New Zealand Young Farmers Study Scholarship 2016

New Zealand Young Farmers invite you to apply for the 2016 World Congress Charitable Trust Scholarships.

The World Congress Charitable Trust was started with funds remaining from the 1965 World Congress of Young Farmers and was formed into a Trust in 1969. This is a scholarship for Young Farmer members who are currently or intending on studying agriculture or agriculturally related topics. There are two University Scholarships of $1500.00 each. The scholarships are now in their 45th year and have contributed to more than 100 Young Farmer member’s educations in that time.

Please complete the application form below and provide the requested information. Applications open 1st October 2015 and must be received by the NZ Young Farmers National Office by 5pm Friday 27th of November 2015.

Please provide a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and your studies set out in a manner you feel is appropriate. This is to include the information suggested in the following headings, but don’t feel constrained by these headings. Include any and all information you feel is appropriate. You must include the following application form with your Curriculum Vitae.


·  Schools

·  Colleges

·  Other Institutions

·  Qualifications

·  Certificates

·  Courses Attended

·  Proposed Qualifications

·  Details of papers completed and to be studied

·  Future plans for education

·  How will your qualification benefit the Rural Community?

Young Farmers Club:

·  What has been your involvement within Young Farmers?

·  Do you plan to be involved when your study is completed?

Public Office:

·  What other organisations are you involved in?


·  Past

·  Present

·  Future Plans

·  How will your qualifications fit in with these plans?

Goals and Ambitions

Hobbies, Interests and Sports

Other Scholarship Awards

How will funds from this scholarship be used?

If you are awarded a 2016 NZ Young Farmers Study Scholarship, your photo and details may be used in the New Zealand Young Farmers Newsletter ‘Muster News’, ‘Young Country’ and other press releases promoting the Scholarships or Trust. You may also be asked to provide a profile of yourself and your studies to be used for press releases.

Return your application and CV by 5pm 27th November 2015 to:

Janelle Cargill

Subject: New Zealand Young Farmers Study Scholarship 2016

Or Post to:

NZ Young Farmers Study Scholarship 2016

Attn: Janelle Cargill

PO Box 23141
Templeton 8445

New Zealand Young Farmers Study Scholarships 2015

Application Form



Contact Phone No:

Date of Birth:


Are you applying for the one of the two University Scholarships worth up to $1500.00? Y/N

Are you applying for the Polytechnic Scholarship worth up to $750.00? Y/N

Full or Part time study:

Student ID No:

Current or proposed course of study and year:

Current or proposed University or Polytechnic:

Which NZYF Club are you a member of:

State how you heard about this Scholarship:

Please attach two (2) References


To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements I have made within this application for a NZ Young Farmers Study Scholarship are accurate. I undertake, if awarded a Scholarship, to observe the conditions and regulations made by the Young Farmers World Congress Charitable Trust as set out in the covering letter with the application form. I agree to be involved in any promotional exercises associated with the scholarship. All information supplied will only be used for the purpose of selection and publicity of the NZ Young Farmers Study Scholarships.



New Zealand Young Farmers

Innovation Park, 185 Kirk Road, Templeton

PO Box 23141, Templeton 8445

03 344 2473

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