1. –Direction General: EuropeAid
    - Direction: F – Operations
    - Unit: 2 – Centralised Management of thematic lines under EIDHR and IFS
    - Place of work: Bruxelles
    - Head of Unit: Mrs Sari SUOMALAINEN (ph. 2/2964544)
    - Tentative Starting date:: 4th quarter 2009

Please note that the detachment will be regulated by the Commission's Decision C(2008)6866 of the 12/11/2008 laying down the rules on the secondment of national expert to the Commission services.The text of this decision is available at

  1. Key areas of responsibility:

Specific tasks :

The national seconded expert will, under the responsibility of the Head of Sector "elections" from Aidco Unit F2,and in cooperation with Unit B2 from DG Relex:

1. Contribute to the organisation and the management of two to three European Union Election Observation Mission (EOM) per year in countries that are not member of the OSCE. This implies,

i) the organisation of and the participation to Exploratory Missions aiming at evaluating the utility, the usefulness and the feasibility of EOM within the list of retained priority countries;

ii) the organisation of the public procurements and recruitments necessary (experts, observers) to the setting up of those EOM;

iii) the organisation and the operational management of EOM;

  1. Contribute to the organisation and the management of ElectoralExperts Missions. This implies :

i) the organisation of and participation to the missions aiming at the follow-up of recommendations from previous EOM;

ii) the organisation of the public procurements and recruitments necessary (experts, observers) to ad hoc supporting expert missions;

iii) the organisation and the operational management of the ad hoc supporting expert missions;

3. Contribute to the development of election observation methodology. This implies:

i) to contribute to the operational relationships with MemberStates and European Parliament, and to the development of partnerships with other international organisations;

ii) to contribute to the management of the network of EU observers;

ii) to participate to the update of methodological guides and specific trainings.


  1. Required skills:

A post-graduate diploma (international, politics or law);

A significant working experience on governance and Human right related matters, notably acquired in the field;

A good understanding of European policies related to governance support and more over election support;

A compulsory experience in the field of elections in the framework of UE or OSCE observation mission;

A proven capacity to work in difficult contexts;

A good knowledge of European Commission's public procurements rules (tenders, framework contracts…) and a good capacity to management projects;

A good capacity of strategic thinking;

A good capacity of communication;

An in-depth knowledge of the Community institutions' structure and activities.


  1. Working languages :

The seconded expert should know two community languages. The knowledge of English is required for the management of the duties involved in the post. The knowledge of French is recommended.