Course Title / AVIA 1161 Private Pilot Certification
CIP Code / 49.0104
Contact Person(s) / Dr. Dennis C. Rittle, Holly Ayers
Effective date of proposal / Fall 2013
Proposal Summary / (Provide a general description of the proposed curriculum change or development)
The primary goal of this course is to prepare students for the Private Pilot Knowledge Exam and to complete the ground requirements for the Private Pilot FAA Part 141 course. This course should strengthen the knowledge attained in the Fundamentals of Aviation courses.
Need for the proposal / (Provide data on student interest, job availability, corporate demands, and employment projections. Focus on need in North Central Arkansas: is there sufficient demand, etc.)
This course is a requirement for the Associate of Science in Aviation.
Curriculum outline / (Include prerequisites, course description, syllabus, suggested textbook, etc.)
Prerequisite: AVIA1013 Fundamentals of Aeronautics and AVIA 1403 Fundamentals of Aeronautics II.
See attached syllabus for additional curriculum materials.
Faculty needed for proposal / Refer to Program Proposal
Description of resources / (Present library resources including relevant holdings; current instructional facilities including classrooms, instructional equipment and technology, and laboratories, etc.)
Refer to Program Proposal
Costs associated with the activity / (New administrative costs; cost, if any, of additional faculty; new library resources and cost; new facilities and costs; distance delivery costs, if applicable; and any other costs associated with the proposal. If no new costs, explain.)
Refer to Program Proposal
Source of funding (if needed) / Refer to Program Proposal
Similar activities in colleges within a 50 mile range / None
Initial Committee / Date: ______
Chairperson Signature: ______
Faculty Committee / Date: ______
Chairperson Signature: ______
Administrative Council / Date: ______
Chairperson Signature: ______
Board of Trustees / Date
ADHE Submission / Date:
ADHE Letter of Notification / Date:
Assessment Methods
Implementation Date / Date:
(Add to Curriculum Committee Calendar)
Report back to Curriculum Committee / Date:
(Based on assessment measurements including course evaluation of instructions following the first offering of the curriculum.)(Add to Curriculum Committee Calendar)
Recommended Revisions / Date:

AVIA 1161 Private Pilot Certification

Course Syllabus


Class Times:

Office Hours:

Office Location:

Office Phone:

Email Address:


The course is designed to prepare students for the Private Pilot Knowledge Exam and to complete the ground requirements for the Private Pilot FAA Part 141 course. This course should strengthen the knowledge attained in the Fundamentals of Aviation courses.Prerequisite: AVIA1013 Fundamentals of Aeronautics and AVIA 1403 Fundamentals of Aeronautics II.


The course is offered as a portion of required coursework for the Associate of Science in Aviation.


At the completion of the course, students should be very familiar with the following areas:

  • Makeup of an airplane and basic aerodynamics
  • Instruments, Engines, and Systems
  • Airports, ATC, and Airspace
  • Federal Aviation Regulations related to the Private Pilot License
  • Aeromedical Factors and Aeronautical Decision Making
  • Aviation Weather
  • Aviation Weather Services
  • Charts, Publications, and Flight Computers
  • Navigation Systems
  • Cross Country Flight Planning


Materials: Gleim Online Ground School, Internet Access

Text: Computer Testing Supplement for Private Pilot (provided)


The Gleim Online Ground School will be the primary method of learning for this course. This course is a self paced online course to help you study for the Private Pilot Knowledge Exam. You will need to purchase the rights to access this course. The cost is $50.00 and it can be deducted from your aviation account. There are 11 study units in this course and we will be covering at least one per week.


In-Class Quizzes:Quizzes will be given each Friday over course material previously covered. The results of these quizzes will be averaged for 100 points toward your final grade. If you make below an 80% on the quiz, extra tutoring will be required before the next quiz.

Stage Tests: Within the organization of the online ground school, you will have two stage tests. One will test you over the first half of the course. The other will test you over the second half of the course. You will meet in class to take these tests. DO NOT TAKE THESE TESTS ON YOUR OWN. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY POINTS FOR TESTS TAKEN ON YOUR OWN. Each test will be worth 100 points toward your final grade.

End of Course Test:At the completion of the online ground school, you will take an end of course test. This will test you over the entire course. You will meet in class to take these tests. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEST ON YOUR OWN. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY POINTS FOR TESTS TAKEN ON YOUR OWN. This test will be worth 200 points toward your final grade.

FAA Knowledge Exam: Once the end of course test has been taken, you will have the opportunity to take 5 practice tests that will look exactly like the FAA Knowledge Exam. Once you have two practice tests with grades of at least 85 percent or three tests with grades of at least 80 percent, you may take the FAA Knowledge Exam. The cost of the exam is $65. The FAA knowledge exam will count for 500 points toward your final grade.

If you have not completed all online Gleim Study Units, Stage Tests, and the End-of-Course Test by May 1 you will receive an ‘F’ for this course. If you do not take the FAA Knowledge Exam by the May 1 deadline, you will receive one letter grade lower than your averaged online score as your grade for the entire course.

Grades: A point system will be used for each assessment. The point totals for each assessment are as follows:

In Class Quizzes………………100 points

Stage Tests……………………200 points (2 @ 100 points each)

End of Course Test……………200 points (The score of this test will be

multiplied by 2)

FAA Knowledge Exam…….…100 points


A—501 to 600 total points

B—451 to 500 total points

C—401 to 450 total points

Failing—400 total points and below


You will keep up with the course schedule as listed above. There are no exceptions. If you are absent the day of an in class quiz, you will not receive credit for that quiz. If you are absent the day of a stage test or end of course test, your test score will be deducted 5 points for every day it takes to make up the test. If you miss the test because you have not completed the required Study Units, the same policy will apply.

*Absences excused by the instructor will not be counted against the student.


Attendance is mandatory for this class. Attendance and participation go a long way into determining your worth as a student. I consider any absences above 2 to be excessive. Every absence over 2 will result in 7 points being deducted from your total points earned. If you are absent more than 6 classes throughout the semester, you may be dropped or receive a failing grade for the course.

Regular attendance is a necessary ingredient for success in the classroom. Students are expected and encouraged to attend all classes. Each student begins the semester with a 100 point attendance grade. This attendance grade counts as one of your test. Each unexcused absences will reduce this grade by five points. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain notes and any class announcements that may have occurred during an absence.


If an occurrence of cheating is detected, that student(s) grade will be adjusted accordingly, ranging from a grade penalty on the test or assignment involved - to an "F" in the course. When a penalty for cheating is invoked, the instructor is required to submit to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, immediately following the occurrence, a statement of circumstances, the name of the student(s) involved, and the penalty imposed. A student involved has the right to appeal the action through the Academic Grievance Procedure.


Any student with special needs that may require any adaptation or modification of classroom work

is responsible for informing the faculty of those needs and possible modifications/adaptations.


The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of

courses with Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of

applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and

degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as "No

Comparable Course." Additionally, courses with a "D" frequently do not transfer and institutional

policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet by going to the ADHE website and

selecting Course Transfer (


Effective July 1, 2008, Ozarka College campuses are tobacco free. This policy includes all

buildings, grounds, and parking lots. Thank you for your cooperation.


Ozarka College is committed to learning for all students. One important component of student

learning is diversity education; learning about others, learning with others, and learning from

others. By providing diversity learning experiences, Ozarka College provides students with the

opportunity to work together to influence their future, the future of their country and the future of the

wider global society.


The Student Success Center is located in room C114 of the John E. Miller Building on the

Melbourne campus and in the new Student Center Building in Ash Flat. Check with the main office

in Mountain View for location on that campus. The center is free and open to all students. The SSC

provides academic coaching by appointment or on a walk-in basis for individual or group tutoring.

Success Coaches are available to assist with homework and help improve study and time

management skills. The SSC also provides career counseling with the KUDER Career Planning

System and resume assistance and has a job placement program. If you have any questions, visit

our site at contact the SSC by phone: 870-368-2056 or

email: .


The mission of Ozarka College is to provide life-changing experiences through education

Friday, January 25 / Quiz over Study Units 1and 2—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, February 1 / Quiz over Study Unit 3—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, February 8 / Quiz over Study Unit 4—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, February 15 / Quiz over Study Unit 5—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, February 22 / STAGE TEST 1—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, March 1 / Quiz over Study Units 6 & 7—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, March 8 / Quiz over Study Units 8 & 9—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, March 15 / Quiz over Study Unit 10—Meet in CAS 127
(Friday, March 22) / Spring Break. NO CLASS
Friday, March 29 / Quiz over Study Unit 11—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, April 5 / STAGE TEST 2—Meet in CAS 127
Friday, April 12 / End of Course Test (EOC)—Meet in CAS 127
April 15 thru May 1 / Practice Tests—Can be taken Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1:00pm in CAS 127. You may schedule times other than these at the instructor’s convenience. DO NOT TAKE THESE TESTS UNSUPERVISED.

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