Reef-Sunset Unified School District




Avenal High School

“Home of the Buccaneers”

601 E. Mariposa Street

Avenal, CA 93204

(559) 386-5253

(559) 386-1214/FAX

RSUSD Vision Statement

Our students will achieve their personal best, and become well-rounded contributing members of their communities.

AHS Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive education in a safe environment in order to prepare all students to be lifelong learners, capable of functioning as conscientious, responsible citizens ready to succeed in future educational and career opportunities.


·  Be accountable and responsible

·  Use effective communication

·  Collaborate effectively

·  Succeed in all endeavors

Core Goals

·  We maintain high standards and expectations for every student.

·  We are committed to providing a safe, secure learning environment.

·  We support English literacy as a means to achieving academic success.

·  We believe in a well-executed, continuous improvement process that maintains the focus on the best interests of all students.

·  We are committed to recruiting and retaining highly qualified staff that support stability and quality in our educational program.

·  We believe “It Takes a Village”, and promote shared responsibility to support all students.

AHS Core Values

B – Behavior

(Improved through modeling and teaching)

U – Unity

(By partnering with parents, students and community

C – Caring

(Students are responsible, respectful, and compassionate because we care)

S – Success

(Students that make a difference in the world)



Page #:

Principal’s Message…………………………………… 04

District and School Staff….…………………………... 05

Avenal High School Information……………………. 06

Bell Schedule…………………………………………… 07

Calendar of Important Events………………………… 08

Academics……………………………………………….. 09-12

Attendance Policies…………………………………….. 13-17

Activities and Athletics………………………………... 17-20

Dress Code………………………………………………. 20-24

Discipline………………………………………………… 25-33

Campus Conduct………………………………………… 33-40

Suspension and Expulsions…………………………… 40-43

School Policies and Student Services………………… 43-50

District Policies………………………………………….. 50-51

Uniform Complain Procedures…………………………51

Transportation…………………………………………… 54

Food Services (Cafeteria)……………………………….. 57

CSU System Admission………………………………… 58

UC Admissions …………………………………………. 59

AHS Campus Map ……………………………………… 60

Student-Parent Signature Page…………………………61

AHS Physical Education II Waiver Form…………….. 62

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Students,

My name is Juan Ruiz, and it is an honor and a privilege to be the Principal of Avenal High School. I would like to welcome you all to another exciting school year at AHS.

We are excited about this 2016-2017 school year, as we continue to add additional career pathways, this school year’s focus will be health occupations. We will continue to offer West Hills College classes for our students to enroll and take during the school day as part of their daily schedule. We are also looking forward to restrooms and science labs upgrade being completed. Technology will continue to play a large role in the education of AHS students. We continue to upgrade our technology that teachers use in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. We will continue to stress the essence of instructional quality which reinvigorates academics. This cannot be done without the help of the parents, students, staff, and the community.

I will do my best to ensure that students continue to be challenged. We will continue to build their knowledge, enrich and strengthen self-esteem of all students to the highest expectations, and ultimately carry them into the matrix of their own unique calling in society.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life and entrusting their care to Avenal High School. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you as the school year progresses.

Have a TERRIFIC year and GO BUCS!


Juan Ruiz


District and School Staff

RSUSD Board of Trustees

Ricardo Verdugo, President

Leticia Lopez, Clerk

Chris Collins, Member

Enrique Jimenez, Member

Claudia Cazares, Member

Dr. David East…………………………………… / Superintendent
Ken Horn…………………………………………. / Director – Curriculum and Instruction
Mickey Yocum…………………………………. / Director – Student Services
Michelle Cutillo…………………………………. / Chief Business Officer
Juan Ruiz………………………………………… / Principal
Eric Smyers……………………………………….
Silvia Maldonado………………………………. / Vice Principal/Athletics
Vice Principal/Activities
Stephanie Bollweg…………………………….. / Director – Wonderful Ag Career Academy
Victoria Gornick………………………………... / Counselor (Grades 10 & 12)
Rigoberto Leal………………………………….. / Counselor (Grades 9 & 11)
Virginia Cantu………………………………….. / Principal’s Secretary
Gloria Chavana………………………………... / Vice Principal’s Secretary
Erica Mendes…………………………………… / Prevention/Intervention Counselor
Anderson, Kent………………….……………....Math / Aguilera, Michael………………………..……..Custodian
Avina, Samuel…………………..Special Education / Anderson, Lesa……………….………Cafeteria Assistant
Babagian, Paul…………… History/Social Science / Aragon, Ray………………………….…..Head Custodian
Brennan, John…………...…………………….English / Bernardino, Juan……………………………..…Custodian
Danier, Cameron……………………………….Math / Bueno, Angie …………………………..Instructional Aide
Earls, Terry……………………….Physical Education / Burns, Barbara …………………...Cafeteria Coordinator
Fellows, Ryan…………………………….Ag Science / Cobine, Laura ………………………..Cafeteria Assistant
Garcia, Keith…………………………………...English / Delapaz, Rosalva …………………..Special Needs Aide
Hernandez, Stephanie……………………….English / Edwards, Rachel ……………………..Student Supervisor
Hyer, Paul……………………………………………Art / Estrada, Susana ………………….……Attendance Clerk
Ibarra, Hugo…………………………...……….English / Garcia, Lisa ………………………………..………Registrar
Jones, Alicia………………….…Physical Education / Enriquez, Jessica. ..…………………………..……Librarian
Kumari, Yogita....…………………………….Science / Hernandez, Alice……………………………Teacher’s Aid
Lewis, David...... ……English/Physical Education / Meza, Martha……………………………………Custodian
Lindvall, Jonathan……………..Special Education / Paine, Teresa………………………….Cafeteria Assistant
Mantz, Richard………………..…………………Math / Rascoe, Karen………………………………..School Nurse
Martínez, Daniel………………………..…….Spanish / Rivera, Juan………………….…………………..Custodian
Ortega, Ricardo……………………………...Spanish / Solorio, Moises………………….………………….Grounds
Pope, Brian………………….History/Social Science
Reynoso, Michael……………………………..English
Rojas, Veronica………………………..………English
Romero, Mark………………History/Social Science
Rossi, Michael………………………..Ag Mechanics
Santino, Joseph………………...……………….Math
Taylor, Victoria……………………………….Science
Tucker, Brian…………………...……………...…Math
Vaquerano, Gerardo....……………………Science
Wilkinson, Amy………………..……………….English


Avenal High School Information

Alma Mater

All hail to thee we sing our praises, Avenal High.

We give our courage and our loyalty, which will never die.

We honor thee and thy name, may we win or lose.

Remembering you are the ONE is our pledge to you.

Mascot – Buccaneer School Colors - - Royal Blue, White, and Gold


The Alma Mater is sung at the end of every pep rally and many home games.

No walking is allowed on the school plaque in front of the attendance office.

Seniors are the first ones dismissed from all assemblies.

Athletic Teams Head Coaches

Page 6 of 66

B – Behavior, U – Unity, C – Caring, S – Success

Football: David Lewis Girls Soccer: Uriel Gutierrez

Volleyball: Alicia Jones

Boys Basketball: Keith Garcia

Cross Country: Bill Vallem

Girls Basketball: Kent Anderson

Girls Tennis: Brian Pope

Track: Alicia Jones / Alex Montoya

Boys Soccer: Bill Vallem

Softball: Jorge Lopez

Baseball: Eric Smyers

Wrestling: Gerardo Maldonado


From time to time, new clubs are formed to reflect new student interests. Students who do not find an organization that interests them are welcome to form their own. The Activities Director will provide information for this procedure.


ASB Officers

(To be updated)

Leadership Advisor ..……………….Mr. Pope

President……………………...... Destiny Bravo

Vice President …………………Joana Zarate

Secretary…… ……………...TBD

Treasurer ……………………TBD


-Activities …...... TBD



-Marketing……………...... Omar Ibarra

Clubs and Advisors

Academic Decathlon……… Mr. Ibarra

Block “A”……………………… TBD

CSF……………………………... Mr. Pope

FCA…………………………….. Mr. Lindvall

Fingers of God (FOG)...…….. Ms. Taylor

“Friends of Rachel” (FOR)…. TBD

Cheerleading………………... Ms. Enriquez

Yearbook……………………....Ms. Taylor

Head Senior Advisor ………. Ms. Jones

Head Junior Advisor…………Mr. Avina

Head Sophomore Advisor….TBD

Head Freshman Advisor…….TBD




Daily “Block” Schedule:
(Monday & Thursday) / Wednesday – Early Out
PLC / Staff Meeting
07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-09:50 1st Period
09:50-10:05 Brunch
10:05-10:11 Passing
10:11-10:43 SMART
10:43-10:49 Passing
10:49-12:39 2nd Period
12:39-01:19 LUNCH
01:19-01:25 Passing
01:25-03:15 3rd Period
(Tuesday & Friday)
07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-09:50 4th Period
09:50-10:05 Brunch
10:05-10:11 Passing
10:11-10:43 SMART
10:43-10:49 Passing
10:49-12:39 5th Period
12:39-01:19 LUNCH
01:19-01:25 Passing
01:25-03:15 6th Period
/ (05)
(110) / 07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-08:50 1st Period
08:50-09:05 Brunch
09:05-09:10 Passing
09:10-10:00 2nd Period
10:00-10:05 Passing
10:05-10:55 3rd Period
10:55-11:00 Passing
11:00-11:50 4th Period
11:50-12:30 LUNCH
12:30-12:35 Passing
12:35-01:25 5th Period
01:25-01:30 Passing
01:30-02:20 6th Period
02:20-03:15 PLC / (05)
“HOLIDAY BLOCK” Schedule (Used during 4-day weeks)
**For dates: 09/07, 10/19, 01/18, 02/15, 02/22, 06/31
07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-09:45 4th Period
09:45-10:00 BRUNCH
10:00-10:05 Passing
10:05-11:50 5th Period
11:50-12:30 LUNCH
12:30-12:35 Passing
12:35-02:20 6th Period
“HOLIDAY BLOCK” Schedule (Used during 4-day weeks)
**For dates: 11/09 ONLY
07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-09:45 1st Period
09:45-10:00 BRUNCH
10:00-10:05 Passing
10:05-11:50 2nd Period
11:50-12:30 LUNCH
12:30-12:35 Passing
12:35-02:20 3rd Period / (05)
(105) / Minimum Day
07:55-08:00 Passing
08:00-08:35 1st Period
08:35-08:40 Passing
08:40-09:15 2nd Period
09:15-09:30 Brunch
09:30- 09:35 Passing
09:35-10:10 3rd Period
10:10-10:15 Passing
10:15-10:50 4th Period
10:50-10:55 Passing
10:55-11:30 5th Period
11:30-11:35 Passing
11:35-12:10 6th Period
12:10-12:50 Lunch
01:00 Bus Departure / (05)

Calendar of Important Events

August 17, 2016 First Day of School

August 31, 2016 AHS Back to School Night

September 5, 2016 Labor Day – no school

September 15, 2016 Mid Quarter Progress Reports

October 14, 2016 End of 1st Quarter

October 19, 2016 Report Cards/ Parent Conferences

October 17, 2016 No School – Staff Development Day

November 14, 2016 Mid Quarter Progress Reports

November 11, 2016 Veteran’s Day – no school

November 21-25, 2016 Thanksgiving Holiday – no school

December 12-16, 2016 Final Exams – early dismissal

December 16, 2016 End of 1st Semester – Minimum Day

December 19-January 6, 2017 Winter Break – no school

January 9, 2017 School Resumes – begin 2nd Semester

January 13, 2017 Report Cards mailed home

January 16, 2017 Martin Luther King Holiday – no school

February 6, 2017 Mid Quarter Progress Reports

February 13, 2017 Lincoln’s Birthday Holiday – no school

February 20, 2017 President’s Day holiday – no school

March 6, 2017 No School – Staff Development Day

March 17, 2017 End of 3rd Quarter

March 22, 2017 Report Cards/ Parent Conferences

April 10 – April 14, 2017 Spring Break – no school

April 26 AHS Open House

April 24 – June 8 CST/SBAC Testing Window

April 26, 2017 Mid Quarter Progress Reports

May 23, 2017 Milton O. Wilen Awards

May 29, 2017 Memorial Day Holiday – no school

June 5 - June 9, 2017 Final Exams – early dismissal

June 9, 2017 Last Day of school – minimum day

June 9, 2017 AHS Graduation 8:00 pm - Stadium


Advanced Placement Grading Policy

A quality point shall be given in all classes designated as Advanced Placement (AP) Avenal High School, provided that the student takes the end-of-course Examination. The point shall be used for computation of the weighted cumulative grade point average for all school related and external reporting of grades unless specified otherwise by colleges or programs. No quality point will be given for a grade of “D” or below. The quality point is used as follows: 5 points for an “A”, 4 points for a “B”, and 3 points for a “C”.


Credits are earned at the rate of five credits per semester in each subject in which a student receives a passing grade. If a student passes all their classes, they will earn 60 credits per year. All students that do not comply with earning 60 credits per year will be in danger of not graduating with their class. Credits are also available through ROP, Work Experience, PASS Migrant Program, CYBER High, and West Hills College classes. Students enrolled in the Migrant PASS program or the Cyber High program will only be allowed to attempt twenty credits per year. A student enrolled in the Migrant PASS program can enroll in Cyber High, but the combined credits earned can be no more than 20 per year. The exception to the 20 credit per year rule can only be made through an agreement with the Administration. The work must be completed and turned in two weeks before the end of the semester.

Cyber High-Credit Recovery

Students who have failed courses and are off track for Graduation requirements will meet with their Counselor to determine if the student qualifies for credit recovery through the online Cyber High program. If so, the student will be placed in Cyber High until the credits are made up and registered. The student will be required to attend Cyber High (if available). A certificated teacher will be there to assist the student. A total of 20 credits a year can be attempted through Cyber High.

Failure of a Class

A student who fails a class will be required to retake that class during Summer School or Cyber High (if available).

Final Exam Policy

It is the policy of Avenal High School NOT to allow early final exams. A student must have the written permission of the Principal in order to take the Final Exam early or at the teacher’s discretion.

Grading Periods (to be updated)

1st Quarter: August 17 – October 14, 2016

2nd Quarter: October 17 – December 16, 2016

First Semester ends: December 16, 2016

3rd Quarter: January 9 – March 17, 2017

4th Quarter: March 20 – June 9, 2017

Second Semester ends: June 9, 2017

Grading System

Teachers generally follow the system listed below. If there is a difference in the grading system it will be reflected on the course syllabus of the teacher.

A = 100 – 90 4.0 grade points D = 69 – 60 1.0 grade points

B = 89 – 80 3.0 grade points F = 59 – 0 0 grade points

C = 79 – 70 2.0 grade points

-  An “I” (Incomplete) is given when work is not completed because of illness or other excused absences.

-  Within one week of failing a test, students are entitled to arrange a time with their teacher to make test corrections for partial credit not to exceed 60%, or to retake the test. It is the teacher’s discretion as to which choice is offered. Final Exams are excluded.

-  Students are given the opportunity to turn in late work for up to 70% of the assignments worth if submitted before the end of the unit of study.

-  School wide grade percentages:

o  Assessment 60%

o  Classwork/Participation 30%

o  Homework 10%

Honors Grading Policy

Students desiring a challenging English or social science course at a rigorous, demanding level may select honors level courses. An additional grade point is added for a grade of “C” or better.

Report Cards

Students will receive a progress/report card four (4) times during the year. The semester grade for each class will be entered on the student’s transcript.