

Eid Ragab Abdel-Fataah Abo-Ezz

Date and place of birth / 30 – 1 -1971, Giza, Egypt
Religion / Muslim
Marital status / Married
Military Service / Finished
Address / Home :
5 Ismaial Abdelsamea St.-End of King Faisal St.
Giza, Egypt
Mobile: +966507434562
Home: 202-37419977
Office (1):
Quality Assurance and AccreditationCenter,
Faculty of Pharmacy, CairoUniversity
Giza, Egypt..
2007- 2012
2004- 2007
2004- 2007
2007- 2009
2012till now
2016- till now / Instructor of Geophysics methods - Geophysics Deptartment, Faculty of Science, CairoUniversity.
Teaching Assistant of Geophysics methods in Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, CairoUniversity.
Lecturer of potential methods in Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, CairoUniversity.
Assistance professor of potential methods in Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, CairoUniversity.
Deputy head of Training and support unit, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center-Cairo University. (
A Membership of Quality Assurance Unit Faculty of Science-Cairo University.(QAU)
Data Expert of the Air Quality Monitoring National Network overall
Field Geophysicist of the Geophysical Lab. at CEHM.
Membership in Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG in USA).
Membership in The world’s leading Exploration and production publication (E&P in USA).
Associate P. I Of Projects “ Conservation of Some Culture Heritage Sites from the Environmental Hazards using the Geophysical Techniques” Funded by CairoUniversity
Associate P. I Of Projects “Optimizing the Most Suitable Sites for Land filling at Giza Governorate According to the International Guidelines", Funded by Cairo University
Associate professor in Deanship of Development and Quality, Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, KSA
Professor of potential methods in Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

Education Carriers:

  • B.SC in Geophysics with grade (Very Good).
  • Pre-Master Courses of Potential Methods.
  • “M. Sc.” entitled “Higher Derivative Analysis of 2-D magnetic data” Examined by Prof. Dr. Haulin Zeng ( ChinaUniversity of Geosciences , Beijing). and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Shaban ( Zagazeg University, Egypt)
  • “Ph-D” entitled “New methods to Interpret Gravity Data

Examined by Prof. Dr. Neil Anderson (USA). and Prof. Dr. Arwen Groten (Germany).

Assurance and Acccresitation

  1. Membership in many PSAU institutional academic accreditation process.
  2. Member in the Developmental Review Project” “First team (Standards 1, 2 &3 and fourth Team (Standards (7, 8&9) “.
  3. Member in the SAU Staffing Profile committee.
  4. Member in the SAU Stratigic palne” the action plan of the SAU Sstratigic (object NO.4).
  5. Facilitator of the committee. “the Unique the similar programs studies plans
  6. Shaearing in Reviewing and Technical Support vistes evaluation of some faculies in SAU univerty (Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Science, ..ect).
  7. Responsible on the website of the Development and Quality deanship.
  8. Attending many training courses in NAQAAE.
  9. Attending many workshopes organized by NCAAA.
  10. Attending five workshopes intrduced by the Britsh council.
  11. Faculty and leadership projects (Credit Hour System Course) May 10-11th, 2006. Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
  12. Sharing in preparing Training Plan of QAAC 2008
  13. Sharing in Technical Support for Faculties of Cairo University 2008-2009
  14. The first international conference of QAAC Cairo university April 2008
  15. The first international conference of NAQAAE.
  16. The Academic Standards and the path towards Quality and Accreditation June 2008
  17. European Quality Assurance & Accreditation (TAIX) Sep. 2008
  18. Sharing in preparing Training Plan of QAAC 2009-2010
  19. Attending many worksops between Assurance & accridetation centers and PCIQA
  20. Shaearing in External evaluation of some faculies in Cairo univerty (Agriclture, engineering, ect…… )
  21. Attending 10 workshopes intrduced by the Britsh council.
