Autumn 2 – Out and About
Published resources- SEAL unit ‘Getting on and falling out’ (Lesson 1)
- Assembly story about Rani and Leroy’s friendship from SEAL resources (Lesson 1)
- ‘Frog and Toad are Friends’ by Arnold Lobel (Lesson 1)
- Mind map proforma - Tacade file (Lesson 1,2)
- ‘The Bear Under the Stairs’ by Helen Cooper (Corgi 1994) (Lesson 2)
- ‘Go away bad dreams’ by Susan Hill (Random House 1984) (Lesson 2)
- ‘Fireman Sam’ story books (Lesson 4)
- Books about Diwali and Eid (Lesson 4)
- The story of The Gunpowder Plot (Lesson 5)
- ‘Say no to Bullying’ SEAL book and CD (Lesson 6)
- ‘Bully for you...’ by Michael Twinn (Childs Play International) (Lesson 6)
- ‘Willy the Wimp’ by Anthony Browne (Lesson 6)
- ‘Elmer’ by David McKee (Lesson 6)
- ‘Don’t pick on me - how to handle bullying’ by Rosemary Stones (Teacher’s resource, Lesson 6)
- Photo cards from the SEAL resources and website (Lesson 6)
Other resources
Lesson 1
- Badges/ stickers for ‘Friend of the Day’ award
- Visit from people who work locally in the fire/police/nursing service
- Visit from the Road Safety Team (email contact below)
- Visit from school ‘lollipop person’ (if appropriate)
- Reflector strips or high visibility jackets
- Visit from local fire service (optional)
- Toy phones for making 999 calls
- Prepared scene cards such as ‘I can see flames coming from the chimney of the house opposite from where I live’
- Collage materials in fire colours
- Real smoke detector
- Home learning activity – prepare a fire escape plan sheet
- Ben Quiz on the (fireworks safety) for plenary
- Parental letter from the gold resources for ‘Say No To Bullying’ on the SEAL CD
Website addresses
- (downloadable SEAL resource)
- (posters and lesson plan resources for Lesson 3)
- (contact for Wiltshire’s Road Safety team)
- has many games and resources to aid teaching children to make fire escape plans (Lesson 4)
- has a good range of videos to show how fires start/ how to fit a smoke alarm/ how to make an emergency call to the fire service. There are also games to consolidate this learning. The site also has detailed lesson plans and other resources (Lesson 4)
- has many resources to show how to dial 999 and a good ‘Quiz’ that could be used as a plenary (Lesson 4)
- has many resources for children but also a downloadable leaflet showing how to make a fire action plan that could be sent home to parents (Lesson 4)
- this site has many links to other sites. It has a downloadable teachers pack for KS1 and KS2. These contain lesson plans and further web links. (Lesson 5)
- contains fireworks videos and interactive games that could be used as follow ups. (Lesson 5)
- is a useful site that links to the festival of Diwali. (Lesson 4,5)
- The fireworks code poster that introduces the character of Ben – downloadable from the site(Lesson 5)
- has many fireworks ideas links across the curriculum (Lesson 5)
- has links to many other sites connected to anti bullying ideas (Lesson 6)
- (Lesson 6)
- (Lesson 6)
- (Lesson 6)
Autumn 2 KS1 Yr1/A Resources