Michigan Department of Education

Professional Preparation and Development Unit Update

February 2, 2007

Specialty Preparation Programs

(Bonnie Rockafellow, Steve Stegink, Sue Wittick)

Ø  The updated world language MTTC tests will assess writing, reading, and listening. Institutions have the responsibility to ensure required proficiency in speaking.

Ø  Teacher preparation institutions may use the State Board-approved standards as the basis for identifying proficiency in world languages. In each world language, guideline/standard 1.1 states the expected proficiency for speaking, reading, writing, and listening, e.g., French, German, Spanish proficiencies are at the advanced-low ACTFL designation; Japanese, Chinese, Russian proficiencies are at the intermediate-high ACTFL designation.

Ø  Each institution’s plan for assessing language proficiency will be reviewed in the World Language conference on February 12, 2007.

Initial and Periodic Specialty Program Approval (Bonnie Rockafellow, Steve Stegink, Sue Wittick)

Ø  The Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Teacher Preparation Policy Study Group continues to meet monthly to formulate recommendations related to Periodic Review and other aspects of teacher preparation. Your Dean will receive an invitation to attend a stakeholders meeting to be scheduled in March 2007.

Review of Reading Courses Required for the Initial Preparation of Teachers through the Reading First Grant

Ø  The Michigan Reading First grant requires that the state of Michigan review all required reading courses within the teacher preparation programs for Michigan teachers regarding the coverage of essential components of reading instruction required in the No Child Left Behind legislation. The Office of Professional Preparation Services (OPPS) as part of its responsibilities to assure quality preparation programs conducts reviews of teacher preparation programs for all endorsement areas. The OPPS is partnering with the Office of School Improvement (OSI) to review all of Michigan’s required reading courses.

Ø  The three components that will require review include:

o  Required reading courses for initial certification of all elementary

o  certification candidates;

o  Required reading course for initial certification of all secondary certification candidates; and

o  Required reading course of study for all teachers who hold a provisional teaching certificate. (PA 118)

Ø  Additional information is available at this url: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-6530_5683_6368-157184--,00.html

PA 118 Reading Requirement for Renewal of Provisional Certificates and New Professional Certificates (Bonnie Rockafellow)

Ø  Public Act 118 requires completion of a three credit course of study for all provisionally certified teachers. This law is effective July 1, 2007, but the legislature is considering a change in that date. See Senate Bill 70 below.

Ø  For information on PA 118, see http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-6530_5683_6368-146967--,00.html

Ø  For a listing of approved courses (and those in development), see http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/PA_118_responses_class_list_177829_7.pdf

Ø  Teacher preparation institutions may offer this required, advanced reading course as part of the 18 credit hour planned program.

Ø  Online courses must also have appropriate field experiences.

Applications for Approval of Principal Preparation Programs (Donna Hamilton)

Ø  Program reviewers have been contacted. Additional reviewers from K-12 would be helpful.

Ø  Applicants have been asked to provide additional information, as needed.

Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (Steve Stegink)

Ø  An updated schedule for MTTC test development and administration is being sent with this update.

Ø  Please note that the new and updated MTTC World Language tests will require that each institution assess candidate proficiency in spoken language (except for Latin that has no spoken proficiency.)

Ø  Item review conferences for emotional impairment (SE), Autism (SV), German, Chinese, and English as a Second Language (NS) will be conducted by NES/MDE in Lansing in May, 2007.

Professional Development Strategic Plan (Donna Hamilton)

Ø  See http://www.michigan.gov/documents/PD_Strategic_Plan_-_final_5-9-06_160726_7.doc

General Administrative Rules Governing Teacher Certification (all PPD staff)

Ø  The new Administrative Rules Governing the Certification of Michigan Teachers were filed with the Secretary of State on November 20, 2006. They were effective immediately. See: http://www.state.mi.us/orr/emi/admincode.asp?AdminCode=Single&Admin_Num=39001101&Dpt=ED&RngHigh=

Ø  The Office of Professional Preparation Services will produce a guide to the changes in rule for use by teacher preparation institutions. It is anticipated that this will be ready for distribution before the end of February.

Vocational Teacher Preparation (Sue Wittick)

Ø  MDE and DLEG staff are continuing to review applications for vocational programs.

NCATE State Partnership Agreement (Sue Wittick)

Ø  A small committee of volunteers is exploring the needs for NCATE SPAs (particularly NCSS) to understand and recognize Michigan certification and standards. They recently sent a short survey to Michigan’s NCATE accredited institutions but only 5 institutions responded. This information is critically needed to guide our State Partnership with NCATE.

DATA survey for Title II Performance Score Reporting (Catherine Smith)

Ø  For assistance with the student teaching or student teacher supervisor surveys, please contact Dana Utterback.

Ø  Institutions will be sent instructions for creating factor scores from the 2005-2006 student teacher surveys. The constructed factor scores will be submitted to MDE, vetted by the MACTE research committee, and then MDE will create the overall score and assign points.

For further information from the Professional Preparation and Development Unit, please contact:

·  Donna Hamilton, Education Consultant, 517-241-4546

·  Claudia Nicol, Secretary to Bonnie Rockafellow and Donna Hamilton, 517-335-1151,

·  Bonnie Rockafellow, Education Consultant, 517-373-7861,

·  Catherine Smith, Supervisor of Professional Preparation and Development, 517-335-0874,

·  Steve Stegink, Higher Education Consultant, 517-241-4945,

·  Dana Utterback, Secretary to Catherine Smith, 517-335-4610,

·  Elsie Wiltse, Secretary to Steve Stegink and Sue Wittick, 517-241-3960,

·  Sue Wittick, Higher Education Coordinator, 517-241-0172,

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