Name ______Task 1

Author Study Presentation


Over the course of the year we will study many authors spanning several hundred years, various literary time periods, and just about every literary genre that exists. In order to truly understand the brilliant works of these men and women we must first understand their lives, their backgrounds, and the context in which they lived and wrote. Each of you will be assigned an author /authors that you will study and research. You will present your findings to the class through oneMLA formatted visual presentation of your choosing (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) Presentations should last 3-5 minutes and contain in-depth and comprehensive information on the history, literary works, time period, and significant accomplishments of your assigned author. Basically, you will be responsible or giving your classmates the necessary context for understanding the works of your author(s) that we will be reading in class.

Presentations will not begin until after the first few weeks of school. You will be assigned an author (or group of similar authors) and an estimated time for when your project should be ready. As we draw closer to studying each author I will give you a more definite day of when you need to have your project completed. It will be in your best interest to go ahead and begin working on this now, and not wait until the last minute.

A few things to remember:

-This will count as one test grade.

-As with any presentation and major project, you should test out your technology ahead of time to ensure everything will run smoothly on your presentation day.Problems with technology will be no excuse for not presenting your author study on time.

-Do not e-mail me your presentation. Bring it in on a jump drive or a CD.

-Should you be absent on the day of your presentation you will need to be prepared to present the day of your return.

-Should you not have your presentation ready on its due date, you will receive a zero.

-Suggested information to learn and report about your author: birth and death dates, family life, childhood, education, experience, significant accomplishments, major works, impact on literary world and/or society, literary time period, characteristics of his/her work, etc. (NOTE: You should seek to go above and beyond this list)

-You should have at least three sources.

-Don’t forget to include some pictures!

My assigned author is ______

My estimated due date ______