27th October 2012
ARB 082 921 784 ABN 20 584 327 165
AGM Minutes
28th October 2012
8.00 am. EST Time.
1. MEETING OPENED: 8. 15 am
Mark Forbes, Trish Johnston, Pam Prescott, Michelle Lynes, Leigh Paine, Stephen Mills
SQ Zone: Ron Grabbe, Anna Wood, Connie Withrington
Vic Zone: Leigh Paine, Kim Vaughn, Dave Rowe
NQ Zone: Tuki Brown, Stephen Mills, Tony Trueman
WA Zone: Connie Hughes, Ella Valois, Simon Ralph
NSW Zone: Suzanne Hallman, Stephen Dawes, Chris Berry,
Apologies: Nil
Moved: Tuki Brown
Seconded: Chris Berry Carried
4. President’s Report: – Mark Forbes
As attached
5. Treasurer’s Report – Michelle Lynes
At this point in time, it is unfortunate that the audited report for AOCRA will not be finalised until the end of November. A Special General Meeting will be called to ratify the audit report. This will then be distributed.
The Office of Fair Trading was contacted to advise them of the need to hold a Special General Meeting as the audited report could not be presented at this time.
The Profit and Loss was presented however. This report was received the previous night and had not been emailed to delegates ahead of the AGM.
Tuki Brown requested that the delegates have some time to look over this report. There were some queries regarding the balance of bank accounts, V1 loans and the terms, the lack of continuity of the role.
The Profit and Loss be accepted and that a Special General meeting is held prior to December 31st 2012.
Moved: Tuki Brown
Seconded: Anna Wood Carried
6. Election of Officers and Committee:
As all delegates and committee members present are nominated there was no independent chair therefore Ron Grabbe chaired.
A staff member from the Mercure is the vote counter.
All committee members stood down and the roles were declared open.
That we extend the committee numbers from 4 to 5.
Moved: Tuki Brown
Seconded: Stephen Mills Carried
Forbes Mark – Mooloolaba OCC – SQ Zone
Nominated by Trish Johnston / Leigh Paine
Mills Stephen – Coral Sea OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Shane O’Hara/ Seconded- Darren Wall
The President is Mark Forbes
Vice President:
Johnston Trish - Sunset Bay OCC - NQ Zone
Nominated by Mark Forbes / Seconded- Leigh Paine
Mills Stephen – Coral Sea OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Shane O’Hara/ Seconded- Darren Wall
The Vice President is Trish Johnston.
Mills Stephen – Coral Sea OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Shane O’Hara/ Seconded- Darren Wall
Prescott Pam – Outrigger Australia OCC – SQ Zone
Nominated by Judy Hoare / Seconded- Jill Duffield
The Secretary is Pam Prescott
Hepton Wayne – Kawaihae OCC – SQ Zone
Nominated by Stephen Sahlavist / Seconded Jennifer Richards
Mills Stephen – Coral Sea OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Shane O’Hara/ Seconded- Darren Wall
Stephen Mills withdrew his nomination
The Treasurer is Wayne Hepton
Committee Nominations:
Dawes Stephen – Newcastle OCC – NSW Zone
Nominated by Grant Schultz/ Seconded –Isabel Mackenzie
Grabbe Ron – Mooloolaba OCC – SQ Zone
Nominated by Mark Forbes / Seconded Leigh Paine
Hallman Sue – Port Hacking OCC – NSW Zone
Nominated by Christine Carrett/ Seconded Dennis Carrett
Lynes Michelle – Outrigger Whitsunday OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Stephen Lynes/Seconded-Pam Prescott
Mills Stephen – Coral Sea OCC – NQ Zone
Nominated by Nominated by Shane O’Hara/ Seconded- Darren Wall
Paine Leigh – Cradle Coast OCC- VIC Zone
Nominated by Mark Forbes /Trish Johnston
Ralph Simon – Mandurah OCC – WA Zone
Nominated by Colin Bartley / Julie Bartley
The Committee Elect:
Ron Grabbe, Sue Hallman, Michelle Lynes, Leigh Paine, Simon Ralph
7. Appointment of an Auditor:
This decision to be held over until the after the Special General meeting in which the audit report will be ratified.
Moved: Tuki Brown
Seconded: Anna Wood
Meeting Closed: 10.15 am
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