
  2. Avance Logic VDU card.

5.3New functions

  1. When a shape memory is taken out, the shape offset will be removed, this is now the default for new memories. To keep the offset, see option [E] in the Shape Parameters Menu.
  2. Fader values in the diagnostic screen are Grandmaster independent
  3. xFREE beside the free memory percentage display indicates the presence of Extended memory
  4. Set DMX lines to default settings, see option [F] in the PATCH UTILITIES Menu.
  5. A delay of ½ Second on start up has been inserted to improve the start up reliability.

6.What’s NEW in the Pearl 2000 November 1999 Software

6.1More Dimmers and Fixtures

In the previous software the limit was 120 Fixtures or 240 Dimmers, now it is any combination of 240 Fixtures or dimmers. Also, there are now 200 focuses and 200 groups; this is to provide compatibility with the Azure and the Sapphire.

6.2Theatre Functions

A brand new Theatre Programming section has been developed.

See section 9

6.3AVOLITES menu.

This menu is accessed when the AVOLITES key is held. When released the menu exits.

The following options are available in the AVOLITES menu

[A] Preset LED’s =

  • FIXTURES – The Preset LED’s indicate selected fixtures. To view fixtures 31 to 60, press and hold the AVOLITES key.
  • MIMICS – The Preset LED’s indicate the intensity of the first 30 Fixtures or Dimmers on the current fixture page.

[B] CHASE Control Buttons – The lower row of sequence control buttons can be used to control a sequence or to control fixture selection as follows