Autism Ontario and Wesway

proudly present

David Pitonyak

“Supporting a Person with Difficult Behaviours /

Supporting the People Who Care”

Travelodge Hotel Airlane

698 West Arthur Street

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5R8

January 19– 20, 2009

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

(Registration at 8:30 a.m.)

ABOUT David Pitonyak

A dynamic and inspiring presenter, David has consulted with families and professionals throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, England, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. He specializes in common sense approaches to understanding and effectively responding to the needs of people who express themselves with difficult behaviour.

“In my view, what’s most needed when supporting someone who engages in difficult behaviours is imagination. My practice is based upon a simple idea: difficult behaviours result from unmet needs.In a sense, difficult behaviours are messages which can tell us important things about a person and the quality of his or her life.”

~ David Pitonyak

About the workshop

David Pitonyak will lead an intensive and highly motivational workshop featuring his practical frameworks for supporting people with difficult behaviours.Hewill offer a sound foundation of strategies to ensure your support is effective– even when everything seems to be flying apart!

Difficult behaviours result from unmet needs. This workshop examines seven quality of life indicators that are often missing in the life of a person who experiences our services. Based on the idea from Jean Clarke that a person’s needs are best met by people whose needs are met, this workshop examines strategies for supporting not only an individual who experiences disabilities but also the needs of his or her caregivers.

you will learn

  • a framework for understanding what people may be communicating through their difficult behaviours
  • the skills to better assess and respond
  • how physiological or psychiatric needs may be underlying difficult behaviours
  • the impact of loneliness in the lives of people with disabilities and how it relates to difficult behaviours
  • strategies for helping people develop enduring, freely chosen, positive relationships
  • the impact of trauma in the lives of people with disabilities
  • why a person may be in and out of crisis
  • supports that assure the person’s safety and the safety of others
  • the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, its causes and incidence in the lives of people with disabilities
  • tools for staying focused as an organization … and the importance of joy!

Everyone should hear David Pitonyak!

Please join us for this exciting workshop.

Space is limited – register early!