Autumn Newsletter Year 3

Welcome back to a new school year at Red Hill, we hope you all had an enjoyable summer holiday. We would like to welcome all our new children who are starting Red Hill this term. Year Three teachers are keen to ensure all children settle into their new classes as quickly as possible, so please do speak to us if you have any concerns or questions. The teachers this year are Miss Rivett (Year Group Leader), Miss Eager, Miss Benson and Miss Arnold. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Woolvern and Mrs Buckland. We hope your child will be very happy in Year Three.


In Year 3, the children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 multiplication and division facts up to 12 and begin to have a knowledge of all their times tables. We would appreciate it if you would help them to learn them at home. Please ensure children are practising their maths passports at home too.
At school your child will receive feedback through our making, to ensure that your child is challenged they will receive their next step or a challenge to complete. / English
This year we are really excited to be working with other schools on a Talk for Writing project which is developed by Pie Corbett. It will have fantastic benefits for the children as it’s based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version.
Before half term we will be reading and analysing stories by Dick King Smith. We will be reading, analysing and writing poems about the environment and focusing on the descriptive language of settings.
After half term we will continue with some observational poetry. We will be reading and rewriting some myths and creation stories. We will also be reading and retelling the story of the gunpowder plot and the Christmas story. We will be carrying out an assessment to find out your child’s spelling age which we will discuss with you at Parents’ evening. We no longer send spellings home to practise for a spelling test as we now teach and incorporate them in our English lessons. This year our focus is prefixes, suffixes and contractions. We will also be able to share with you your child’s targets and discuss how they will achieve it.
Through our marking your child will receive feedback about what they did well in their piece of work and what their next steps are. In our English lessons the children have the opportunity to complete their next steps with support from their teacher to ensure progression is made and your child is being challenged appropriately.


The subjects we will be thinking about this term include different feelings, points of view, hygiene, appreciation, rules, and friendship. / Music
We are lucky to have a music teacher with us in Year 3. Mrs McGarry will be teaching recorders and singing.
Pupils will learn to describe themselves using basic vocabulary. / P.E.
We will be focusing on a range of skills in outdoor and indoor PE.