AUTUMN TERM CURRICULUM PLAN 2018Mr Lawrence and Mrs Mounsey

Topic / Main Focus / Maths / English / Resources
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Pirates! (Science and Technology / Place and Time) / As Scientists we will be exploring floating and sinking. We will plan and carry out our own investigations developing our observation, evaluation and recording skills.
As Musicians we will be learning and composing songs.
As sports people we will developing skills as gymnasts. We will play games, developing our team skills.
As Philosophers and studiers of religions we will be learning about belonging.
As Values people we will consider the responsibilities we have to ourselves and one another to ensure school id a happy place where we feel safe and that we belong.
As Computer Programmers we will be using devices such as Beebot and Textease Turtle to create and use simple programmes.
As Geographers we will be looking at and creating maps as well as learning the continents and oceans of our world.
As Historians we will be learning about the pirates that are famous in history and reading the stories and myths that surround them.
As Artists and Designers we will be designing and creating elements of our own Pirate Costumes. / Number and Place Value
Understand the value of each digit in a number (e.g. tens and ones)
Order numbers of 2,3,and 4 digits.
Find missing numbers
Partition numbers into tens and ones
Know and use symbols < >
Addition and subtraction.
To add and subtract 1 and 2-digit numbers.
Add and subtract multiples of 10.
To solve addition puzzles and problems.
Use informal methods such as a number line to add 2 and 3-digit numbers.
Know number bonds to 10,20 and 100.
Multiplication and Division.
Know 2, 5, 10 times tables.
Double and halve numbers.
Identify odd and even numbers.
Solve multiplication and division word problems.
Use arrays to represent and calculate division based number sentences.
Know that halving numbers and amounts is the same as dividing by 2.
Recognise, name and find fractions of length, shape and quantities.
Write simple fractions and recognise equivalence.
Measure to the nearest cm/m.
Understand what the different units of measure are.
Tell the time to intervals of 5 minutes.
Know the numbers of minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Recognise the value of each coin.
Add two money values together to find a total.
Solve money based word problems.
Begin to be able to find simple amounts of change.
Name 2D and 3D shapes and list their properties e.g. corners, sides, faces.
Identify and create symmetrical patterns.
Find the line of symmetry
Begin to use simple co-ordinates to find a point on a grid. / Stories with Familiar Settings
•Look at stories set at the seaside or of a pirate theme. Use drama to re-enact stories.
•Make puppets of characters and retell stories
•Sequence pictures, scenes and sentences to retell a story
Patterns on the Page
•Share and enjoy a range of poetry with patterned rhythm and rhyme structures (Include poems about pirates and the sea)
•Sort poems according to their patterns and discuss the effects of language choice, layout, rhythm and rhyme
•Perform a range of the poems in groups, pairs and individually
•Write sentences using playful and inventive language about pirates
•Contribute as a class to a poem modelling different patterned form of poetry
•Children to write (in pairs or individually) a patterned form of poetry based on pirates
•Children to perform and share their poems with the class
•Evaluate the choice of language, the pattern and the layout of each poem / Books linked to our topics would be greatly appreciated.
all children need to read 5 nights a week. Please ensure that you listen to your child and leave a comment in their reading record.
Some question stems have been put at the front of your child’s reading record to help when discussing books.
These will usually be sent home on a Friday ready for a test the following Friday.
Traditions and Customs around the World (Place and Time) / As Scientists, we will be learning about materials and their properties when we design a new outfit for Santa.
As Musicians we will be learning singing and performing songs for our Christmas performance.
As Sports people we will be developing our skills as gymnasts/dancers.
As Philosophers and studiers of religions we will be learning about the Christian festival of Christmas.
As Values people we will consider the values of generosity and compassion as well as love and kindness.
As Computer Programmers we will be continuing learning about how to programme devices as well as creating, editing and saving work linked to other areas of the curriculum.
As Design Technologists we will be designing and making our own Christmas cards with moving or pop up parts.
As Geographers we will be learning about the culture and traditions of a particular country and comparing them to those of the UK.
As Historians we will be taking a short break
this half-term.
As Artists and Designers we will be designing and creating our own Christmas cards and decorations. / Traditional Stories
•Share and enjoy traditional stories from around the world
Encourage the children to join in with familiar words and repetitive phrases
•Identify and discuss their favourite words and phrases
•Discuss the need for a story-telling voice and explain why this is important for the listener
•Children can practice their story telling voices in pairs and in small groups by retelling stories to each other
•Compare scenes, characters and plots from a range of stories using theatre, film and text
•As a class, model how to use a scene or a character from a familiar traditional story to create a new story
•Encourage the children to write a short story of their own using a scene or a character from a read story
•Ensure pupils compose orally before writing
•Evaluate what they have written with the teacher or other pupils
•Use their story-telling voice to tell their story
•Look at examples of different kinds of letters
•Examine key features e.g. date, address, signing off
•Discuss with pupils the main points related to letter-writing:who is it for, why is it being written
•Write a class letter to a child in the country being studied, asking them questions about their locality
•Write a letter to Father Christmas
•Evaluate what they have written with the teacher or other pupils / Homework
project homework will be given out each half term.
Times Tables
Please work with your child on their 2, 5 and 10 times table. They will need to be able to: confidently count up and down; recite them in order and at random; and recall the division facts for each table.