Summer Term Medium Term Planning Yr 4 2017 (First Half)
Subject / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6Maths / Number Sense 4.10
Times tables test up to 12x12
Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks.
Solve problems involving time.
Weekly arithmetic task / Additive Reasoning
Times tables test
Adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers using the formal written method.
Estimating and using inverse to check calculations.
Solving 2 step addition and subtraction problems.
Weekly arithmetic task / Additive Reasoning
Times tables test
Interpreting and presenting discrete and continuous data.
Use data to solve comparison, sum and difference problems.
Solve money and measure problems including fractions and decimals.
Estimate, compare and calculate using different measures.
Weekly arithmetic task / Additive Reasoning
Times tables test
Solve money and measure problems including fractions and decimals.
Estimate, compare and calculate using different measures.
Weekly arithmetic task / Number Sense 4.12
Times tables test
Equivalent fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
Recognising decimal equivalents to tenths and hundredths.
Comparing decimals up to 2 decimal places.
Weekly arithmetic task / Number Sense 4.12
Times tables test
Convert between different units of measure.
Dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100.
Counting up and down in hundredths.
Weekly arithmetic task
English / Diary recount / Plays
Elicitation task – write a recount of an event during the Easter holidays.
Identify key features of a diary recount.
Explore recounts verbally using Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears by Emily Gravett.
Discuss and record ideas. / Read ‘Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine. Ask and answer questions to improve understanding of text.
Class shared write - Plan and write a recount from the perspective of another character.
Focus on organisation of text using paragraphs and time connectives.
Add detail and description using adverbials and expanded noun phrases. / Independent writing - Chn plan, write and edit a recount of an event of their choice e.g. from the Easter holidays, a birthday, a holiday. / Elicitation task – Chn write a play script of a story.
Act out short plays using scripts of well-known fairytales.
Identify key features of a play script.
Explore use of adverbs, layout and punctuation (brackets and colons). / Class shared write – To rewrite ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson as a playscript.
Read the book, discuss understanding and explore the characters’ personalities.
Watch the film version.
Identify speech and speech punctuation in the book.
Develop adverbials to describe action.
Work in groups to re-write different sections of the play. Perform as a whole class. / Independent writing – Chn rewrite a traditional tale as a play script using key features.
English Grammar / Easter Monday – no lesson / Using an apostrophe with ‘it’ – its/it’s / Past and present continuous tenses (-ing verbs) / Present perfect tense (the recent past tense with ‘have’ – I have eaten…) / Past and future perfect tenses (I had eaten/ I will have eaten) / Grammar Assessment
English Spelling / Sound spelling – /sh/ spelt ‘ch’ / Prefixes: re-, sub-, inter-, mis- / Sound spelling - syllables / Sound spelling – /ai/ spelt ei, eigh or ey / Further homophones / Spelling assessment
Computing / We are co-authors
What is a wiki? / We are co-authors
Gathering ideas for a wiki. / We are co-authors
Using Wikipedia to find information. / We are co-authors
Producing a class wiki. / We are co-authors
Editing the wiki pages.
D & T
Music / Material World / Sound
Begin to investigate how different materials are used for different purposes.
Properties of materials – electrical conductivity / Art
Classifying materials.
Create artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy using man-made materials. / Science
Investigate the properties of materials including heat conductivity. How to plan and carry out a fair test. / Science
Chn work with increased independence to plan, carry out and record results of a fair test to investigate the magnetic properties of materials. / Science & Music
How are sounds made?
How do sounds travel?
How do our ears work? / Science & Music
How can we change the volume of a sound?
How can we change the pitch of an instrument?
Investigate how and why sounds get fainter as you move further away from them.
Music / Exploring signals
Crowded city / Exploring signals
Follow the leader / Exploring signals
Inspector Morse / Exploring signals
The signal song / IPC link
Pitch and volume / IPC link
Pitch and volume
(Indoor) / Health and Fitness
Circuit activities / Health and Fitness
Circuit activities / Health and Fitness
Circuit activities / Health and Fitness
Circuit activities / Health and Fitness
Circuit activities
(Outdoor) / Saints / Saints / Saints / Saints / Saints / Saints
(French) / Embedding French into daily life
Classroom instructions – tu and vous / Further classroom instructions / Food / Ordering school lunch / Food phrases / Ordering lunch using full sentences
PSHE / Citizenship / SEAL / Joining in and joining up
Jobs around the home. / Joining in and joining up
Role of the local council. / Joining in and joining up
Debating and voting. / Joining in and joining up
Debating and voting. / Joining in and joining up
How individuals can influence what happens at home and in the community. / Joining in and joining up
How individuals can influence what happens at home and in the community.
Devon agreed syllabus
Christianity and Islam / Communities & plan for church visit / Church visit / Layout of the church / How the church reflect Christian beliefs / Links between the church and the community / Links between the church and the community
Environmental Work / Maintaining our ‘mini gardens’ and visiting the environmental area. Using the outdoor school environment where possible to enhance lessons and lesson objectives. Each class has an eco councillor who meet weekly to discuss environmental issues in school.
Cultural Awareness / Linked to R.E. Christians and Muslims in the world today. Culture book. Continuing work on our host country Canada.