Guidance and Counseling
Curriculum Lesson
Curriculum Lesson Name: / AzCIS Introduction and loading 4 year course planTarget Grade Level:
Target Semester: / 9th grade
1st Semester – 2nd lesson
Objective (School to Live/Work Connection): / Students will load their 4 year course plan online and into AzCIS and complete the Post High School Education goal.
Materials/Resources: / Students’ hard copy of 4 year plan
4 year plan templates for those students who were absent last class (found on iplan)
azcis.intocareers.org (Write this on board)
Put website on white board
Have access to students’ list of AzCIS user id and passwords
Have access of students’ DUSD User Id and Password (Dysart.org/studentaccounts)
AzCIS Wallet Cards and/or Book Marks (found on iplan)
Set: / Share with partner what you like most and least about high school so far.
Procedures: /
- Handout their 4 year plans they completed in 1st lesson
- Ask them to quickly review and make any changes (5min)
- Those students that were absent last class have them listen while you explain the 4 year plan template
- azcis.intocareers.org (Write this on board)
- Project website on board
- Pick a willing student to demonstrate in front of class with that student’s information.
- Walk students through either creating profile (new user) or rolling their middle school information to high school.
- Have students write their user id and password on either the bookmark or wallet card.
- Walk students through inputting their course plan.
- After they complete the course plan make sure they save it.
- Have them go to the checklist and view Freshmen
- Click on Write and record a post-high school educational goal
- Have them type in this box their goal and have them save once completed
Closure/Ticket Out the Door: / Check and make sure they have a completed course plan and their post high school educational goal.
Standards: / A:B1.4 Seek information and support from faculty, staff, and family and peers
C:A1.6 Learn how to set goals
C:B1.1 Apply decision making skills to career planning, course planning and career transition.
C:B1.6 Learn to use the internet to access career-planning information
C:B2.1 Demonstrate awareness of the education and training needed to achieve career goals.
C:B2.4 Select course work that is related to career interests