Thank you for ordering a cover from Amygdala Design! I hope you will be pleased with your cover.

Please consider the following information before completing the form:

-  Amygdala Design compose book covers based on royalty free stock images combined with digital painting. The company does not offer illustrated or vector based covers.

-  Amygdala Design does NOT recommend focusing on details or a specific scene from your book on the cover, and not putting too many elements together. Remember that the potential reader has not read the book, and is looking at your cover for maybe two seconds. With too many elements, the potential reader will only see a tiny thumbnail smudge that will turn them away rather than clicking on the image. The details on the cover are often important to the author, but not the potential reader.

-  It is recommended not to combine more than 2-3 image elements on the cover, capturing the feeling or emotion of the book, rather than a specific scene from the book.

-  There should not be too much text on the cover. The main title and author name should be large enough to be readable in thumbnail size.

-  An invoice will be sent to your email address after the cover is approved, and should be paid within 2 weeks or an additional fee will be added (unless we have a special agreement).

Please complete the form and return it to

What package do you want to order?

E-book Cover package - $150 / E-book & Print cover package - $225
E-book Cover package - $60/3 months (total price $180) / E-book & Print cover package - $90/3 months (total price $270)

Title of the Book (including subtitle if any):

Author Name:

When do you need the cover to be finished? :


Short synopsis:

Is there anything in particular you would like to see on the cover? :

What does your main character(s) look like? :


Print size:

Final page count:

Back cover blurb (if any):

Custom Made Cover Prices:

E-book Cover package / $150
E-book & Print cover package / $225