
Australian Flying Disc Association

Annual General Meeting


21 April, 2000

Friday at the Australian Ultimate Championships

Minutes of the AGM of the AFDA
Held at Nationals, Perth, WA
21 April 2000

Meeting opens at 6.30pm


The following members spoke at the meeting:

Padi O’Neill

John Greenfield (LTB)

David Lowe

Simon Farrow

Sandra Poon

Lisa Waters

Leon Smith

Jemery Day

Ian Hamilton

Chris Warris

Sally Basten

Tim Kannegeiter

Jason Ray

Colin Wagstaff

Nicole Shepherd

Piers Truter

Matt Boevink

Will Mitchell

Tom Brennan

Michael Cummings

Luke Mellor

Cameron Stone

Rebecca Humphries

many more present, around 60 at peak

State Reports

Victoria (Sandra Poon)

250 people at the Melbourne Hat. Currently have a 6 team league and a beginners league. Association has lots of money. Working on Sport and Recreation Bureau grant application. Representatives on AFDA exec to be Sandra Poon and Simon Gorr.

NSW (Simon Farrow) – written report tabled

3 competitions, 30 teams in 4 divisions. Women’s league of 4 teams, men’s league of 4 teams. Sport and Recreation Bureau grant of $5500 up from $3000 last year. Beginners director, Tim Kannegieter, organising beginners days. Newcastle has a 4 team league. Central Coast organised the Terrigal Towel which had 16 teams this year. Australian Universities Ultimate Championships (AUUC) 1999 held at UWS Macarthur with representation from 11 universities (4 brand new). Mixed Nationals, Savage Sevens etc. lots of successful tournaments. Representatives on AFDA exec to be Simon Farrow and Lisa Waters.

Tasmania (Jemery Day)

First tournament in 10 years held last year.

South Australia (Jemery Day)

AUUC to be held at Flinders in 2000. Pick-up twice a week.

ACT (Leon Smith)

Summer league had 150 people in 12 teams. Autumn league has two divisions for the first time – 10 teams in B league and 4 in A league. Held DisKapital 3 and April Fools Tournament. Received a grant of $500 from Sport and Recreation Bureau. Representatives on AFDA exec to be Leon Smith and David Lowe.

Western Australia (Chris Warris)

70 people at Nationals from WA. 8 teams in the Autumn league. John Damiani stepped down after many years as President last year in favour of Chris Warris. Representatives on AFDA exec to be Chris Warris and Melinda Biss.

Queensland (Matt Boevink)

Fees were increased and AFDA membership enforced but still have 114 people. There’s an 8 team league and the bottom team is having lots of fun. Have set a goal of 500 members after 3 years and 1000 members after 5 years. Representatives on AFDA exec to be Mat Boevink and Tim Ferguson.

National (Padi O’Neill)

Australian Sports Commission medals for 2000. Process of deciding who got them quite long and involved. Meeting shown a picture of medal. The Selection Policy for Australian teams was implemented by Jonathan Potts. The fee collection system was revamped after work by Leon Smith, David Lowe, Simon Farrow, Lisa Waters, Jonathan Potts and Padi O’Neill. Reconciled and audited books from Jan 1996 till March 2000 using MYOB First Accounts software.

Office bearer reports

Chair of Selectors (Jonathan Potts)

Padi pointed out the benefits of the new selection policy and was asked to defend it and the process involved from criticisms that had been made. JP pointed out that selectors’ original applications stated that they would attend Nationals, but they had later been unable to attend for various reasons and stood aside. The process has worked well in appointing replacements. Jason Ray stated that under the policy each person who was applying to play should have the right to have someone from their state on the selection committee to represent their interests. JP stated that the clause relating to Club teams handled that issue to some extent.

The primary criticism levelled at the process was the use of people not in Australia at the time of Selections. JP answered that he had received few complaints but believed that the process still worked.

Padi then raised the controversy regarding Nicole Shepherd, whose role as a selector had been questioned as she was not playing in a Women’s team at Nationals. There had been rebuttals from other Women’s selectors in favour of Nicole as they were happy because she will learn things from Feral etc. and she is heavily involved in developing the sport.

JP stated that he had heard nothing about this issue, and was disappointed that it was being raised in a public forum without raising it with him as the Chair of Selectors.

Sally Basten strongly defended Nicole, saying that she is ‘pissed off’ that this issue is being raised. Written applications were made and when Nicole was appointed it was known that she would be overseas for a period and playing with a men’s team. As a result there were 4 selectors appointed instead of 3. Nicole has played at World Clubs in the winning team and was one of their most valued players – what more could the women’s team ask for? We should be giving Nicole our support.

To do item 1

JP to write a report to the AFDA on how the process of appointing Selectors has worked.

Manager of Australian Teams for Worlds (Colin Wagstaff)

Training camp held in January, which went well. 69 people applied to go to Worlds. Only 27 men and 18 women paid up in the end so we won’t have a Mixed team. Masters team is to be organised through Padi. Money to be paid by 1 May, which is unfortunately quite close to Nationals when the teams will be announced. There’s a meeting on 25 April for those who get selected.

Manager of Sponsorship and Events (Will Mitchell)

OneSummer events were the main thing. Some venues were difficult to field, eg. South Australia. Cronulla and Coolangatta were highly successful with two TV interviews. Lots of flyers distributed. Miranda beginners’ league started as a result of Cronulla event. Channel 10 weather with Tim Bailey in Sydney was a spin off. Corporate Traveller 5 % off. Newsletter is important and would like to take it on.

Padi commented that the inclusion of ultimate into the OneSummer events was initiated by Funtastic and the AFDA made $8100 out of that.

O-week discs for universities didn’t eventuate. Rebel Sport discount is not effective in some states because store managers aren’t aware of it. Not many groups do it on a national basis. AFDA don’t get the 5% back yet.

JP raised the issue of membership cards as a possible solution for the Rebel Sport discount problem. Padi stated that the cards would be ready soon.

To do item 2

Membership cards need to be printed, preferably with details of Rebel Sport deal on the back.

Treasurer’s report (Padi O’Neill)

Auditor’s report was read: In the years leading up to 1996 records were haphazard. The financial statements for the period 1 January 1996 to 31 March 2000 were prepared within the Australian Accounting Standards.

The following states owe the AFDA the following amounts for unfinancial memberships over the period 1996-1999:


To do item 3

Padi proposes that the Executive should vote to cancel these as debts.

Constitutional amendments

Tom Brennan moved an amendment to the Constitution to allow amendments to be passed at the AGM or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. The wording of the amendment was as follows:


12.1 Proposed Alterations or amendments to the Constitution can be presented at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that express purpose.

12.2 Alterations or amendments to the Constitution will be determined by vote at the Annual General meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that express purpose provided the criteria set forth in Section 12.4 have been met.

12.3 A 75% majority of all votes received is required to amend the Constitution.

12.4 Each affiliated Association is to receive a copy of the Agenda and the exact wording of the proposed amendments to the Constitution at least three clear weeks prior to the General Meeting at which it is proposed to vote on the Amendments.

Motion was seconded by JP and passed. All were in favour apart from abstentions by Michael Cummings and Jason Ray.

Nominations were called for all the office-bearing positions for the 2000–01 membership year.


Nomination of John Greenfield (LTB) by Simon Farrow, seconded by Jemery Day. No other nominations received. LTB was declared elected after all voted in favour apart from abstention from Michael Cummings.

LTB took over the chair and thanked Padi by asking for 7 minutes applause for his 7 years work.


Nomination of Tom Brennan by Padi O’Neill, seconded by Sandra Poon. No other nominations received and Tom was declared elected.


Nomination of David Lowe by Jonathan Potts, seconded by Simon Farrow. No other nominations received and David was declared elected.

Chair of Selectors

Jonathan Potts re-appointed until Worlds by motion of David Lowe, seconded by Cameron Stone. Passed with all in favour apart from abstentions by Michael Cummings and Rebecca Humphries. John spoke in support of the work of JP.

Women’s representative

LTB stated that there is a need for more representation from women in ultimate and to pull more women into the sport. Helps with applications to government sporting bodies and getting publicity in magazines etc.

Nomination of Amanda Rutherford (in absentia) by Leon Smith, seconded by Lisa Waters. Nomination of Matt Boevink was declined. No other nominations received but declaration was held over to the Executive subject to acceptance from Amanda.

To do item 4

Check with Amanda Rutherford about her willingness to be Women’s rep.

Manager of Sponsorship and Events

Will Mitchell to be re-appointed by the Executive at a later Executive meeting.

To do item 5

Executive needs to re-appoint Will Mitchell as MSE.

Newsletter editor

Will Mitchell to be formally appointed by the Executive at a later Executive meeting.

To do item 6

Executive needs to appoint Will Mitchell as Newsletter Editor.

There was concern voiced about the editor being left with the whole burden of putting together the newsletter. However, Padi stated that at the end of the day one person should take responsibility.


Nomination of Martin Laird by Padi O’Neill, seconded by Lisa Waters. No other nominations received and Martin was declared elected.


No nominations were received but Executive will seek someone to develop a plan for high schools etc with a view to submitting a team to Worlds 2004.

To do item 7

Develop Juniors policy and seek a Juniors officer.

Plan for the year

Padi spoke about the disc golfers. Disc golfers in Queensland in particular don’t want anything to do with the AFDA.

LTB outlined his ideas for the year:


Newsletters are to be quarterly. Will be onto Will about that but it needs to have current information in it, which requires the input of affiliate associations.

Coaching manual

Coaching manual. Trying to get affiliation with the Australian Coaching Council so that ultimate coaches can be appointed in paid positions at universities. To use Manitoba Disc Association manual as a base.

General business

Executive is to vote on the location of next years Nationals. Rob Hancock Award to be announced at presentations on last day of Nationals.

David Lowe moved to ratify all amendments to constitution which had been provisionally voted on at Special General Meetings since last AGM. This was seconded by Simon Gorr and carried with the abstention of Michael Cummings.

To do item 8

DL to compile all ratified amendments into the Constitution.

Leon Smith spoke about the good work of Padi O’Neill over the years and moved that it be recorded in the minutes that the AFDA thanks Padi for his services.

Meeting was declared closed at 8.00pm.